British Go Journal No. 56. June 1982. Page 16b.
Norman Tobin
The AGM of the BGA was held as usual at the British Go Congress, on the 20th. March 1982, There were 24 members present.
The item that occupied most time was a long discussion of the Committee's proposal to increase the subscription rates for 1983 to 2, 4, 6, 8 for Student, Club, Unattached and Overseas members respectively.
In justifying the increase the Treasurer, Bob Thompson, mentioned growth of activities, inflation, reduced membership and investment for the future. Some members wanted the Committee to specify in advance what the extra money would be spent on. The new rates were eventually accepted by 15 votes to 9, after amendment of the overseas members' rate from 8 to 7.
In the election of Officers, Toby Manning was reelected unopposed as President. He said he was standing for the office for the last time, so presumably we shall have a new president by this time next year. Bob Thompson, who had taken over as acting Treasurer, was elected unopposed as Treasurer and I was elected unopposed as Secretary. There was an actual election for the five Committee places, in which those elected were Stuart Dowsey, Matthew Macfadyen, Richard Granville, Andrew Grant and Mike Cockburn.
There was some discussion of Go Tutor. Everyone seems to think the series is very good, but although everyone wants to read some more no-one wants to write them. This is a common feature of all our publications (please note - Ed.)
Mention was made of the European Go Congress for 1983, which will be held in Edinburgh, and the British Go Congress for 1983 which will be held in Warwick.
This brief account of the meeting cannot, unfortunately, convey any of the real flavour of the event, which was one of the most entertaining AGM's for some years.
Norman Tobin, Hon. Sec, BGA
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