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  • Feeling a bit isolated from the rest of the Go community, John Shafer, teacher at Tonbridge School in Kent, ran the first Tonbridge Tournament with the support of Colin Williams, president of the BGA.

    As a first time event this was very well run, and well prepared. There were 22 players on the day ranging from 4 dan down to 25 kyu (or thereabouts). The venue was excellent, and very comfortable, with good and plentiful coffee and biscuits laid on by the in-house catering service. Parking on the school grounds was convenient, and the High Street and the town centre is no more than five minutes walk away. It…

  • The BGA is holding a competition to redesign its logo, with full details, including background, a short brief, and details on how to enter to be found here:

    Entry is not limited to members of the BGA (though the final vote will be) as we want to encourage participation and engagement as widely as possible, especially among newer members of the community. As such, we would be grateful if the details could be shared by all, as far and wide as possible, both online and through word of mouth.

    Entries are limited to one design per person and submissions will close at 12:00 on 31st August 2024.

  • Eleven male-female pairs made it to the 2024 British Pair Go Championships. This time the organiser, Pat Ridley, used the Leicester County Bridge Club in the north of Leicester as the venue, following on from its use for Youth and Candidates' events.

    Unfortunately only three strong pairs attended to make the top group, with local player Toby Manning acting as a ghost. There were eight pairs in the handicap group with grades from 5.5k to 28k. A lot of these pairs featured youngsters from Cheadle Hulme, but also pairs from Wokingham and Lancaster attended.

    Winning all three games to win the Championship…

  • 2024 marks 30 years of Go in Durham, and coincidentally Round 1 of the Durham Go Tournament started with 30 people playing - with ranks ranging from 4d to 24k. It was held in Elvet Hill House, next to the Oriental Museum, as it has for the last few years.

    The top board was live streamed; this meant that people who couldn't make the tournament this year were able to watch along and we could also show it on the projector in the side room. Also in the side room there were free refreshments (tea, coffee, soft drinks, biscuits and cakes (as shown in the picture)), tables set out for game reviews and lightning…

  • The Not the London Open was held as usual at the London Go Centre over the second May Bank Holiday Weekend. The organisers were very pleased with 50 entrants from 7 dan to 19 kyu and also that professional Stanislaw Frejlak attended to give game reviews and commentaries.

    Winning the event with six wins out of six (including "lucky" wins against the 7 dans) was Ziyin Yuan (5d) from China who is currently living in London. He is shown here receiving the trophy from the professional. Second was Yicheng Xiao (7d) with five wins and third was Yuhang Xing (7d) with four wins. Best below-the-bar player…