
British Go Journal No. 63. November 1984. Page 25.

Richard Granville

Before taking up Go, I was a keen bridge player, and in fact I still subscribe to three magazines on the game. One common feature of these magazines is a competition for readers.

The competitions take the form of bidding problems, in which the readers' solutions are compared with those of a panel of experts, who not only give their answers, but add comments. Most problems result in three to six different bids, or answers, being selected by the panel. Each bid is marked, usually in proportion to how often it was selected. Go problems in magazines are, by contrast, notable in that there is normally only one correct answer, endorsed by a professional's signature. Often the problems suggest four or five solutions (A-E), but are constructed such that one is supposed to be clearly superior.

It seems to me that the format of the above-mentioned bridge problems is much more realistic; after all, when one plays a game of Go there is nobody to mark 5 different points on the board. Furthermore, there are often several solutions which, at least for amateur players, are equally good. For this reason, we have decided to run a regular competition for BGJ readers which follows the bridge-problem format.

In each issue we will present three positions, usually from the opening or early middle game. No solutions will be suggested. A panel of 'experts' is being recruited. These comprise strong British players (including Matthew Macfadyen), but also include at least one kyu player, who it is hoped, will represent the interests of the weaker players and provide a welcome balance.

The panel will be encouraged to explain their choices, and I shall act as arbitrator, awarding marks according to the concensus of replies. However I shall also feel free to award marks to moves that have a similar aim to those suggested by the panel, as well as consolation marks to other 'reasonable' suggestions.

The competion is open to all members of the BGA ('84 or '85) who are KYU PLAYERS as of 1 October 1984. There will be two prizes of £5 vouchers, exchangeable at the BGA bookshop. One of the prizes will be reserved for weaker players, so please state your grade when entering. [Details omitted.]

So come on all you kyu players, stir the grey matter and see if you can do better than some of these insufferable dan players.

Problem 1 Black to play

Problem 2 Black to play

Problem 3 Black to play

[Start] The results of this competition are on page 24 of BGJ 64.

This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 63
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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