Our Archive: Contents
Quick Update: Most of The Archive is now in Shropshire.
Box P is elsewhere, ref email 3/12/2013
- 3 more boxes arrived via the Cheshire Tournament, briefly examined. And stored with the rest.
- An un-named box arrived which just contains BGJ's looks fairly complete.
- BOX L also has lots of Journals + Company Registration and Documents relating to BGA Books Ltd (2 binders)
- BOX D (once N) Also includes Council Minutes(2 Binders - 1996-2000, and 2001-2004)
- Items that I propose be sold, given away, or destroyed - this would include several duplicates, as well as material that seems to be of little lasting quality/interest (e.g. Go Weekly). Maybe we could offer most of the (non-Japanese) foreign language stuff to the appropriate national Go Association, before offering it for sale?
- Material of doubtful interest/value - probably the largest category, by volume. I would like to include most of the John Barrs Japanese stuff in this category.
- Material of lasting value/ interest
- All BGA Council Minutes books.
- All substantive BGA publications, including the British Go Journal, as well as any books and booklets (perhaps excluding the newsletter).
- Documents relating to the founding of the BGA and its very early history.
- Newspaper and magazine reports on Go in the British Press - similarly in foreign publications if they explicitly relate to the UK.
- Substantive published material relating to British Go events, or by British residents - e.g. Trigantius Tournament booklets; John Fairbairn's publications.
- A library of all Go books published in the English Language.
- A collection of all magazines on Go published in the English language.
- promotional material; not all UK, some commercial
- BGA price lists (1973-1978)
- "Purchas his pilgrimage" - photocopies of title page and Go content - both the 1625 and 1626 editions.
- Some other BGA papers including a book Review of "Invitation to Go" and FMR's "My Life of Go"; some grading committee papers; some Cambridge Go Society stuff (including 2 photos - ? from first Cambridge Go Tournament)
- Flyers advertising tournaments,
+ maybe with results and some scoresheets - these are not all in UK + Occasional newspaper cuttings;
This is an annotated version of the contents of the BGA Archive. It was prepared by Harry Fearnley, a former BGA Archivist in early 2001.

There are 3 proposed categories:
These are marked
These are marked
These are marked
I was guided in making the above categorization by ideas in this very tentative outline:
The BGA Archive shall contain:
Box "A"
Box - 1992 The Hitachi 36th European Go Congress, Canterbury 1992
box is A4 * 8cm
- 15-page business plan for Congress
- 3 sets of "arrival handouts"
- EuroGo News: 1 (*2), 2(*2), 3-6
+ ? Photographs: approx 100, 5" X 3", Approx 30 have some names written on the back
- Game records: approx 100; mostly manuscript; many incomplete; players strengths accross the spectrum
- 5 different promotional sheets - some many copies.
24 March 1968 - 8 April 1973
2 May 1973 - 9 April 1976
11 April 1976 - 8 April 1978
28 April 1978 - 11 April 1981
8 May 1981 - March 1986
+ Box "B"
The American Go Journal
(See also Box H)+ Bound as one vol: Volume 1 Number 1 (Fall 1949) - Volume 8, Number 1 (February 1960)
+ Dictionary of Go names. John Fairbairn. Publ John Fairbairn, London; 1998
Various A5 booklets:
+ European Go Congress 1987, Grenoble; approx 100 pp; no game records; includes Computer Go bibliography and Ing Rules; publ EGF; 1987
+ Interpolis Go tweekamp 1985; 64 pp; Dutch language
+ Asien Title Games; Anton Steininger; 1985; 88 pp; publ EGF; English (40%) and German (60%) languages.
