Pandanet Go European Team Championship 2018/2019

Tournament Name
Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tournament Date
Tue, 2 Oct 2018 - Tue, 7 May 2019
Pandanet Logo

This is the 9th season of a team competition played online on Pandanet (IGS) in its own room called "EuropeanTeamChamp". Pandanet kindly sponsor the League, and the top four teams in the top division attend over-the-board finals at the European Go Congress.

The UK team is captained by Sandy Taylor. Matches are four players a side, made up of available players from the registered team. The Championship is split into four leagues, originally by average rating of the best team members, but with promotion/demotion from the previous year. The UK is in the B League, as last year. Games are played every three or four weeks.

For more information visit Pandanet Go European Team Championship.

Current season results and league tables

UK results for other seasons

Final score:
1 win, 3 draws, 5 losses
7th position

British Team

Name, IGS Handle, rating (grade)

  1. Andrew Simons, Uberdude, 2376 (4d)
  2. Bruno Poltronieri, FrenchDude, 2317 (3d)
  3. Chris Bryant, SimbaRules, 2284 (3d)
  4. Alex Kent, saraneth, 2284 (3d)
  5. Jon Diamond, mumps, 2253 (3d)
  6. Sandy Taylor, afar, 2224 (3d) -- captain
  7. Des Cann, Shuko, 2207 (3d)
  8. Tim Hunt, timhunt, 2192 (2d)
  9. Jamie Taylor, gloooomph, 2160 (2d)
  10. Joanne Leung, joannel, 2160 (1d)
  11. Toby Manning, TobyM, 1992 (1k)
  12. Jonathan McManus, Teddy, 1887 (2k)


02 Oct - Denmark19 Feb - Switzerland
30 Oct - Serbia 19 Mar - Norway
20 Nov - Belgium 16 Apr - Sweden
11 Dec - Netherlands7 May - Turkey
22 Jan - Austria


Tuesday 02 October - Denmark - 2-2

  1. Alex Kent (B) lost to Jannik Rasmusson (JRDK, 4d) by Resignation sgf
  2. Sandy Taylor (W) beat Mathis Isaksen (Yaka) by 1.5 sgf
  3. Des Cann (B) lost to Ruairi Powell (Ruairi) by Resignation sgf
  4. Toby Manning (W) beat Morten Eske Nielsen (Eske, 1k) by Resignation sgf

Tuesday 30 October - Serbia - 0-4

  1. Alex Kent (W) lost to Nikola Mitic (nidza92, 6d) by 17.5 sgf
  2. Sandy Taylor (B) lost to Dusan Mitic (StrayCat, 6d) by resignation sgf
  3. Des Cann (W) lost to Milos Bojanic (vathra, 3d) by resignation sgf
  4. Jamie Taylor (B) lost to Mihailo Jacimovic (hami, 3d) by resignation sgf

Tuesday 20 November - Belgium - 1-3

  1. Alex Kent (B) lost to Lucas Neirynck (Cucurucucu, 4d) by resignation sgf
  2. Jon Diamond (W) lost to Jan Ramon (janr, 3d) by 16.5 sgf
  3. Jamie Taylor (B) beat Lucman Bounoider (Xanthos, 3d) by resignation sgf
  4. Toby Manning (W) lost to Gabriel Mercier (Mollusque, 2d) by resignation sgf

Tuesday 11 December - Netherlands - 1-3

  1. Alex Kent (B) lost to Geert Groenen (GGroenen, 6d) by resignation sgf
  2. Jon Diamond (W) lost to Filip Vander Stappen (Mukti, 5d) by resignation sgf
  3. Des Cann (B) lost to René Aaij (vor09, 4d) by resignation sgf
  4. Jamie Taylor (W) beat Gerard Nederveen (Linley, 3d) by 25.5 sgf

Tuesday 22 January - Austria - 1-3

  1. Andrew Simons (W) lost to Viktor Lin (Sandmann, 6d) on time sgf
  2. Alex Kent (B) lost to Schayan Hamrah (schayan355, 5d) by 6.5 sgf
  3. Des Cann (B) lost to Bojan Cvjetkovic (Geas, 2d) by resignation sgf
  4. Joanne Leung (B) beat Lisa Mayer (Senffarbe, 2k) by resignation sgf

Tuesday 19 February - Switzerland - 2-2

  1. Andrew Simons (B) beat John Walch (Ectoplasm 4d) on time sgf
  2. Alex Kent (W) beat Armel-David Wolff (Lovebach, 4d) by 3.5 sgf
  3. Jon Diamond (B) lost to Fabien Lips (Fab, 4d) by resignation sgf
  4. Des Cann (W) lost to Flavien Aubelle (Flavi, 2d) by 19.5 sgf

Tuesday 19 March - Norway - 4-0

  1. Andrew Simons (W) beat Severin Hanevik (Radiohead, 3d) by 9.5 sgf
  2. Alex Kent (B) beat Heming Hanevik (Fears, 2d) on time sgf
  3. Sandy Taylor (W) beat Tomas Hjartnes (illegal, 2d) on time sgf
  4. Des Cann (B) beat Kjetil Hjartnes (kurtcobain, 2k) by resignation sgf

Tuesday 16 April - Sweden - 0-4

  1. Alex Kent (B) lost to Fredrik Blomback (FreddaSWE, 6d) by resignation sgf
  2. Jon Diamond (W) lost to Charlie Åkerblom (KaninSWE, 5d) by resignation sgf
  3. Des Cann (B) lost to Martin Li (MartinSWE, 4d) by 25.5 sgf
  4. Toby Manning (W) lost to Kim Johansson (KimSWE, 2d) by resignation sgf

Tuesday 7 May - Turkey - 2-2

  1. Andrew Simons (W) lost to Hakkı Burak Güner (Homunculus, 1k) by resignation sgf
  2. Alex Kent (B) lost to Uğur Arıkan (tcorc, 1k) by resignation sgf
  3. Sandy Taylor (W) beat Köse Ege (StonePilot, 1d) by Resignation sgf
  4. Jamie Taylor (B) beat Balcı Alper (cazalpha, 2k) by 18.5 sgf
Last updated Mon Oct 11 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.