
British Go Journal No. 0. Spring 1967. Page 1e.

The problems to all these solutions are to be found on page 1c.
Solutions 1..4 are on page 1d.

Some of the BGJ article had poor typing, as a result some parts are ambiguous. Where I am unsure of what was meant in the article, HTML comments are embedded in this page.

[Next] moves to the answers for the next problem.

[Next] Solution 5a

This leaves a good play later for Black at triangle.

Solution 5b

But if White plays this 8', Black responds as Soln 5b.

Solution 5c

And if White plays this 6', we get Soln 5c.

Failure 5d

White 4 is necessary for life.

Failure 5e

Failure 5f

(1 & 2 are the same as in the correct answers.)

[Next] Solution 6a

This is joseki.

Solution 6b

This is joseki.
[Modern Joseki theory prefers White 5' one space above Black 4, rather than where shown. Refer to 'Get Strong at Joseki Vol 2'.]

Failure 6c

Although this is a joseki, it leaves a weakness at A for Black.

[End] Solution 7a

White must play 4, otherwise Black plays there and captures the stones by a snapback, this retains* sente.
* BGJ uses "gains" not "retains"

Failure 7b

Failure 7c

White 2 tenuki
White 6 at triangle

In failure 7b, 1 loses sente but leaves the reduction later of 3..5, again losing sente.
In failure 7c, if White does not answer 1, Black can play 3..6 gaining an extra 5 points with* loss of sente.
* Presumably 'move 2' is the loss of sente.


This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 0
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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