+ Tournament Schedule (1986); Anton Steininger; 1985; 42 pp; publ EGF; 26 page interview with GO Seigen (WU QingYuan) by TAKAGAWA Goro
+ 36th European Go Congress, Canterbury 1992; 80 pp; includes 42 games; 1994; publ BGA
? Go - The most fascinating game (Learning Go step by step - a beginners booklet); Frank Janssen; 1996; 36 pp; publ the European Go Centre; 2 copies
? Go - Step by Step (An introduction to Go Teaching Methods); Frank Janssen; 1996; 34 pp; A teacher's guide for use with "Go - The most fascinating game"; publ European Go Centre
+ Trigantius XXI, Cambridge 1997; British Women's World Qualifier 1997; 28 pp
+ Trigantius XXII, Cambridge 1998; 34 pp
+ Trigantius XXIII, Cambridge 1999; 32 pp
+ 13th Fujitsu Finals, 1999; 36 pp
- British Go Congress 1999, Abingdon; 15pp; Game record blanks, problems, etc; 2 copies
+ Go, the most challenging board game in the world; 1999; publ BGA
+ Organisers' Handbook; 31 pp; publ BGA; date unknown; second edition - first edition 1983
A5 leaflets:
+ Go Facts; 4 pp; undated typescript - ? 1989; publ BGA
+ Go Facts; 4 pp; undated - typeset; ? after 1989; publ BGA
+ How to Play Go; 8pp; 1989; publ BGA
? How To Play Go; 7 pp; date ?; publ ?; English style indicates translation from another language by a non-native English speaker - German perhaps.
+ Go, the most fascinating game; 6 pp; ? date; publ BGA
(each 80 pp; single game record; A6 format)
1997: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
1998: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Oct 1963
Jan 1954
WeiQi Magazine (Chinese Language, Beijing): 1985: 1, 2, 314th Meijin Sen - game 1, London, 1989/9/13-17; 18 pp; promotional booklet; 3 copies
14th Meijin Sen - game 1, London, 1989/9/13-17; photocopies of newspaper game record.
Kisei Sen - game 1, Amsterdam, 1996/1/17-18; 8 pp; promotional booklet
15th World Amateur Go Championship, Fuloaka, 1993/5/25-28; 21 pp; timetable, contestants, etc; Piers Shepperson represented UK.
Research Review (House magazine of the Laboratories of The General Electric Company Limited), Vol 5, No 5, Spring 1961; contains 2-page article "What is this Game called Go?"; author David A Fraser, Wembley - member of London Go Club.
Box "C" (Ranka and Go World)
1 Jan 1985 2 1986 - 2 copies 3 1987 - 2 copies 4 1988 - 2 copies 5 1989 - 2 copies 6 1990 - 2 copies 7 1991 - 2 copies 8 1992 - 3 copies 9 1993 - 3 copies 10 1994 12 1996 13 1997
[attempt to complete set?]
1 - 7 (May/June 1977 - May/June 1978)19 - 38 (May/June 1980 - Winter 1984-85)
Box "D" (John Barrs'collection)
All items are numbered: J001 etc for Japanese material; G001 etc for German material, and E001 etc for English material.
John Barrs' Books
J001 Hamete Kojiten 1 (Small dictionary of Traps); Kido Supplement; 1963; 157 pp; A6 formatJ002 Fuseki no Yoryo (Essentials of the Opening); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1957; 199 pp
J003 Suji to Katachi (Style and Good Shape); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1964; 204 pp
J004 Joseki Kyoshitsu 1, Tagaisen (Joseki classroom, Vol 1, Even Games); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1962; 204 pp
J005 Joseki Kyoshitsu 2, Okigo (Joseki classroom, Vol 2, Handicap games); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1962; 218 pp
J006 Naze naze cho (tesuji) (The whys and wherefores of tesuji); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1960; 112 pp; A6 format
J007 Tsugi no Itte: Uchikomi to Keshi (Next move: Invasion and Erasure); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 112 pp; A6 format
J008 Tsugi no Itte: Keisei Handan (Next move: Assessment and Prospects); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 112 pp
J009 Jotatsuho: 50 no hiketsu (How to improve: 50 secrets); Kido Year Book Supplement; no date; 127 pp; A6 format
J010 Jotatsuho: 32 no Kindate (Sabaki nerai chakuten) (How to Improve: 32 golden rules (moves aiming at sabaki)); Kido Year Book Supplement; 1961; 112 pp; A6 format
J011 Kono Itte: Fuseki kara chuban e (The precise move: from the opening to the middle game); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1960; 112 pp; A6 format
