British Championship

British Go Journal No. 55. March 1982. Page 15.

Matthew Macfadyen

Game 3

This was the third year in which Terry Stacey had challenged me for the British Championship, and the match was our closest one yet. The first two games were presented in the last issue of BGJ, readers may recall that I won the first game, and Terry the second. Here we give the remaining games.

Black: Terry Stacey, 5d
White: Matthew Macfadyen, 6d

Date: 1981-10-05
The game-file in SGF format.

The series is continued from game 2 on page 12 of BGJ 54.

Figure 1 (1-100)

The third game was my most clear cut win, Terry handled his weak group 13, 21, 23 etc. clumsily, and almost forced me to make a huge territory in the corner. After this his best chance lay in finding an effective attack on my invading group 64, 66 etc. but nothing turned up.

Figure 2 (101-170)

White 152 at triangle.

Black resigns after 170.

[Start] The article continues with game 4 on page 16.

This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 55
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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