
Our page of Frequently Asked Questions about Go is here.

If you need some information then you can use our Contact Page to find out our main contacts. However, there are several ways of finding the information you need that we'd like you to try before contacting someone directly. The main ones are:

  • The most frequent items you need are probably quick links at the top of each page.
    They're available on all except a very few pages
  • Use the Menu on the left if you're confident you know the section it might be in.
    A right-facing triangle shows that there's another level of menu when you click on this.
    A circle means that this is the bottom level.
    A down-facing triangle indicates the menu hierarchy you're in.
  • Enter some likely terms into the Search box on the top right
    This will take you to a page of entries, but this may be out of date.
  • Use Google to search: specify and add the search terms
    This will produce slightly different results to the above as a) it's slightly out of date, but b) indexes the PDF files we have and c) orders the entries differently.
  • If you're looking for recently changed information then use the Recent Updates link.
    This is a list of site changes organised by date updated. You can also sort it by title or page type.
  • If you're looking for recent news then use the Latest News link
    This list is displayed in date order. There is also an advanced news search option, which includes restricting searches by news category or by date posted.

Do you want to be told when there's new News? 

RSS feed Sign up to our RSS feed and news will be automatically delivered to your email inbox or News reader application. We've created a special RSS Help page for you if you're unfamiliar with this which has a number of tips to enable you to get our News feed in the way you like it best.

Facebook Facebook has tournament announcements as well as a copy of our RSS feed.

You can also get occasional news as well as discussion and comment by joining our Gotalk email list. There is also a Youth Go email list maintained by the Youth Committee.

Do you have some queries or want to use anything from this website in another website or publication?

Our usage policy is:

  1. Links to items within this website are permitted without any notification.
  2. Articles and photos may be reproduced for the purpose of promoting Go and not for profit, providing that the British Go Association website is attributed as the source, together with a link to the originating material, and the permission of the webmaster has been sought and obtained in writing in advance.
  3. Views expressed here are not necessarily those of the British Go Association, nor of the webmaster.
Last updated Mon Jun 10 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.