Nothing Like The Sun

British Go Journal No. 60. September 1983. Page 6.

Black: Terry Stacey, 5d
White: Robert Rehm, 5d

The game-file in SGF format.

By the seventh round everyone except Robert Rehm was expecting Janusz Kraszek to win the tournament. Robert was thinking of 1979, when he had reached the eighth round two points clear of the field, but ended up third. Robert had appeared in the championship seven times before this year, and must be the strongest player never to have won it. His last chances to win this year were slipping away as he met Terry Stacey in the seventh round, but in any event he needed to win this game. Meanwhile Terry may have been thinking more of practice for the forthcoming British Championship but in any event is rarely seen playing to less than the limit. Comments are by Terry, based largely on those of Mr Yang, one of the Chinese representatives at Edinburgh.

Figure 1 (1-52)

  • White 10: Overplay - locally this should be 23 or 18. Tenuki would also be ok.
  • Black 11: If at 14 black would have a low position. The game sequence is probably good for Black.
  • Black 31, 33: Should play 37 immediately.
  • White 32, 34, 36: Should play 37 to squeeze black.
  • Black 37 etc: Permitting white 44 is not bad for Black.
  • Black 45: Wrong, since white is thick here.
    Black should play at A in Dia 1. I had considered this and was worried about the sequence to 6, after which A looks wrong,
    but Dia 2 shows what I should have done. The sequence to 13 there is good for Black.
    BGJ reads Fig 2 where it should read Dia 2
Dia 1

Dia 2

Figure 2 (53-100)

67 at 58
  • Black 61, 63: Bad but played to 'save face'. After Black's poor play in this area the game is close.
  • Black 69: Now quite small; B is more important.
  • White 70 to Black 87: Most of these plays should be on the right side - 93 for White, B for Black.
  • White 88: Better at 93. now Black can live easily after 91.
Figure 3 (101-159)

  • White 104: Bad - loses two points.
  • Black 113 seemed to take Mr Yang by surprise. It was meant to win the game but actually the exchange to 135 is about even.
  • Black 141 should cut at 144. The game sequence gives Black no profit while White gains teritory in the centre. Now White may be slightly ahead.
  • White 158: Something of a dame.

Mr Yang did not see the rest of the game.

Figure 4a (160-200)
BGJ had Fig 4a and 4b as one diagram, Fig 4.

Figure 4b (201-274)
BGJ had Fig 4a and 4b as one diagram, Fig 4.

249 ko at 165 square, 252 ko at 246, 254 connects at 165 square, 256 ko at white triangle, 259 ko, 262 ko, 265 ko, 267 connects ko, 269 at 250, 274 at 183 black triangle.

When it finished both players thought they had won.

Result: jigo.


This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 60
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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