There are many tournaments and other events held around the UK. Often these are run by clubs and are coordinated by us. We run the national British Go Championship, Pair Go Championship, Junior events such as the UK Go Challenge and some other tournaments. In addition there are team tournaments, teaching events and associated activities, and promotional events. Sometimes we host top events such as a European Go Championship or a game in a professional title match - see International Tournaments.
UK Tournaments
There are more than 30 open tournaments each year in the UK. They have different formats, styles and locations. Date and tournament information is published on our Events Calendar. We also publish here a list of all our current tournaments. The two main tournaments are the British Go Congress and the London Open.
We list the full results, plus news reports on each one. We also publish a list of Current Title Holders, which links to a listing of all past winners.
The top players in each event compete for points in the Stacey Grand Prix, Double Digit Kyu players (10 kyu and weaker) in their own DDK Grand Prix. and junior players in their own Junior Grand Prix.
If you're thinking of entering your very first face-to-face tournament then we have some advice for you.
If you are planning to organise you own tournament then see our Resources for Organisers.
Team Events
As well as the individual tournaments some team events are also held; sometimes an individual tournament will award a prize for the team or club with the best results. We have a list of team and Grand Prix winners.
Online Events
We run the British Go Association League Tournament as an online tournament.
We also field a UK team in the Pandanet Go European Team Championship run by the European Go Federation.
British Go Championship
We organise an annual multi-stage British Championship. This ends with a best of three or five games title match between the top two players that is usually broadcast live online, often with professional commentary.
We award trophies for this and several other Championships including the British Open, British Lightning, British Small Board, British Pair Go, British Pair Go Handicap, British Open Team, Online League and Stacey Grand Prix.
Pair Go
Pair Go is the mixed doubles of the Go world. We hold an annual championship every year; a unique and highly social event held within the spirit of Pair Go.
UK Go Challenge
There is an active Junior Go program of events including the annual British Youth Go Championship and the UK GO Challenge for schools.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.