J012 Naze naze cho: fuseki, joseki (The whys and wherefores: fuseki and joseki); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1960; 112 pp; A6 format
J013 Kihon Joseki (tagai sen hen) (Basic Joseki: even game part); Kensaku SEGOE, Utaro HASHIMOTO; Kaoru IWAMOTO; 1956; 146 pp; Diagrams are in Japanese too; Dedication to London Go Club (10 May 1957)
J014 Osorubeki hamete (traps to be wary of); SAKATA Eio; 1959; 171 pp; publ Eishido
J015 Maeda Shokyu Tsume Go (Maeda's low kyu go problems); N. MAEDA; 1965; 152 pp
J016 Maeda Jokyu Tsume Go (Maeda's high kyu go problems); N. MAEDA; 1967; 152 pp
J017 Hoshi no iryoku (The power of the start points); A. HASEGAWA; 1964; 238 pp
J018 Shinsen Maeda Tsume Go Shu (New collection of Go problems by Maeda); N. MAEDA; 1959; 200 pp
J019 Tsume Go - Oku no Hosomichi (Tanoshimanagara chikara ga tsuku) (Tsume Go - the journey to the interior: improving while enjoying yourself); Utaro HASHIMOTO; 1961; 180 pp; ? signed by the author
J020 Shinsen Kihon Tesuji Shu (New collection of basic tesujis); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1958; 207 pp
J021 Maeda Chukyu Tsume Go (Maeda's middle kyu go problems); N. MAEDA; 1965; 152 pp
J022 Okigo Fuseki no Shokai (detailed explanation of Handicap game openings); Kensaku SEGOE; 1956; 200 pp
J023 Yoban no Sakusen (Opening strategies); Y. MURASHIMA; 1958; 206 pp; signed by the author
J024 Bekarazu cho (A book of dos and dont's); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1960; 112 pp; A6 format
J025 Hamete (Komoku) (Traps: based on the 3-4 point); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 79 pp
J026 Anata no Moten (Your blindspots); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 77 pp
J027 Ikan shite suteruku (sacrifice how?); SHINOHARA; Special issue of "Igo"; 64 pp
J028 Me no tsukurikata, me no tsubuhikata (How to make eyes, how to destroy eyes); Special issue of "Igo"; 1960; 64 pp
J033 Yose Tokuhon Vol 1 (Endgame Reader, Vol 1); Igo Kurabu Supplement; No date; 79 pp
J034 Yose Tokuhon Vol 2 (Endgame Reader, Vol 2); Igo Kurabu Supplement; No date; 79 pp
J035 Yose Tokuhon Vol 3 (Endgame Reader, Vol 3); Igo Kurabu Supplement; No date; 79 pp
J036 Tsuyoku naru Ekisu (Ways to become strong); R. MAGARI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1965; 64 pp
J037 Tsugi no Itte: Tesuji no chishiki (Next move: common sense in tesuji); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1954; 126 pp; A6 format
J038 Hitokuchi Jiten (Miniature Dictionary); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 158 pp; A6 format
J039 Kiryoku Tesuto (Go strength test); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 142 pp; A6 format
J040 Dankyu Tesuto: Yose-Shiniki hen (Grading test: Endgame and life-and-Death part); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 128 pp; A6 format
J041 Dankyu Tesuto: Chuban hen (Grading test: Middlegame part); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 128 pp; A6 format
J042 Joseki to Shiniiki Vol 4 (Joseki and Life and Death, Vol 4); MIYASHITA; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 54 pp
J043 Joseki to Shiniiki Vol 5 (Joseki and Life and Death, Vol 5); MIYASHITA; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 54 pp
J044 Joseki to Shiniiki Vol 6 (Joseki and Life and Death, Vol 6); MIYASHITA; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 54 pp
J045 Shitte okitai yasashii tesuji (Easy tesuji that you should know); Y. KANO; Igo Shunju Supplement; 1970; 64 pp; Some manuscript annotations in English
J046 Yose no Kiso Chishiki (Basic knowledge for the Endgame); Igo Kurabu supplement; 1962; 128 pp; A6 format
J047 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 1 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 1); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp
J048 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 2 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 2); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp
J049 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 3 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 3); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp
