BGA Online Go Congress 2021
Congress Dates : Saturday 20th February to Sunday 7th March
The BGA is pleased to announce its first Online Go Congress. This is intended to be a friendly event providing opportunities to play good quality Go during the current pandemic. The Congress will consist of several parts, and entry is open to all.
There are four different tournaments - see below for details. We will also have two 30 minute lectures from Mateusz Surma (2p), winner of the European Grand Prix Finale in 2020. Mateusz has kindly offered to do some game reviews for us to share, please indicate on the entry form whether you would like to have a game reviewed (if chosen).
We would like to thank our sponsors
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1. Open Tournament ** Entries are now closed **
This is a 6-round McMahon tournament, held over the first two weekends. It will be a Class 'C' EGF rated event.
Players are free to miss out some rounds, as long as we know in advance please.
The schedule is:
- Round 1 : Saturday 20th February at 14:00 GMT
- Round 2 : Sunday 21st February at 10:00 GMT
- Round 3 : Sunday 21st February at 14:00 GMT
- Round 4 : Saturday 27th February at 10:00 GMT
- Round 5 : Saturday 27th February at 14:00 GMT
- Round 6 : Sunday 28th February at 14:00 GMT
This will be played on OGS using AGA rules. Time limits will be 1 hour then 3*30 byo-yomi.
The exact number and type of prizes will depend on the number of entrants. Organisers decisions are final. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:
- 1st / 2nd / 3rd overall - £50 / £30 / £20
- Best Dan players performances (most wins) outside the top three
- Best Kyu players performances (most wins)
- Best Youth performances (most wins)
In line with EGF best practice we will be employing anti-cheating measures, in this case the service will be provided by Antti Tormanen.
2. Small Board Tournament ** Entries are now closed **
This will be played on OGS on 13x13 boards in tables (groups) of four, with the tables reallocated between days according to results.
Games will be played by AGA rules and handicapped according to the Cambridge System. Time limits will be 20 minutes with 10 stones in 1 minute Canadian overtime.
- Rounds 1-3 on the evening of Friday 26th February from 19:30 GMT
- Rounds 4-6 on the evening of Friday 5th March from 19:30 GMT
Small Board Tournament - Information
3. RenGo ** Entries are now closed **
This will be an informal event aimed at providing an opportunity to play RenGo for anyone who is interested. Pairs will not be restricted to mixed gender. This will be played on KGS. If you do not enter with a named partner we will attempt to select a partner for you. Games will be handicapped as appropriate. Time limits will be 30 minutes per side sudden death .
- 4 rounds on Saturday 6th March at 10:00, 11:45, 14:15, and 16:00. All times are GMT.
4. Youth Tournament ** Entries are now closed **
This will be played on 19x19 boards and open to all players aged under 18 years on the day of the event. Entry will be free of charge. Games will be played on OGS using AGA rules and time limits of 30 minutes per player and 10 stones in 1 minute Canadian overtime.
- 5 rounds on Sunday 7th March at 10:00, 11:30, 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30. All times are GMT.
Youth Tournament - Information
5. Pro Lectures
Mateusz Surma will give two 30 minute lectures on
- Tuesday 23rd February 19:00 GMT - "Strategy in the early middle game" aimed at 5 Kyu - 15 Kyu players
- Tuesday 2nd March 19:00 GMT - "Strategy in the early middle game" aimed at 1 Dan - 5 Kyu players
The lectures will use OGS and Discord. Full details of how to access them, will be issued nearer the time.
Entry Fees
Entry to the Youth tournament is free.
One standard fee of £4 allows you to enter as many of the other events that you want. Payment details will be sent by e-mail after you have registered.
** Entries are now closed **
A list of those entered for each event, updated daily, can be found here: Entries to date
For any queries, please contact
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.