Winchester Go Club

The Winchester Go Club exists to play and promote the game of Go, the ancient board game from the Far East, known as igo (Japanese) or weiqi (Chinese) or baduk (Korean).
We meet every Wednesday from 7:30pm. until 11:00pm.
We meet in
The Black Boy Public House,
1 Wharf Hill,
Bar End,
SO23 9NQ.
It is easy to find, just off the M3.
(They do very good beer, and food too - another reason for coming along).
There is convenient car parking near by. The train service is good, although the station is some 1.8 kilometres away. The bus station is about 0.8 kilometers away.
We have 5-7 players showing up every week, another 5-10 players who come occasionally. We run a ladder to help with handicapping. Our regular players are 1 dan, 1 kyu, 6 kyu, 9 kyu and three players around 12 kyu. Beginners are more than welcome.
We are very happy to offer teaching games, game reviews, advice on areas for study and suggested study sources, in particular YouTube, other videos, web-sites and books.
We used to be called "Hursley Go Club" as the founding members were based at IBM Hursley, 10 kilometres away. When we moved the club to Winchester we changed the name to "The Winchester Go Club".
We are affiliated to the British Go Association. There is plenty of information about Go on their site.
We also have a Google Group "Winchester Go Club" which you are invited to join and keep us all up to date with what is happening.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.