Presidential Letter
British Go Journal No. 54. October 1981. Page 13.
Toby Manning
Although we try to keep the bureaucracy of the British Go Association to a minimum it cannot be eliminated entirely. Our membership secretary keeps membership details so that you receive the British Go Journal. Our treasurer ensures that financial affairs are properly conducted. The Committee organises liaison with other countries, and organises publicity etc.
At the end of this year the Association will be seeking replacements for at least two of its officers - the treasurer and secretary. Brian Philp stepped into the treasurer's office after a period of financial problems; he straightened out the accounts and ensured that the Association's money was correctly and properly accounted for. His loss will be deeply felt. Similarly, Matthew Macfadyen, after acting as secretary for four years, is not intending to stand for re-election at the next AGM. The association is very grateful for the work he has done for it during this time, and I am pleased that he is intending to continue to serve on the Journal Subcommittee.
Replacements for the Secretary and Treasurer will be needed, and I appeal to all BGA members not only to consider whether they might be in a position to volunteer, but also whether one of their friends might be in such a position. (Experience has shown that many members are prepared to help but have been reticent in putting themselves forward.)
In the past the BGA Committee has usually, but not always, met in London, because most of the Committee have been living there or in the home counties. Unfortunately this has led to a vicious circle, with members living outside London feeling deterred from standing for the Committee because it meets in London'. Artificially moving Committee meetings around the country is not really a good idea, but the Committee could improve its efficiency - and I include myself in this criticism - by getting the business over with quicker, thus requiring fewer meetings (currently it meets about every 6 weeks). This is something that I hope the committee will discuss at a future meeting; in the meantime, please would anyone interested in serving the Association but inhibited by distances discuss the problem with me or any other Committee member.
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.
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