Cornel Burzo also wins British Open
As well as winning the British Lightning Cornel Burzo, 6d Romania, won all six games to win the British Open. He was two points clear of division 2 winner and runner up Robert Rehm, 5d Netherlands, division 2 runner up Bei Ge, 5d UK, and division 3 winner Felix Wang, 4d UK, and division 3 runner up Andrew Kay, 4d UK. Francisco Divers also did very well winning all six games. The trophies and prizes were all awarded based on divisions by grade.
Div 4 Francisco Divers, 1d UK
Div 5 Michael Charles, 1k UK, Runner-up Roger Huyshe, 3k UK
Div 6 Martin Harvey, 4k UK, Runner-up Wojciech Szychowiak, 5k PL
Div 7 Jan Willemson, 6k EE
Div 8 Gerry Gavigan, 12k UK, Runner-up Mikhail Mramorov, 13k RU
61 people took part.
Also receiving a trophy was event organiser Toby Manning who collected the Terry Stacey Trophy.
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