Go in Britain: 1967
In April 1967 45 players travelled to a go session at Trinity College Oxford. It was so popular it was suggested that this should be repeated in 1968 becoming the British Go Congress. Jon Diamond (3 dan) was second to Mr. Akimoto at the Nippon Club Tournament.
The 11th European Go Congress was held in Staufen, near Freiberg in West German wine country. Zoran Mutabzija (aged 22) of Yugoslavia was European Champion. Diamond made 7th place. Tony Goddard of Cambridge won the second division. Mr. Schilp of Holland was replaced by Mr. Paech of West Germany at EGF President.
Other news was R. Hays winning the Bristol Go Stone and the marriage on 10th November 1967 between two London Club players, Bob Hitchens and Mo Hook.
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