Touch and Go - A Pilot Project for Go for the Visually Impaired in the UK
by Peter Wendes
Whilst Yuki Shigeno was staying with us last summer, our talk turned to the ways in which it is possible for people with a visual impairment to play Go. Yuki has featured this in her reports, and I thought it was a shame that Go was not available to the blind community in the UK.
When Yuki returned to Italy she sent me a 9x9 set which uses circular cut-outs in a two-layer laminated cardboard board, with flat plastic discs as stones. The black stones have a hole in the centre for identification, and the white ones are plain.
Sheila and I met the Consul-General, Minister Takeuchi, from the Embassy of Japan at a reception at the Japan Foundation shortly afterwards, and he expressed interest in introducing some V.I. sets to children in the UK. He promised to do some homework. In May I was called to a meeting with him and Mr Endo from the Japan Information and Cultural Centre where I was presented with five of the cardboard sets, and 13x13 and 19x19 sets which use raised lines and stones with a cross-shaped indentation on the underside to fit on the intersections.
I quickly found opportunities to put the sets to use. Jenny Tuck, an adviser for gifted and talented children in Surrey was able to include three V.I. children in a day I ran for ten schools on 3rd July, and both systems were enthusiastically received. I left one set at Sythwood School to enable work to start there.
We were pleased to receive a message of encouragement from Morino Sensei (9p). Yuki has relayed an invitation from Yasuda Sensei to Sheila and me to join him at a Go and Communication event in Nagano in November, and Yuki has offered to go with us to meet Morino Sensei in Osaka while were in Japan.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.