UK Youth Gobble Up Turkey

European Youth Go Team Championship (EYGTC)
Sat, 16 Jan 2021

Alison Bexfield writes:

In the European Youth Go Team Championship, our UK youth team won 5-0 against Turkey.

Having narrowly lost to Romania in round 2 we were facing a relatively inexperienced team from Turkey. This gave us the chance to offer a game to those members in the squad who had not played in the first two rounds.

Even though on paper we comfortably outranked our opponents on every board, the lack of over the board rated games during lockdown means that the stated grades do not always reflect reality for rapidly improving young players and so we could not be complacent.

However, our team of Jayden Ng (Under 20), Edmund Smith (Under 16), Lea Wong (Under 16 - actually under 12, but was playing up), Yanyi Xiong and Alexander Timperi (both Under 12) all played solidly to deliver a 5-0 win for the UK.

There is one round remaining in the tournament.

Last updated Wed Mar 31 2021.
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