
British Go Journal No. 8. Spring 1969. Page 1c.

The following is a list of the recommended handicap ratings of those competing at the Second British Go Congress:

3 dan (Class 14-15)
M.H. McAndrew
P. Anderson
A.M. Goddard
2 dan (Class 16-17)
J. Fairbairn
A.J. Daly
1 dan (Class 18-19)
S.T. Whang
J.C. Cock
S.S. Han
C. Irving
J. Barrs
1 kyu (Class 20-21)
A. Hall
J.S. Tilley
Y. Ra
2 kyu (Class 22-23)
R. Hitchens
3 kyu (Class 24-25)
D.G. Hunter
A.G.B. Cooper
F. Roads
C.F. Clement
4 kyu (Class 26-27)
M. Digby
J.D. Thewlis
6 kyu (Class 30-31)
J.K. Perring
T.M. Hall
R.D. Hays
7 kyu (Class 32-33)
J.E. Allen
8 kyu (Class 34-35)
R.H. Tipton
E.B. Nurse
A. Ruckin
B. Atkinson
R. Dennehy
9 kyu (Class 36-37)
C.P. Hatton
C. Durston
10 kyu (Class 38-39)
G. Gray
P. Langley
R. Walder
D.A. Love
C.G. Lloyd
12 kyu (Class 42-43)
Mrs. Hitchens
D.W. Knowles
R.V. Stephens
J. Cumpstey
13 kyu (Class 44-45)
W. Watson
15 kyu (Class 48-49)
J. Sichel
A. Sommerville
G. Firmin
16 kyu (Class 50-51)
P. Attwell
J. Moyles
C. Greef
D.G. Jones
19 kyu (Class 56-57)
D. Chandler
G. Snelgrove

Relationship between European class scale and dan/kyu scale.

The table has been incorporated in the above list and goes all the way to 26 kyu (Class 70-71)

The difference between two Dan/Kyu grades is one stone. Komi (of 5 pts.) is only given between players of the same grade. Hence, a 2nd Kyu player would give a 9th Kyu player 7 stones, and so on.


This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 8
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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