Our Promotional Material logos

The table below gives links to several forms of the British Go Association logo, and contributors should use these for all material published under our name on the web or paper. Most of these were produced by Andy Brixey starting from the original gohead12.gif and gohead1.gif images (with sizes in the file names), recent ones have been produced by Alex Rix. These are now the recommended versions. The colour for the word Go is Pantone Warm Red.

The .jpg images have a white background and the .png (the standard web graphic) and .gif images have a transparent background. The .gif ones are very small in size (3Kb) and are recommended for screen use only. The .png images scale very well, and smaller images have been produced by scaling down from Andy's large image. The .eps and .pdf images are inherently scalable and are the preferable options, although larger in file size (1.1Mb and 800K). Scaling up in display size from the smaller images is not recommended as pixellation may be caused.

We no longer quote the approximate size in mm for an image, because we don't know what screen or print resolution you'll be using. Typically screens use 72 or 96 pixels per inch and printers 300 pixels per inch or even higher for professional printing.

If you need a different sized image and don't have proper image processing software, then contact the webmaster who will arrange to get the file produced. Apart from a possible white background and a change in size, all the images look like this:

Last updated Sat Oct 14 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.