Answers To "How Good Is Your Go? - Part 2"

British Go Journal No. 16. March 1972. Page 14.

The answers to the questions posed on page 6.
BGJ numbered the diagrams differently. Many of the terms used in this article are linked to the glossary definitions.

[Next] 4. Sabaki

Diagram 4

Ref. Diagram 4a

10 points - White 1 to 3 in Dia 4.
This white 1 is tesuji, and if black 2, hane, White plays 3, nobi. 10 points.
10 points - White 1 to black 8 in Ref Dia 4a.
This 3 is also a strong way of playing.
The plays from black 4 to 8 are forced. This seems good for Black but White has some good combinations in store: white A, black B, white C sagari (black D tsugi) brings White a profit. Then white E, nidanbane, is a severe tesuji. If black cuts at F, White plays G, black H, white C decides the fate of the left-hand side. 10 points for this sequence.
8 points - If you gave white E after white 1, black 2 in Ref Dia 4a.
Ref. Diagram 4b

Ref. Diagram 4c

Black 8 at triangle.
5 points - White 1 to 5 in Ref Dia 4b.
If black plays 2, ate, in reply to white 1, tsuke, then black 4, tsukidashi, he gets baad shape after white 5. Black 2' should be at A, so only 5 points for this answer.
0 points - Ref Dia 4c.
White's nidanbane is bad. When white plays 5, tsugi, black extends at 6. Even if white plays shibori at 7, after black connects at 8 White's position is in tatters. Therefore 0 points.

[Next] 5. Best Plays

Diagram 5

10 points - White 1 in Dia 5.
It is correct for white to fill in liberties from the outside. If black 2, hane, white 3, osae, and 5 seki is the correct answer for 10 points.
White can also play 5' at A to get the same result.
Ref. Diagram 5a

White 11 ko at triangle
Black 14 ko at 4.
Ref. Diagram 5b

5 points - Ref Dia 5a.
White 1 is not so good after black 2. White 3 and 5 are forced and black checks with 6 to 10. White can now get seki only by winning the ko.
Black 12 is an effective ko threat.
5 points for this answer.
3 points - Ref Dia 5b.
White 1 is bad. White is unconditionally dead after black 2. 3 points.

[Next] 6. Mannen-ko

Diagram 6

10 points - Black 1 to 6 in Dia 6.
With the ko in the left-hand corner in mind, the capture at black 1 is the important move. If after white 2, ate, black connects at 4, white plays A, black takes ko and white 3 threatens a large capture. Therefore black 3 is forced and white takes 6 stones at 4. After black 5, white has no more ko threats, so he must connect at 6. 10 points for this correct answer.
Ref Diagram 6a

8 points - Black 1 to 10 in Ref Dia 6a.
If white starts a ko fight with 4 after the exchange of 2 for 3 in answer to black 1, after the sequence to 10 white is 5 points worse off compared to Dia 6, so this scores only 8 points. White 2 and 6 can be played in reverse order in this sequence.
If white 2' is played at 4, black takes the ko at 5 and after white 2, black 7, white 6, black 3, white 8 the result is the same, so again 8 points.
Ref Diagram 6b

6 points - Black 1 to 9 in Ref Dia 6b.
Since white suffers a loss with this sequence in comparison with the previous one, 6 points. If white 6 is played before 4, also 6 points. White 8 instead of 6 would suffer a 2 point loss.
Ref Diagram 6c

5 points - Black 1 to 6 in Ref Dia 6c.
In comparison with the correct answer this sequence loses about 4 points, so score 5 for this.
3 points - Any other sequence reasonably close to the answers given.

Score Chart

Total your points and assess yourself according to the following table:
60-59 You could well be 4-dan, possibly 5-dan.
58-56 2 or 3-dan.
55-52 Shodan
51-44 1-2 kyu
43-38 2-4 kyu
37-32 4-6 kyu
31-25 6-9 kyu
Below 25 Below 9-kyu, otherwise you've got Go player's bottom, hallucinations or acute time trouble.


This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 16
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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