Adding content

Adding content Jon Diamond

Drupal, being a CMS, has a number of facilities which enable us to add various kinds of content in ways that don't require extensive knowledge of HTML or even the creation of HTML pages. The guidelines provided here are those that will enable the BGA website to continue in its current format.

It is strongly recommended that these guidelines are used to add content as these not only produce a consistent style of page and website, but also provide facilities, e.g. an RSS feed and the navigation menu, as a by-product.

Note: It is extremely strongly recommended that whenever you're adding or modifying content that you press the Preview button before Submitting your updates. If you do then DON'T hit the back button afterwards to continue editing as you will lose your updates.

Note: When using URLs Drupal does not require that you include an extension, and arguably it's better if we don't use them in future. However, any reference to another page on the site must match exactly the URL that is allocated for the item in question. That is, if an extension is used when the item is created then it must be quoted in the reference. If not, then not.

Note: The PHP script for the News block on the front page shows the latest 5 Story/News items (not pages or other type of entries) that are created on the website.

News, Announcements and Other similar items

News, Announcements and Other similar items Jon Diamond

These items don't need to be created as separate pages, or even as part of existing pages, and may not need any HTML usage at all, or even assigning a page reference (URL). Using the Drupal Story concept will automatically ensure that each such item will appear as a separate item in the RSS feed. It is assumed that none of these items need to appear in the navigation menu.

In the Administer page go to Create content->Story (or use and then:

  • Title

    should include the word Tournament or Teaching Event if it is one (this duplicates the News type, but it appears in the RSS feed item)

  • News Type

    Always select the correct one (as this means that you can see all items of the same type together)

  • Tournament Date

    This and the following three fields should not be used except for Tournament Reports and perhaps Diary entries. The To Date should only be entered for a tournament/event over multiple days

  • Tournament Type

    Can be ignored

  • Venue

    Could be omitted, but it's desirable to have at least the town and postcode

  • Body

    Assumes the Input format defaults to Markdown (if not then change it):

    • Diary Entries should be entered as (mmm is Month and YY year)
      [Diary Entry added or updated](/tournament/index.html#mmmYY)
    • Tournament results should be entered as
      [Results added](/results/year/name.html)
    • Other Site Updates should be entered as
      [xxxx added](/page.html)
    • Any text can be used for all other News Types, with an internal link being entered simply as
    • It's highly desirable to include a picture of some kind. The following can be used as a template to display a picture on the right of the page with text wrapping around it:
      <img src="/files/tournaments/coventry2013.jpg" width="40%" class="float right">

  • All other options should normally be the defaults (URL path settings and Menu settings do not need to be used except in exceptional circumstances).
  • In the event of doubt the Publishing options should be

    Promote to Front Page (creates an RSS entry)

  • ALWAYS PREVIEW BEFORE SUBMITTING because it is liable to be sent out almost immediately and therefore any further change may not be seen by all recipients
  • When you're happy with what it looks like then press SUBMIT

That's it

  • There's no need to create a URL reference, unless this needs to be referred to from a menu, as Drupal handles all the internal references.
  • The list of new news items is generated automatically.
  • If you need to create another kind of link to this item then you can use /node/NNNN as the reference, rather than having to use a .html one.

New Pages

New Pages Jon Diamond

If you're adding a new (static) page to the site, which should happen infrequently now that the vast majority of the site is set up, then you need to consider whether the page should appear in the RSS feed. In general, we wouldn't expect such pages to be in the feed, but if it's a totally new aspect of information then it might be. If so, then look at the News, Announcements section.

Otherwise in the Administer page go to Create content->Page (or use the URL and then:

  • Title
    If a colon (:) is used in the Title, then any changes won't appear in the Site Updates lists
  • News Type
    Probably irrelevant
  • Menu settings
    link into appropriate place in the menu hierarchy
  • URL path settings
    Only need to be used when this page is to be linked to explicitly from another page. This may not be necessary if it is only used by clicking on the left hand side menu (see below). In any event you could use /node/NNNN as the reference, rather than having to set up a specific path (with possible clashes).
    Section 6 provides some guidelines for creating an appropriate URL.
  • Menu settings
    Link into appropriate parent in the menu hierarchy (not to a disabled item)
    Note: you may need to change the weight in order for this item to appear in the correct order in the children of this parent. Drupal normally order things in alphabetic order otherwise. You must supply a title that will appear in the menu hierarchy (typically an abbreviation of the page title)

Creating a new URL

Creating a new URL Anonymous (not verified)


Hyperlinks Anonymous (not verified)

Book and Hardware/Software Reviews

Book and Hardware/Software Reviews Jon Diamond

There have been no updates to these since 2015

These can be added as either Story's or normal Pages (depending on whether or not you want them to appear in the RSS feed), but with the News type of Book Review or Software Review.

In order to ensure they appear in the correct order in the Reviews list you need to enter the date or the review into the Sort field in the form: ccyy-mm.

