Isle of Man Prize List
Main Tournament winner: Matthew Macfadyen (6d Leamington) 5/5. 2nd in main tournament: Matthew Cocke (5d Epsom) 4/5. Other main tournament prizewinners: Oscar Selby (9k Epsom) 5/5, Paul Barnard (1k Swindon) 4/5, Richard Wheeldon (5k South London) 4/5, David Cantrell (5k South London) 4/5, Jil Segerman (9k Brighton/Arundel) 4/5.
Afternoon tournament winner: Shigehiko Uno (4d Tokyo Nihonkiin) 3/3. Other afternoon tournament prizewinners: Brian Timmins (9k Shrewsbury) 3/3, Peter Collins (1k Bristol) 2/2.
Handicap Tournament winner Edmund Smith (15k Milton School, Cambridge); he beat Oscar Selby by 1 point in the final round.
Continuous Lightning winner: Richard Hunter (3d Bristol); he beat James Hutchinson (1d Belfast) in the final. Richard Hunter also won the 13x13 in a similar way.
Rengo Tournament: winners Shigehiko Uno (4d) and Keiko Uno (25k), both from Tokyo Nihonkiin; they beat Edmund and Paul Smith in the final.
Children's Tournament was a team event between two teams and was won by Roella, Kelda and Edmund Smith, Phin Jones, and Keiko Uno (who consented to take part in the event as there was an odd number of children).
There was a sandcastle building competition won by a team of Bexfield and Selby people, assisted by Paul Barnard.
There was a cup decorating competition won by Charlotte Bexfield.
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