BGA Annual General Meeting

British Go Journal No. 12. August 1970. Page 4.

Fifty members of the Association attended the 1970 Annual General Meeting, held on Sunday, March 22nd, immediately after the Congress. John Barrs, as President, opening the meeting, read from the March Go Journal the Notice convening the meeting, and then called for the Secretary to read the Minutes of the 1969 AGM.

A discussion arose on the methods of organising future Congresses, but after a few minutes this question was referred to the Committee for further study. A vote of thanks was passed to the Organisers of the present Congress.

In his report the President said that the Association was functioning satisfactorily. He had represented the BGA at the European Go Federation meeting in Ljubljana in August 1969, and there had proposed and seen passed the return to the Japanese handicapping system readopted internally by the British Association at the 1969 AGM. He had obtained permission to hold the 1971 European Go Congress in Bristol.

On the question of Go sets he said that the first batch of 50 from Japan had been sold and another batch had arrived, but, due to the unexpected imposition of Customs Duty, would have to be sold at an increased price of 3. Ariel Productions Ltd were about to produce fifteen thousand more of their sets in an improved version.

The Treasurer, Bob Hitchens, said in his report that the balance sheet published in the March Journal showed a good build up of funds, which was necessary in the period before holding the European Congress. The supply of "Go Review", which had been erratic was improving.

The Secretary, Derek Hunter, reported that the Handicaps Committee, which had met after the Congress, had recommended 11 promotions ( page 1). Membership stood at 565, of whom 75 were unaffiliated to clubs.

A vote of thanks was passed to John Diamond for his working in starting and editing the Journal.

In the absence of any other nominations, the three Officers of the Association were re-elected. Nominated for the Committee were Paul Anderson, Michael Digby, Geoffrey Gray and Jon Diamond of the London Go Club, Graham priest and John Robinson of Cambridge, Francis Roads of Enfield and Andrew Daly of Reading. After some discussion on the size of the Committee, which has no Constitutional limit, all were elected.

The Committee proposal to raise the subscriptions to 3/- [15p] for club members met with an amendment proposing 4/- [20p] for club members and 6/- [30p] for unattached members. For the amendment it was said that that the Journal cost had increased even since the Committee proposal was made, that 4/- still did not cover this cost and that this figure was still very low. The amendment was eventually accepted by 25 to 13 and the motion by 26 to 6. The new subscriptions will apply for 1971.

Some possible sites for the 1971 British Congress were suggested, including Enfield and Norwich, but at this stage no concrete offers had been made.

There were no further matters raised.


This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 12
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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