10. Cooperation with other Mind Sports Organisations

10. Cooperation with other Mind Sports Organisations Jon Diamond

10.1 General

We regard organisations supporting other Mind Sports as colleagues. We wish to continue cooperating with them in ways such as:

  • reciprocal advertising
  • sharing of venues and other resources
  • sharing of know-how

The editors of our publications (the Journal, Newsletter, web site and all promotional publications) will try to reflect that position.

10.2 Comparison with Other Games

Articles expressing an individual's personal preference for Go in a responsible way are welcome, but Council will support the editors of the above publications whenever they decide to edit out expressions of snobbery in comparison to other mind sports, and jokes that may give offence.

10.3 MSO

Mind Sports Olympiads present significant opportunities for outreach and for developing friendship and cooperation with other mind sports organisations. Council intends to continue participating in Mind Sports Olympiads and cooperating with their organisers.