J050 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 4 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 4); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp
J051 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 5 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 5); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp
J052 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 6 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 6); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp
J053 Saishin Igo Zensho Vol 3 Fuseki (Modern Comprehensive Go Books; Vol 3 principles of Fuseki, Even game openings); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1953; 256 pp; The library also has a typescript translation into English of this book - E014; signed by John Barrs; binding badly damaged; heavy annotation; see also J071
J054 Shiniiki no Kiso Chishiki (Basic knowledge for Life and Death); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1962; 128 pp; A6 format
J055 Tagaisen no Kiso Chishiki (Basic Knowledge for Even games); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1965; 128 pp; A6 format
J056 Kore ga dekireba shodan (If you can do this you are shodan); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1964; 60 pp
J057 Chuban Koza Vol 1 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp
J058 Chuban Koza Vol 3 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp
J059 Chuban Koza Vol 4 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp; badly torn
J060 Chuban Koza Vol 5 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp
J061 Chuban Koza Vol 6 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp
J062 Tsuyoku naru shiriizu: Tesuji ni tsuyoku naru (Improve Your Go series: Improve your Tesuji); KUWABARA; 1964; 64 pp; Magazine Supplement
J063 Anata no ganryoku tesuto (test your reading ability); Reiko MAGARI, et al; no date; 64 pp
J064 Kimi ga uteba watashi wa ko utsu (If you play there I'll play here); Y. KANO; 1960; 64 pp; Magazine Supplement; *** CHECK TRANSLITERATION
J065 Kido Yearbook 1963
J067 Igo Gakko: Tagai sen (Go School: Even games); SHIMAMURA; 1958; 350 pp
J068 Igo Gakko: Okigo (Go School: Handicap games); Kaoru IWAMOTO; 1964; 289 pp
J069 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 1. Joseki; Kaoru IWAMOTO; no date; 263 pp
J070 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 2. Okigo Fuseki (Handicap Go Fuseki); KITANI Minoru; no date; 241 pp
J071 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 3. Tagaisen Fuseki (Even game Fuseki); Shukaku Honinbo (TAKAGAWA Shukaku); no date; 256 pp; see J053 and E014
J072 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 4. Fighting Tactics(1); KITANI Minoru; no date; 225 pp
J073 Anata no kiryoku to kifu no shindanshitsu (Diagnosis of your Go strength and style); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1965; 60 pp
J074 (Igo) Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Life Consultation Room) 5. Fighting Tactics (2); Kaoru IWAMOTO; no date; 64 pp
J075 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 6. Fighting Tactics (3); Shukaku Honinbo (TAKAGAWA Shukaku); no date; 257 pp
J076 Igo Kingenshu (A collection of Go maxims); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 117 pp
J077 Kihon shiriizu 1 : Joseki (Fundamental series 1: Joseki); Eio SAKATA; 1961; 221 pp; cased
J078 Kihon shiriizu 2 : Fuseki (Fundamental series 2: Fuseki); Eio SAKATA; 1962; 221 pp; cased
J079 Kihon shiriizu 3 : Tesuji (Fundamental series 3: Tesuji); Eio SAKATA; 1966; 221 pp; cased
G001 Go-Aufgaben Teil 6 (Go problems part 6); Manfred Venz; no date; ?? pp; 30 diagrammed problems (#151 - #180)
G002 Wie eroeffnet man eine Gopartie?, Bruno Rueger, Deutsche Go-Bund; 1964; 84 pp; softcover; signed "John Barrs"
E001 The Game of Go, the national game of Japan; Arthur Smith; Charles E Tuttle Co, Tokyo; 1956; 224 pp; softcover
E002 The Game of Wei-Chi; Count Daniele Pecorini and Tong SHU (with a preface by H A Giles); Longmans, Green and Co, London; 1929; 155 pp; some annotations; signed "John Barrs"
E003 Go Proverbs Illustrated; Kensaku SEGOE (Translated J. Bauer); Japanese Go Association; 1960; 262 pp; dedicated by Akio MATSUI to John Barrs; signed "John Barrs".
