Ziyin Yuan Wins Not the London Open

Not the London Open
Sat, 25 - Mon, 27 May 2024

The Not the London Open was held as usual at the London Go Centre over the second May Bank Holiday Weekend. The organisers were very pleased with 50 entrants from 7 dan to 19 kyu and also that professional Stanislaw Frejlak attended to give game reviews and commentaries.

Winning the event with six wins out of six (including "lucky" wins against the 7 dans) was Ziyin Yuan (5d) from China who is currently living in London. He is shown here receiving the trophy from the professional. Second was Yicheng Xiao (7d) with five wins and third was Yuhang Xing (7d) with four wins. Best below-the-bar player was Alistair Wall (2d) and best Single Digit Kyu was Chun Yin Ng (2k) ahead of Ai Guan (1k) and Richard Wheeldon (1k). John McAnally (7k) won five games. The top Double Digit Kyus were Lev Proleev (10k), Angus Macindoe (10k) and Horace Stoica (11k). Yicheng Xiao won the Lightning on the Sunday evening, with runner up Peikai Xue (4d).


Last updated Thu Jul 11 2024.
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