
British Go Journal No. 0. Spring 1967. Page 1a.

John Diamond
Trinity College, Cambridge

This is the first of what, we hope, will be many issues. It will be published five or so times a year, the size will depend on the response to this issue. The subscription will be 6d [2½p] per issue for members of the British Go Association and 1s [5p] per issue for non-members, more copies of this and future issues will be available at the same price. All subscriptions from a club should be sent in by the secretary, who will have to distribute the copies.

Membership of the British Go Association costs 2/6 [12½p] for members of an affiliated club and 5/- [25p] for unattached members. Members may obtain Go Review, price £3/10/- [£3.50] a year, from R. Hitchens, address omitted, back numbers can be obtained, price 5/- each or 2/6 each for three or more, from J. Barrs, address omitted.

Copies of the Matsuda Go Letters, a complete course of instruction including many top professional games, can also be obtained for £4/4/- [£4.20] + 3/6 [17½p] for postage and packing by members, these orders and membership subscriptions should be sent to J. Barrs.

Those who wish to become subscribers to this magazine should send the appropriate [sic] for the next five issues to us, if you have any news, suggestions or questions please also write to us. We hope to have a readers column in the next issue, and possibly we could annotate some of your own games for a small fee, say 5/-, any questions that you'd ask we hope to answer, but we cannot guarantee anything, if you have any views on these and any other subjects please send us a letter.

The address for all correspondence is:-
J. Diamond, Trinity College, Cambridge.


This article is from the British Go Journal Issue 0
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.

Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.