E004 The Vital Points of Go; TAKAGAWA Kaku; 248 pp; 1958; Japan; Inscribed gift from Akio MATSUI to John Barrs
E006 Steppingstones to Go; Shigemi KISHIKAWA; Charles E Tuttle & Co, Tokyo; 1965; 159 pp; hardback
E007 Go and Go Moku; Edward Lasker; Dover Publications Inc, New York; 1960; dedicated, and inscribed by the author to John Barrs.
E008 Matsuda Go Letters; Takeo MATSUDA; complete set bound as one volume: Vol I (1963, revised) Nos 1 - 36, Vol II (1963) Nos 1-36, Vol III (1964) Nos 1-36
E009 The Game of Go; John Barrs; Ariel Productions Ltd, London; ? date; 20 pp; Grey (soft)cover
E009 - as above, but published later; 19 pp; Blue (soft)cover; 3 copies
E010 Learn to Play Go; John Barrs and Akio MATSUI; International Go Friends Union; 1962; 48 pp; softcover; 3 copies
E011 Basic Techniques of Go; HARUYAMA Isamu and NAGAHARA Yoshiaki; 1969; 169 pp; Ishi Press; Berkeley, California.
E012 Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol 1; Eio SAKATA; publ Ishi Press, Berkeley, California; 1968; 175 pp; 2 copies
E013 Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol 2; Eio SAKATA; publ Ishi Press, Berkeley, California; 1970; 165 pp (pp 183-347)
E014 Articles on the Game of Go, Book III, "Principles of Fuseki" (Including 10 Master Games played by the Author); Honinbo Shukaku (TAKAGAWA Shukaku); 82 pp; Translator HANEDA Jiro; English preparation Roger A. Newlander ; publ AGA /Roger A Newlander; Typescript - translation only - no diagrams; see also J053 and J071
Box "E" (mainly Collections of papers)
No 10 - June 1975
No 13 - March 1976
No 14 - June 1976
No 15 - October 1976
No 17 - May 1977
No 18 - July 1977
No 19 - November 1977
No 20 - December 1977
No 22 - April 1978
No 23 - June 1978
No 24 - October 1978
No 25 - November 1978
No 26 - April 1979
+ Box "F" Go Reviews - incomplete - bound)
Go Reviews, bound as follows:
(1) Go Review 1961 (1-12)
(2) Go Review 1962 Vol 1 (1-6)
(3) Go Review 1962 Vol 2 (7-12)
(4) Go Review 1963 Vol 1 (1-6)
(5) Go Review 1963 Vol 2 (7-12)
(6) Go Review 1964 Vol 1 (1-6)
(7) Go Review 1964 Vol 2 (7-12)
(8) Go Review 1965 Vol 1 (1-6)
(9) Go Review 1965 Vol 2 (7-12)
(10) Go Review 1966 Vol 1 (1-6)
(11) Go Review 1966 Vol 2 (7-12)
(12) Go Review 1967 Vol 1 (1-6)
(13) Go Review 1967 Vol 2 (7-12)
(14) Go Review 1968 Vol 1 (1-6)
(15) Go Review 1968 Vol 2 (7-12)
(16) Go Review 1969 Vol 1 (1-6)
(17) Go Review 1969 Vol 2 (7-12)
(18) Go Review 1970 Vol 1 (1-6)
(19) Go Review 1970 Vol 2 (7-12)
(20) Go Review 1971 Vol 1 (1-6)
(21) Go Review 1971 Vol 2 (7-12)
Box "G" (BGA - mainly finances, 1965-79)
1967 - 1968
1969 - 1970
04/08/69 - 29/04/73 (1969/70 : postbook?)
01/05/73 - 23/07/74
22/07/74 - 01/02/76
02/02/76 - 06/03/78
Oct 68 - Dec 71
Jan 72 - Dec 73
Jan 74 - Dec 75
Beige Folder containing:
+ BGA Cash ledger (Notebook) : 10/2/65 - 17/3/67 (?)
