Council Minutes 2021-06-04

BGA Council Meeting 2021-06-04

Held at: ZOOM conference call

Meeting started: 20:00


  • Andrew Ambrose-Thurman
  • Gerry Gavigan
  • Toby Manning
  • Matt Marsh
  • Peter Rootham-Smith
  • Richard Wheeldon
  • Colin Williams

Note - actions raised during this meeting and action updates are recorded on the outstanding actions list rather than directly in these minutes

1) Apologies

There were no apologies for absence

2) introductions for new Members

AAT and PRS were both warmly welcomed, and they gave a short introductory speech about themselves.

3) Minutes of Previous Meetings [2021-04-09]

Minutes of 2021-04-09 were approved

4) Committee Reports and Papers

4.1 Tournament Committee's Report

MM spoke to the paper he had submitted. He proposed that we combine the British Congress (which we hope to hold in Autumn) with the British Championship, whereby the top two finishers in the Congress who qualify for the Championship have a one match play-off at a later date (possibly alongside another tournament). This arrangement would be for this year only.

On a vote the proposal was passed nem-con.

The possibility of a British Congress was discussed. The target date is late September or early October. MM would prefer Letchworth as a venue, where the Candidates has been held in prior years. MM will inform the strong players list and GoTalk of the basic plan for the Championship. We will also put a similar note in the Newsletter.

MM will then research possible locations and dates for agreement before a wider announcement on the Congress can be made.

4.2 Publications Committee Report

There was a discussion around the production method for the BGJ, and differential membership pricing as per the recent AGM motion. It was agreed that colour throughout would be a good improvement. The Council agreed to ask the editor for a recommendation on the way forward, and that he also get a sample of the quality from the Parchments supplier.

It was agreed the differential pricing would be a £5 reduction for those not receiving the hard-copy. The chair of the Clubs and Membership Committee is asked to propose an implementation strategy for the new pricing.

RW stated preferences for a) avoiding small value refunds where possible, b) reducing the membership cost rather than increasing it, and c) making the change effective at the financial year end.

4.3 Website Migration Update

CW spoke to the update provided from Jonathan Chin on the state of the upgrade. CW will continue to liaise with Jonathan and report on progress.

This upgrade will simply migrate the entire website to Drupal 8, with current functionality still working. It was noted that Drupal 8 support ends on November 2nd 2021. CW agreed to check whether the current website theme has been migrated to Drupal 9 or not, which would simplify any upgrade to Drupal 9.

It was noted that we are still a long way distant from a modern responsive website suitable and tailored for use on mobile devices, and that the on-going upgrade has caused other ideas on improving the website to be put aside until the upgrade is complete.

There followed a discussion about understanding the state of the website and its contents. It was agreed that this will be taken forwards by the 'Website and use of Technology' Committee, being split off from the Online Committee. CW agreed to produce a draft Terms of Reference for both and circulate them to the Council.

4.4 Youth Committee Report

The Council noted the report presented by TM.

4.5 President's Report

The Korean Prime Minister's Cup is online this year, and Dylan Carter has volunteered. TM proposed that Dylan be our representative, and that he does not lose any 'Korea' points as a result. The proposal was agreed nem-con.

4.6 Treasurer's Statement

This has been a quiet period, with nothing major to report. With the T Mark Hall Foundation deciding to be wound up we anticipate between £5-10,000 to be donated to the BGA.

4.7 Clubs and Membership Report

It was hoped that the combination of a new Chair and the end of Covid would be a catalyst for a new relationship between the BGA and the Clubs.

RW asked for an update on the next report as to the number of clubs which were now open and meeting.

4.8 Player Development

GG said that the Bar-Low would be running in Autumn. He was still struggling though to understand from the higher-level players what they wanted, as they rarely respond.

4.9 London Report

GG was happy to say that the LGC was involved with the 'Hyper-Japan' Festival, running three lectures for total beginners. This led to a lecture to be given at UCL.

5) Other Items

5.1 European Women's Championship

Three options were discussed, run it face to face as planned, run it online, or cancel it. GG was not worried about the LCG being complete by then, as an alternative exists in the Polish Centre next door. It was agreed that the a decision was needed soon to allow people to apply for visas in time, and that July 4th, 2 months before the tournament, is a good target date for a decision.

5.2 Issues arising from the AGM

The BGJ having been discussed above, the governance question seemed to be the major topic.

The issue of proxy votes and amendments was discussed. For a corporation it is believed no amendments are allowed at a meeting, so proxy givers can always be sure of the motion to be voted on.

Given the low turn-out at AGM's there is a risk that garnering a number of proxy votes in advance could have an unbalancing effect on the outcome of some motions.

CW reported that the feedback at and just after the meeting was very strongly in favour of having online meetings in the future.

5.3 EGF AGM Agenda, issues arising

TM reported that he can only be there for the first third of the session, so would need to appoint a deputy for the rest. The BGJ having been discussed above, the governance question seemed to be the major topic. CW agreed to share the responsibility, but suggested a Council discussion just before the EGF AGM to come up with our response on any topics raised.

Changes to EGF subscriptions were discussed, this being a likely topic at the AGM. TM wondered if we should put in a proposal to the EGF? CW suggested instead we put in a set of principles we would want any proposal to meet. TM agreed to draft some and circulate for discussion.

MM highlighted that at the previous AGM the auditors raised many recommendations, which the EGF Board said they would implement. MM said we should hold them to account about what they said and confirm that the recommendations have been carried through. If not, what action should we take?

5.4 Roles and Responsibilities.

The following Chairs were agreed:

  • Youth - TM
  • Tournaments - MM
  • Marketing and Publications - PRS
  • Governance - TM for now, possibly Mohammed Amin if he is happy being co-opted onto Council (vote to follow)
  • London Liaison - GG
  • Online - CW
  • Website and use of Technology - CW
  • Clubs and Membership - AAT
  • Player Development - GG

It was agreed to discontinue the University Clubs Liaison Committee, as the Clubs and Membership Committee overlaps it. It was agreed to discontinue the External Relations Committee - as the role of the President covers it.

6) Review of Actions

The outstanding and completed lists have been updated to reflect the discussion and comments.

7) Any Other Business

7.1 Co-opt Mohammed Amin

The proposal by TM to co-opt Mohammed following his offer at the AGM was passed. TM agreed to contact Mohammed.

7.2 Stephen Tweedie

A proposal to co-opt Stephen was raised by MM, and passed. MM agreed to contact Stephen.

7.3 What do we expect of Clubs when we send enquiries on to them?

A broad ranging discussion was held. It was hoped that the new Clubs and Membership Committee would consider this problem as part of a programme of improving relationships with clubs.

It was noted that in France to be officially recognised as a club that is part of the FFG they have to be licensed by the FFG.

7.4 GoTalk

There was a discussion about how GoTalk should be moderated for the benefit of BGA members, and should it be for members only. CW said that he would look at the Terms of Use for GoTalk as part of his Technology Committee.

8) Date of next meeting

CW will issue a 'Doodle' for w/c 19th July, including options on the start time. This would need to be a Friday afternoon, or evening.

The meeting closed at roughly 22:30.

Last updated Fri Jun 11 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.