Answers To Friesian Frolics

British Go Journal No. 66. November 1985. Page 30.

Matthew Macfadyen

The problems to these solutions are on page 14.

Shaw's position

Black's ridiculous looking move at 1 is the only way to live. White 2 is one way to fail - after 3, A and B are miai and the result is seki.

Feldmann's position

Black 1 is the correct way to start, but White 2 is very resilient. Black's next move is dfficult to find. If you think anything ordinary works, then you haven't found the best White reply. The answer is deferred to our next issue.

Siivola's position

White 5 at white square, black 6 at black square, white 7 at white circle, black 8 at black circle, white 9 at white triangle, black 10 at black triangle.

The short answer is that the position repeats iteself after 10 moves. The problem of proving that all the moves are forced is left to the reader.

Symmetrical position

Play at the centre of course! Black can capture one stone with 2 and 4, but after 5 the two snapbacks at A and B are miai, so black can't make an eye.


This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 66
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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