British Championship Title Match: 2004

The Players

The current British Go Champion was Matthew Macfadyen 6 dan.
He was defending his title against the Challenger, David Ward 4 dan.

The Score

Matthew Macfadyen won by three games to one, to be British Champion for the 20th time.

game no.12345Total
Matthew Macfadyenb -w +b +w + 3
David Wardw +b -w -b - 1

Game records:

Some pictures from the first game.

The Rules

The full rules are given here. The interesting bits are:
Time limitsEach player has three hours, plus Canadian overtime of ten moves in ten minutes.

The games started at 10 a.m. BST (09:00 GMT). There was a break for lunch, using a sealed move.

The Schedule

The schedule for the games was as follows:

1Saturday August 14thInternational Students House, Euston Road, LondonRon Polakhelped by the Central London Go Club
2Friday August 27thRenolds Building, UMIST, ManchesterCristian Pop, 7dduring the Mind Sports Olympiad
3Sunday August 29thRenolds Building, UMIST, ManchesterWang Hongjun, 7pduring the Mind Sports Olympiad
4Saturday October 9thWanstead, NE LondonAlexandre Dinerchtein, 1pduring the Wanstead Go Tournament
5(not needed)   

Broadcasting of the Games

The games were all broadcast, live, on the Kiseido Go Server, also known as KGS. This allowed them to be followed by anyone with a computer conencted to the internet and running Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, or some other Unix versions.

To follow any of the games, you could use the "Play Go Now" link from the KGS site; or you could download and install the KGS client program from their client download site. Either way, you would need a recent Java installation on your computer.

Once you had connected to KGS, you wnet to the "English Game Room", and looked for a game belonging to 'BGAadmin'. Anyone was able to join, and observe, the game. To avoid a lot of uninformed chat about the game (and about anything else) appearing in the game window and the game record, only players selected by 'BGAadmin' were able to chat.

The British Go Association pays the costs of the professional commentaries for these games. If you have enjoyed observing one, and are not a BGA member, you are invited to make a small donation.

Last updated Fri May 05 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.