Scottish-born Winner of Scottish Open

Scottish Open
Sat, 28 - Sun, 29 May 2011

For the first time in many years, the Scottish Open was won this year not by a Scottish resident but someone Scottish-born - Sandy Taylor (2 dan Durham) - winning all five games to take his first tournament title. 23 players took part in total. A drop in local players was caused by the closure of long-term sponsor Real Time Worlds and a local wedding anniversary. A new sponsor, Denki (games software), ensured that, as ever, all players took away a jar of Dundee's famous marmalade. Prizes were also awarded to David Lee (2 dan Dundee) and Dieter Daems (9 kyu Leuven) for four wins out of five, and to Martha McGill (2 kyu Edinburgh), Boris Mitrovic (2 kyu Edinburgh), Tom Croonenborghs (1 dan Antwerp), Eugene Kee-Onn Wong (4 kyu Glasgow) and Andrew Thurman (7 kyu Durham) for three wins. Edwin Brady (1 kyu St Andrews) and Sandy Taylor (2 dan Durham) jointly won the Lightning tournament with three wins out of four.


Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
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