+ BGA Bank statements Feb 65 - Nov 69 - ? complete
? Credit Notes 15 Mar 1975 - 11/7/79
+ Bank Paying-in book 10/2/65 - 15/7/66
? Bank Paying-in book 15/7/66 - 9/2/68
? Bank Paying-in book 16/2/68 - 18/7/69
? Bank Paying-in book 31/7/69 - 24/10/69
? Bank Paying-in book 4/1/1977 - 2/11/1978
+ BGA Cheque stubs: 19/2/65 - 6/9/67, 12/11/69 - 21/1/70
+ London Go Club Cash/Membership Book 1963 - 1972 (?)
? Box "H" (North American magazines)
? American Go Newsletter
Issue Numbers:
1990: 29 (Feb), 31 (Nov)
1991: 33 (Oct)
1994: 42 (Spring)
1996: 49 (Winter), 50 (Spring - * 2), 51 (Summer), 52 (Autumn)
1997: 53 (Winter), 54 (Spring), 55 (Summer), 56 (Autumn)
1998: 57 (Winter)
? Voice of American Go Movement
Issues 2 (June 1976), 3 (July 1976), 6 (October 1976)
? American Go Journal
(see also Box B)
1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) [ the webmaster assumes that this line is an error ]
Vol 9 (1974): 1(Jan), 2(Mar), 3(May), 4(Jul), 5(Sep),6 (Nov)
Vol 10 (1975): 1(Jan), 2(Mar), 3(May), 4(Jul), 5(Sep), 6(Nov)
Vol 11 (1976): 1 (Jan/Feb), 2 (Mar/Apr)
Vol 12 (1977): 1 (Jan/Feb), 3/4 (May-Aug), 5/6 (Sep-Dec)
Vol 13 (1978): 3 (May/Jun)
Vol 15 (1980): 1 (Jan/Feb), 2/3 (Mar-Jun)
Vol 19 (1985): 3 (Aug), 4 (Aug [sic!])
Vol 20 (1986): 1 (Feb), 2 (May), 3 (Aug)
Vol 23 (1989): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) -
each * 2
Vol 24 (1990): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) -
each * 2
Vol 25 (1991): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) -
each * 2
Vol 26 (1992): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) -
each * 2
Vol 27 (1993): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) -
each * 2
Vol 28 (1994): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) -
each * 2
Index: Vol 9 (1974) - Vol 28 (1994)
Vol 29 (1995): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 4 (Fall) - each * 2
Vol 30 (1996): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) -
each * 2, except #4
Vol 31 (1997): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 4 (Fall)
? Canada Go Gazette
1985: Fall1986: Spring, Summer(* 2), Fall(* 2), Winter
1987: Spring, Summer(* 2), Winter
1988: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
1989: Spring, Summer, Winter
1990: Summer, Fall
1991: Fall, Winter
Box "I" (various non-English magazines)
- Belgo
(Federation Belge de Go - Belgische Go Federatie)
7 (1986?)
28 (Oct 1992) - 38 (Apr 1995)
40 (Oct 1995) - 43 (Jul 1996)
+ Computer Go
Issue 1 (Winter 1986-87)
- Zurnal Go
1991 Dec 1991 (God. VI, br. 2)
- Spilt Melk
Issue 12 (Jan 1978) - 18 (Jul/Aug 1978)
- Go Magazin
Issue 4 (May 1977), 5 (Jul 1977), 8 (Jan/Feb 1978) -
12 (Sep/Oct 1978)
- Die Treppe
(Oesterreichische Go Zeitung)
Issue 11 (Oct 1969) - 19 (1971)
? Russian (Go Journal)
[English Language]
Issue 1 (Jun 1990) (* 2); 2 (Aug 1990); 3 (? date); 4 (? date)
- Seki
(Eine Zeitschrift fuer Go-spieler)
1971: 2 (Oct), 3 (Dec)
1972: 4 (Feb)
- Go (Revue Francaise de Go)
Issue 8 (Q4 1980) - 16 (Q4 1982)
? New Zealand Go Quarterly
1984: No 41985: No 3
1986: No 1 (* 2)
? New Zealand Go Journal
1986: Nov1987: Mar, Aug, Dec
1988: Mar
? Kiwi Go
(New Zealand Go Journal)
1990: May
1991: Jan, April, July, Oct (& Jan 1992)
1992: July, Oct
1993: March, August
? SAGA Go News
(South African Go Association)
1994: Jan (Vol 1, no 4); May (Vol 2, no 2)
? The South African Go Journal