The start of the review should be in the following format (assuming Markdown input), to ensure consistency and that the correct BGJ is shown in the Review list (note that there is a blank line between the date/picture and the reviewer):

<i>BGJ 154 Winter 2010</i>
<img src="/files/review_winninggo.jpg" class="floatright" width=300>

<i>Reviewer: Glynn Forsythe</i>

In addition a reference should be added to the relevant page about that issue of the BGJ, i.e. /bgj/bgjNNN.html, in the form:

<li>Book Review: <a href="URL (node/NNNN)">TITLE</a></li>

Tournament Results

Tournament Results Jon Diamond

Tournament results are normally added as new Pages with a type of UK Tournament Results or Foreign Tournament Results as appropriate. There will often also be a separate news Story with type of UK Tournament Report or Foreign Tournament Report.

The generation of the results cross-table is an automated process invoked by this page.

This will take an email address and a file on your machine, which should be the web file output from the godraw program, e.g. EastMidlands_11.web, convert it and mail back to the email address an email whose body is the converted file.

The Page should be created with an appropriate title such as "East Midlands Tournament Results". As well as the type field, enter the Tournament Name field and the Tournament Date in the fomat shown. If it lasts more than one day also enter the End Date.

Paste in the portion of the converted file from the email from below the skeleton date line to the end of the table. You can also add extra paragraphs of information about the event such as location, handicap system used or associated events.

If the event has many rounds you can narrow the width of the Country column by changing its title to "Cy" in order to reduce the width of the table.

Set the url of the page to be eg results/2011/eastmidlands

Add the new page to the results index for the year eg /results/2011 (access e.g. via Tournament Results tab, Year Lists). The link should be e.g. /results/2011/eastmidlands and is normally already there, commented out at the top of the page to allow easy cut and paste, for events that happened the previous year. This list should contain all UK and Ireland events where the results are available.

The winner should be recorded in the Tournament record itself. Accessed via Current title holders page and click on the previous year's winner.

If it is British Championship event then the /bchamp section will also need updating and possibly also the points tables in the /reps section.

If a youth event or young players have taken part, then the Junior Section may need updating - for a news item, the list of winners, or the Youth Grand Prix Points. Ensure the Junior Section editor is informed.


Documents Jon Diamond

When adding a new document that mainly intended to be browsed online, such as this one, the recommended format is as a Book. Drupal generates a table of contents, browsing within the various pages (back, forward, up and down) and also has a user option to produce a printer-friendly version of the whole document, omitting all the website header/footer etc.

In the Administer page go to Create content->Book Page and then create a page for each section:

  • Title
    It's recommended, but not essential to include a section number (if any) followed by period. (See Weight below)
  • Parent
    All pages except the first page have the first page as their parent (first page = )
  • News type is probably irrelevant
  • Body
    If you need a sub-section heading then encase it in <h2>...</h2>
  • Weight
    Probably not needed to be used if you use section numbers and there are less than 10 sections as Drupal will automatically sort the other sections into the correct order and create a menu of subsequent pages on the first one.
    In other conditions use a number between -15 and 15 to sort pages into the order you want (lower numbers are first).
    Note: it may be easier to get it into the correct order by going to the Administer Page->Books and editing the outline screen after all the sections have been entered.
  • Menu settings
    For first page only link into appropriate place in the menu hierarchy if appropriate (not to a disabled item)
  • URL path settings
    Only need to be used when this page is to be linked to explicitly from another page. This is probably necessary only for the first page. In any event you could use /node/NNNN as the reference, rather than having to set up a specific path.
  • Publishing options
    Promoted to front page should be OFF, except for the First Page WHEN you're happy that the whole document is correct and notification of it is to be published via RSS notification.

Our Drupal system is configured so that the Book Navigation Block appears to the right of every book page. It is recommended that when you create the first page of a Book that you configure this block to exclude the first page of the book, as otherwise this will duplicate the automatically generated table of contents at the bottom of the page.

Note: There is a list of all created Books available from the Administration System.

Uploading Files

Uploading Files Jon Diamond

Files that are only likely to be referenced from a single page can be added at the same time as you enter the page or news item. You do this by using the File Attachment option and selecting the local file for uploading. However, please note that all these images will be loaded into the /file directory, so if the local file name is already in use then Drupal will automatically load the file using a slightly different name. You can reference the image using
<a img src="/files/xxx.extension ...
(see more in section 5) or a document using
<a href="/files/xxx.extension>document name or title</a>

Files that are likely to be used more widely, or that should be part of a more organised folder structure, e.g. the British Go Journal, can be uploaded by FTP. Contact the webmaster for help and advice on this.

In general files should be uploaded in a neutral format and proprietary formats should be avoided. It's also desirable that formats that prevent the inclusion of viruses should also be avoided - this means that we don't recommend the use of Microsoft Office formats (no matter what software produces them).

  • For photos and other images the recommended format is JPEG - extension jpg
  • For documents in a printable format this is Adobe's PDF - extension pdf
  • For editable documents the main suggestion is Rich Text Format - extension rtf, but other formats are also acceptable since this format doesn't necessarily support the desired content/format

The system holds a list of valid file extensions and the maximum file size for upload; these can be changed if need be (the last changeable for each user).

But, in any event if this sounds too prescriptive, remember that our mantra is Content is King, so upload the content even if you break these rules.

Adding Images

Adding Images Anonymous (not verified)

Tournament Entry Forms

Tournament Entry Forms Jon Diamond

We don't have a standard entry form available, but you can create your own by copying another event's, either as an html page or as a pdf document. We can link to these from the calendar and your tournament's record.

You can alos set up a regsitration form using our Registration System.