British Go Journal No. 19. January 1973. Page 3.
Chris Barton
This, the 19th edition of the Journal, carries three small innovations - the insignia [Ed: The Go kanji was printed upside down.] and the problem on the front page, and a "personal column", for want of a better description, also in this edition on the front page. Members are encouraged to send any items of interest or any notes of their requirements, whether it be for books out of publication, books to borrow or exchange, opponents to play against, or whatever. We will assist in any way possible. As regards the front page, we may introduce some diagrammatic emblem to represent the season of publication rather than give a month; there will be a small problem each month but, unless specifically requested to, we shall not publish the answer, since readers should be able to work it out. The one published this month should be solved by anyone from at least 15 kyu. Any comments? Incidentally, if you want to see your name in print, why not submit a small problem for publication?
It has been pointed out to me that we have not introduced ourselves, the Editorial Committee, as yet. We are Mike Cumpstey, Roger Hays and Chris Barton. Please write to any of us personally at Bristol if you have any comments or criticism on the Journal. We are always pleased to hear from our readers.
The A.G.M. of the B.G.A. will be held during the Congress at Edinburgh. It was hoped to print the B.G.A. Accounts in this edition of the Journal, but press date was early January, and the Accounts cannot be audited until February. It may be possible to distribute copies of the Accounts with the Journal, but they will in any event be presented to Members at the earliest opportunity.
We have been asked to bring two other points to the attention of members of the B.G.A. Andrew Daly has mentioned that he is prepared to comment on games submitted to him. He can deal with one or two a week. Readers are encouraged to record their games and submit them for comment to him - what better way to learn from ones mistakes than to have them pointed out and better alternative moves suggested? Games should be sent to either Derek Hunter, in the manner shown on the front page or to Bristol Go Club, for presentation to Andrew Daly. Secondly, David Ball of the Wycliffe Club at Stroud has suggested that a schoolboys championship be held. He leads a Club at Wycliffe school, members of which Club have achieved ratings of 10-kyu or so. Younger members please write, since, without some indication of the numbers that would be interested in such a competition, it is impossible to estimate whether it would be adequately supported in order to make it economically possible or attractive to competitors.
We have, we believe, achieved in this edition and in addition [Ed: edition?] 18 an acceptable standard of production. This standard can only be maintained if we receive from readers contributions of material for publication. Supplies of material are short, and readers are asked to spend perhaps half an hour of their valuable leisure time obtaining material for submission to the Journal, or in producing ideas for articles, or comments. As Members of the B.G.A. you are all in effect part of the writing staff of the Journal. It would be good to see more people make an effort on behalf of themselves and their fellow members.
This is a long screed, probably the longest editorial so far published in the Journal. We apologise, but are sure that you will agree that the items mentioned are all of at least some importance. Now, on with the show.
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.
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