1995 (Vol 3): Winter (1), Spring (2); Summer (3)1996 (Vol 4): Winter (1)
- Stone Age
(Organo ufficiale della Federazione Italiana Giucco Go)
1991: 2
1992: 6 (Primavera)
1993: 1 (Estate)
1994: 12 (Primavera)
? Newsletter of the Irish Go Association
1990: #4 : May - 2 sheets1993: #10 : Feb - 9 pages
1994: October
1995: July, November
- Go - EM - '88 Hamburg
booklets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
? Praha - The 37th European Go Championship (1993)
booklets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
? The 39th European Go Congress - Tuchola '95 Poland
booklets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Box "J" (Dutch Go Journal)
Go (Tijdschrift van de Nederlanse Go Bond)
1969-70: Vol 7: 4 (Sep 70)
1970-71: Vol 8: 1, 2, 3
1971-72: Vol 9: 1, 3(Jun 72), 4 (Sep 72)
1972-73: Vol 10: 1, 2, 3, 4
1973-74: Vol 11: 1, 2/3, 4
1974-75: Vol 12: 1, 3, 4
1975-76: Vol 13: 5
1976-77: Vol 14: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1977-78: Vol 15: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (* 2)
1978-79: Vol 16: 1
1983: Vol 20: 8
1984: Vol 21: 1-6
1985: Vol 22: 1-6
1986: Vol 23: 1, 2, 3, 4 (* 2), 5 (* 2), 6 (* 2)
1987: Vol 24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 - all 2 copies; 5 (1 copy)
1988: Vol 25: 1-6
1989: Vol 26: 1-6
1990: Vol 27: 1-6 (1 & 2 - 2 copies each)
1991: Vol 28: 1, 2 - one each; 3-6 - 2 copies each
1992: Vol 29: 1, 2, 3/4, 5, 6
1993: Vol 30: 1, 2, 3, 4/5, 6
1994: Vol 31: 1-6
1995: Vol 32: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
1996: Vol 33: 1, 2, 3, 4
- Box "K" (German Go magazines)
Deutsche Go Zeitung
1968: Vol 43: 5/6, 10/11/121969 1, 4, 5, 6
1970 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
1971 1-5
1972 1-6
1973 1-6
1974 1-6
1975 1, 2, 5, 6
1976 2, 3, 5, 6
1977 1-6
1978 1, 3, 5
1986 4
1987 1, 2, 3, 5, 6(* 2)
1988 2(* 2), 3, 4, 5/6
1989 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/6
1990 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1991 1, 2/3, 4(Oct-Dec)
1992 1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7/8, 9, 10, 11, 12
1993 1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7/8, 9, 10, 11, 12
1994 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12
1995 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 9/10, 11/12
1996 1/2, 3/4, 5/6
Go Mitteilungen (DDR)
1975: # 27: May/Jun1987: # 40: Jul/Aug
1988: # 43 (Jan/Feb) - # 48 (Nov/Dec)
1989: # 49 (Jan/Feb) - # 54 (Nov/Dec)
1990: # 55 (Jan/Feb), # 56 (Mar/Apr)
+ Box "L" (British Go Journals - incomplete)
British Go Journals:
No 0, Spring 1967 - Reprinted from the Web 1999(?)No 1, Summer 1967 - Reprinted from the Web 1999(?)
No 8 (Spring 1969) - No 22 (Jan 1974)
No 23 to be added
No 24 (July 1974),
No 25 (Oct 1974)
No 26 to be added
No 27 (April 1975) - No 29 (Oct 1975)
No 30 to be added
No 31 (March 1976) - No 118 (Spring 2000)
BGJ Index No 0 (1967)- No 100 (1995)
Box "M" (non-English mags; Japanese Go Weekly; BGA newsletter)
- Go Vjesnik
(Glasnik Go Igraca Jugoslavije)
1972: 1, 2, 3
? Go (4 MLU12):
6 pp; A4 format; English Language; Author NR;
Publ NR; date NR; beginners' tutorial
- New Zealand Go Society, newsletter:
1977: 9 (Apr), 10 (June), 11 (Aug)1978: June, October
- Die Treppe: heft 10, August 1969
+ Games and Puzzles, No 34, March 1975 -
article on Go; article on "Rosette" (hex Go variant).
