UK Beats Spain
In the second match of the season in the C League, the UK team played Spain. Unfortunately for them their number one player, Óscar Anguila, was ill and so the team order was shuffled up with a reserve on board three. In the match the UK players outplayed their opponents to win all four games which moved the team up to second place.
Leading the C League with two wins is Ireland who beat Slovenia three games to one, with wins for Karl Irwin, Philippe Renaut and John Courtney, but a loss for Gavin Rooney.
Daniel wrote: I won playing Black against Ignacio Cernuda by resignation after 153 moves. It was a tight game all the way through with giant 40 to 60 point moyos and cutting points at the boundaries. AI sensei says barely any mistakes were made for the first 70 moves or so. After White invaded my lower side, AI sensei said the game was even. I thought I had to kill the group, and it turned out to be ko. I thought White could have lived near unconditionally. But my opponent didn't seem to notice the ko or was overconfident of making another eye in the middle of my 40 point moyo. AI sensei at low playouts thought my opponent was dead, but also thought I was leading slightly if it was ko due to threats against his moyo, which surprised me. However, the other eye couldn't be found after I connected my boundary solidly and pinched tightly to falsify his eye. In the end I was leading by 73 points.
Bruno wrote: I won as White against Joan Alemany by 32.5. In the opening, Black opted for a large territory on the left side in exchange for letting me settle my groups on the bottom side. This left Black with a floating group in that area which is how I eventually won the game. On the top side I played normally and my opponent made a few dubious decisions, giving me a lot of influence and giving him another unsettled group. I was able to pull off a kind of double attack, which led to a severe attack on the earlier floating group. I didn’t really execute it correctly, but a few more mistakes on my opponent's side when he was very low on time allowed me to kill it.
Alex wrote: I managed to win my game playing black against Juan Francisco García de la Banda (Paco) by resignation. The opening was very tight, as you might expect given that my opponent was playing Mirror Go. Eventually I got a little tired of this and engineered a way to play tengen at a reasonable time (the AI doesn't strongly object) and things got interesting. We both played the same invasion, but with very different results and the game remained balanced. The turning point was a flawed reduction turned invasion that my opponent played on the lower side - I was able to refute this with a bit of careful calculation. As an aside: I do like the integration Pandanet now has with the AI sensei website. This offers some very smooth post-game analysis.
Scott played Jesus Roldan in a long game in which Scott appeared to be ahead, even after a corner seki, but the game count only gave him one and a half ahead. Actually the komi was wrongly set and so it was a comfortable win after all.
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