Club Organisers' Handbook
1.1 Overview
This document is intended to be a standard source of information on organising Go playing, teaching and publicity. It is aimed mainly at British readers, but is much more widely applicable.
The chapters contain gleanings from many years of experience, from several people, of Go organisation in Britain. If your preferred methods are not included, don't take it as a criticism – you could even email us so that they can be added.
Material presented here may be copied as long as it is done to further the interests of Go playing and is credited to the BGA.
The Club Organisers' Handbook has gone through various editions over the years, with contributions from a number of people - including Andrew Ambrose-Thurman, Tony Atkins, Sam Bithell, Edwin Brady, Ian Davis, Geoff Kaniuk, Toby Manning, Dan Milne, Jenny Radcliffe, Paul Smith, Nick Wedd, Willemien, and many others.
1.2 The British Go Association
The British Go Association (affiliated to the European Go Federation and to the International Go Federation) is a voluntary organisation with elected officials, and exists to promote the game of Go within the British Isles. The BGA has existed for 50 years, and is actively involved in the organisation and co-ordination of tournaments. The BGA plays an active part in the European Go Federation, taking its turn to be the host to the annual European Go Congress.
Membership is open to all Go players on payment of a small annual subscription. Among the BGA's activities are the following:
- The British Go Journal (in hardcopy) is distributed free to members and includes instructional articles as well as news items.
- The BGA website includes pages of news covering UK and European tournaments and events.
- Members of the BGA receive discounts on books, sets, and other supplies from our preferred supplier.
- A game analysis service.
- Provision of and subsidy for Go training sessions.
- Diplomas are awarded to all those who reach dan strength, according to the grading system maintained by the European Go Federation.
- A number of public-domain Go-related utilities, including Go-playing programs, are available from the BGA's web site.
- The BGA offers free web space to BGA affiliated Go clubs.
- Around 50 Go tournaments are held regularly in Britain each year. The BGA helps with the organisation of these, lending Go sets and clocks, and a draw computer, for a small levy.
- The British Go Congress is held annually around Easter time, and the British Championship later in the year. Other tournaments are not run by the Association, but are assisted, and coordinated and advertised by it.
- The British Championship is organised annually.
- Each year the BGA selects British Go players to compete in various European and World tournaments.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.