- Go Weekly (Japanese newspaper)
(10 cm pile)1978: 53/03/21 - 53/10/24 (32 issues)
1987: 62/04/21
1989: 1989/08/29
1991: 1991/01/15, 1991/01/29
+ Go Tutor (complete)
(published by BGA)1 - 12 (Oct 1978 - Nov 1981)
? BGA Newsletter
1 (Feb 1982) - 109 (April 2000)(N.B. Missing: # 5 (? Oct 1982), # 9 (?May 1983))
Box "N" (Korean Go Monthly; LOGC; CLGC; How to Play Go)
- Korean Go Monthly
1997: 5-121998: 1-6
- "London Go Centre" T-Shirt -
size "S" - VERY Small
- Cotton Square (35cm * 35 cm) Calligraphy -
? on occasion of first round of Meijin Sen in London Sept 13-17, 1989.
- London Go Centre Newsletters (complete ?):
Oct 1975 - Nov 1978 : #1 - #19
- CLGC newsletters:
No 1 (Jan 79), No 2 (Feb 1979), No 3 (July 1979), Jul 1980,
Oct 1980, Feb 1981, Sep 1981, Sep 1984, Mar 1985, Feb 1986,
Jun 1986, Nov 1986, Apr 1987, Oct 1987 (2 copies), Apr 1989
+ ? How To Play Go (1983) Pack
Booklet (8 pp); pre-printed paper boards: 11*11, and 13*13;
Set of counters (Black and White)
Box "O"
(There is no Box "O")Box "P" (Annual Agglomerations 1971 >)
These vary over time. Early ones are generally less complete than later ones.They all contain a mixture of:
I just show the thickness of the file, and mention special items separately.
1971 (Envelope)
1 cm: EGC 1971, Bristol: EGF Admin; Finance; score blanks, etc Wessex 1971 summary results1972 (folder)
0.5 cm: BGC stuff; BGA Constitution+ 1973
0.2 cm: BGC; EGC; newspaper cutting; Wessex; Takagawa in London.
3 cm: Flyers and results for/of tournaments - various, both home and abroad. Envelope with 1/2 page details on all entrants to London Open!1977
+ 1978 (London Leningrad Telephone Go Match)
Some game records; photographs, etc;
1.5 cm1980
1 cm1981
1 cm1982
2 cm1983
1 cm1984
1 cm1985
0.5 cm1986
0.5 cm1988
0.5 cm1989
0.5 cm: 14th Meijin Sen, London 1989/09/13-171990
0.5 cm: Tournament Rules, EGF, August 19901991
0.5 cm1992
1 cm1993
1 cm1994
0.5 cm1995
1 cm1996
0.5 cm1997
1 cm1998
4 cmMissing Items
There is clear documentary evidence for the past existence of the following items, which I cannot now find in the Archive:Video:
Tom Widdicombe videoBooks:
J029 Waga Honinbo-sen no Bunseki (Analysis of my games in the Honinbo tournament); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1959; 344 ppJ030 Igo Daijiten, Vol 1 (Large Go Dictionary, Vol 1); T SUZUKI; ?? date; ?? pp; large boxed
J031 Igo Daijiten, Vol 2 (Large Go Dictionary, Vol 2); T SUZUKI; ?? date; ?? pp; large boxed
J032 Igo Daijiten, Vol 3 (Large Go Dictionary, Vol 3); T SUZUKI; ?? date; ?? pp; large boxed
J066 Fuseki to Joseki no Sogo Kenkyu (Comprehensive study of Fuseki and Joseki); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1957; 280 pp
E005 How to Play Go; Kaku TAKAGAWA; Publ Nihon Ki-in; date ??; ?? pp
Unlabelled: Goh or Wei Chi; HF Cheshire; 1911; ex-Cambridge!
American Go Newsletter Vol 6 l,2, Vol 7Canadian Go Journal S86, F86, S87, W87, W89, S90, F90, F91, W91
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.