British Go E-Journal: July 1995
Issue 5. July 1995
Tournament News
Challenger's League (27/05/95-29/05/95)
Eight player all-play-all: Macfadyen 6, Cocke 5, Cann 4.5, Hall & Shepperson 4, Rix 3.5, Webber 1, Chetwynd 0.Scottish Open at Edinburgh (27/05/95-28/05/95)
This event is usually dominated by the Wanstead 4-dans who fail to get in the Challenger's. This year was no exception as Francis Roads easily won with six wins. Joint second were two-dans Tony Atkins and David Ward at the top of the group on four. Prizes were awarded in bands to Neil Ghani (1kyu Edinburgh), Simon Marlow (4kyu Glasgow), Jim Thompson (6kyu Leicester) and Nick Bethel (14kyu Dundee).British Youth/Schools Go (10/06/95)
In order to catch up on missing years this was the second schools event in six months. Attendance was rather poor. The under 18 prize was not contested, so youth champion was the under 16 winner David King (1kyu Brakenhale). Under 14 winner was Emma Marchant, under 12 was Tom Blockley and Under 10 was Sophia Ellul. No one would compete against home team Brakenhale for the Castledine Trophy nor for the Lightning Championship, so Brakenhale became the clear holders of the claim to best school.British Small Board Championships at Cambridge (11/06/95)
After a gap of over 10 years Cambridge club resurrected the British Small Board Championship. Games on 13x13 are really quite hard especially as there was a continuous full-board lightning in between. Last times winner, Francis Roads (4dan Wanstead), won again despite some scares. The kyu players section was won by Paul Hankin and Tom Sommerscales. Richard Hunter over from Japan won the continuous lightning prize.Leicester (17/06/95)
This year a new feature was a quiz based around board games set to the teams in between rounds. Winners of this were Swindon. In the go Matthew Macfadyen (6dan Leamington) was unbeatable as expected. Other prizes went to Jo Hampton (1dan West Wales), Stuart Brown (1kyu Hull), Gary Quinn (2kyu Teesside), Paul Clarke (5kyu High Wycombe) and George Haig (16kyu Swindon).Welsh Open at Barmouth (01/07/95-02/07/95)
The sun shone on the 40 players at the Welsh Open. Confusingly there were four F.Roads playing as the "Being Francis Roads" competition was open for the first time; it went on tie-break of facial hair to the 4dan version. As at Leicester Matthew Macfadyen was the easy victor. Mark Harrod (11kyu Brakenhale) was also unbeaten. Prizes for four wins went to Simon Shiu (3dan Teesside), Charles Leedham-Green (1dan Wanstead), Colin Adams (1kyu Preston), France Ellul (4kyu High Wycombe) and Keith Osborne (13kyu Wokingham).News
World Amateur in Tokyo
Winner was Hirata Hironori of Japan ahead of China, Hong Kong, Korea, USA, Taipei, Australia, Germany, Netherlands and Romania. Edmund Shaw (UK) was 23rd with 4/8.Feng Yun
Miss Feng Yun, Chinese professional, is now 8 dan for real and is again hoping to spend the autumn in the UK.British Championship
Shutai Zhang, the Chinese Doctor from London, is now playing challenger Matthew Macfadyen for the 1995 British Championship Shutai won the first game.Sample game
Attached is a sample game record from the "Internet Go Server" played between two players of around 1kyu/1dan level. It is in "Ishi" format suitable for Go Scribe or Many Faces of Go.For professional games on disc contact T. Mark Hall on 0201-7627-0856.
EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 WHITE: ODonnell 7k* BLACK: gbr 8k* RESULT: B+13.5 B 1 q16 W 2 q4 B 3 c16 W 4 d4 B 5 j17 W 6 r14 B 7 r12 W 8 p14 B 9 o16 W 10 s16 B 11 r17 W 12 n14 B 13 m16 W 14 r10 COM The next move was very difficult to me. ENDCOM B 15 c6 W 16 f4 B 17 d10 W 18 p11 B 19 o3 W 20 o5 B 21 r3 COM M4 was maybe better. ENDCOM W 22 r4 B 23 q3 W 24 m4 B 25 p4 W 26 p5 B 27 p9 COM I invaded because I felt I was losing the moyo contest. ENDCOM W 28 n9 B 29 o10 W 30 m11 B 31 r9 W 32 q10 B 33 q6 W 34 q5 B 35 n8 W 36 m9 B 37 r6 W 38 p7 B 39 p6 W 40 q8 B 41 q7 W 42 p8 B 43 r8 W 44 s5 B 45 q9 W 46 o7 B 47 o6 W 48 n7 B 49 n6 W 50 m7 B 51 s10 W 52 s11 B 53 s9 W 54 r11 B 55 o11 W 56 p12 B 57 m6 W 58 o4 B 59 p3 W 60 n3 B 61 s3 W 62 l6 B 63 s6 W 64 s4 B 65 s7 W 66 e16 B 67 d14 W 68 c17 B 69 b17 W 70 b16 B 71 d17 COM My aim was to isolate the invading stone letting W live in the corner. ENDCOM W 72 c18 B 73 d16 W 74 b18 B 75 b15 W 76 a17 PRISONER b17 B 77 d18 COM E6 was probably much better. ENDCOM W 78 e6 B 79 c3 W 80 d3 B 81 c4 W 82 d9 B 83 e10 COM Now I thought I had to go into the centre. ENDCOM W 84 c9 B 85 e9 W 86 d7 B 87 f7 W 88 f6 B 89 g7 W 90 g6 B 91 h7 W 92 h6 B 93 l5 W 94 m5 B 95 k6 W 96 l7 B 97 j6 W 98 j7 B 99 k7 W 100 j8 B 101 k8 W 102 j9 B 103 k9 W 104 j10 B 105 k10 W 106 k11 B 107 j11 W 108 h11 B 109 l11 COM Allowing the ponnuki was painfull. ENDCOM W 110 k12 B 111 l10 W 112 l12 B 113 m10 W 114 n10 B 115 n11 W 116 m12 B 117 k4 W 118 k3 B 119 j3 COM J4 maybe better. ENDCOM W 120 l4 B 121 k5 W 122 h3 B 123 l8 COM Should be H4, but I just pannicked. ENDCOM W 124 j4 B 125 j2 W 126 k2 B 127 m8 W 128 h2 B 129 j5 W 130 h4 B 131 n5 W 132 n4 B 133 j12 COM And I misread the ladder :-( ENDCOM W 134 j13 B 135 g14 W 136 h12 PRISONER j12 j11 B 137 b7 COM This was another difficult move. ENDCOM W 138 j16 B 139 h16 COM ODonnell 7k*: is entering byo-yomi ENDCOM W 140 h17 B 141 k16 W 142 j15 B 143 k17 W 144 g17 B 145 g16 W 146 f16 B 147 f15 W 148 h14 B 149 g15 W 150 d12 B 151 c10 W 152 b9 B 153 e12 W 154 e13 B 155 c12 W 156 e14 B 157 e15 W 158 d13 B 159 c13 W 160 c14 B 161 d15 W 162 f12 B 163 e11 W 164 g13 COM gbr 8k*: is entering byo-yomi ENDCOM B 165 d11 W 166 f13 B 167 b14 W 168 e8 B 169 g9 W 170 r18 COM I didn't fend off this invasion as I should, but the situation remains difficult to me. ENDCOM B 171 s17 W 172 q18 B 173 o18 W 174 n17 B 175 o17 W 176 n16 B 177 n15 W 178 m15 B 179 o15 W 180 l16 B 181 m17 COM I regret not playing M18 instead. ENDCOM W 182 l17 B 183 m18 W 184 l18 B 185 k18 COM Disastrous. ENDCOM W 186 m19 B 187 n18 PRISONER n17 n16 W 188 k15 B 189 h18 COM ODonnell 7k*: has entered byo-yomi again ENDCOM W 190 k19 B 191 f17 W 192 j18 PRISONER k18 k17 j17 k16 B 193 n2 W 194 m2 B 195 o2 W 196 r16 B 197 q17 W 198 t17 B 199 t18 W 200 t16 B 201 s18 W 202 f18 B 203 e17 PRISONER e16 f16 W 204 g18 B 205 m14 W 206 l15 B 207 o14 W 208 n13 B 209 r15 W 210 s15 B 211 q15 W 212 s14 B 213 q14 W 214 q13 COM gbr 8k*: has entered byo-yomi again ENDCOM B 215 t11 W 216 t12 B 217 t10 W 218 t3 B 219 t2 W 220 t4 B 221 s1 W 222 a12 B 223 b11 W 224 a11 B 225 b12 COM B10 better. ENDCOM W 226 b10 B 227 a13 W 228 a10 B 229 d2 W 230 e2 COM Maybee I should have connected to the three stones in the center first. ENDCOM B 231 c2 W 232 f8 B 233 f9 W 234 g8 B 235 h9 W 236 h8 B 237 d5 W 238 e4 B 239 o13 COM ODonnell 7k*: has entered byo-yomi again ENDCOM W 240 p13 B 241 a15 W 242 a16 B 243 e1 W 244 f1 B 245 d1 W 246 f2 B 247 h5 W 248 g5 B 249 n12 W 250 m13 B 251 f11 W 252 g10 B 253 g11 W 254 h10 B 255 m1 W 256 l1 B 257 n1 W 258 c7 B 259 b6 COM B8 better. ENDCOM W 260 b8 B 261 a8 W 262 d6 B 263 t6 COM I should play P10 first. ENDCOM W 264 p10 COM gbr 8k*: has entered byo-yomi again ENDCOM B 265 p15 W 266 o9 B 267 o12 W 268 s12 B 269 c19 W 270 b19 B 271 d19 W 272 e5 B 273 c5 W 274 n19 B 275 o19 W 276 l19 B 277 f19 W 278 g19 B 279 e19 W 280 l3 B 281 c15 PRISONER c14 W 282 a9 B 283 a7 W 284 g12 B 285 c11 W 286 PASS B 287 PASS COM End ENDCOM
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