Our Archive: Contents

Box A | Box B | Box C | Box D | Box E | Box F | Box G | Box H | Box I | Box J | Box K | Box L | Box M | Box N | Box P | Missing

Quick Update: Most of The Archive is now in Shropshire.

Box P is elsewhere, ref email 3/12/2013

  1. 3 more boxes arrived via the Cheshire Tournament, briefly examined. And stored with the rest.
  2. An un-named box arrived which just contains BGJ's looks fairly complete.
  3. BOX L also has lots of Journals + Company Registration and Documents relating to BGA Books Ltd (2 binders)
  4. BOX D (once N) Also includes Council Minutes(2 Binders - 1996-2000, and 2001-2004)
    1. Barry

      This is an annotated version of the contents of the BGA Archive. It was prepared by Harry Fearnley, a former BGA Archivist in early 2001.

      BGA archive

      There are 3 proposed categories:

      1. Items that I propose be sold, given away, or destroyed - this would include several duplicates, as well as material that seems to be of little lasting quality/interest (e.g. Go Weekly). Maybe we could offer most of the (non-Japanese) foreign language stuff to the appropriate national Go Association, before offering it for sale?
      2. These are marked -

      3. Material of doubtful interest/value - probably the largest category, by volume. I would like to include most of the John Barrs Japanese stuff in this category.
      4. These are marked ?

      5. Material of lasting value/ interest
      6. These are marked +

      I was guided in making the above categorization by ideas in this very tentative outline:

      The BGA Archive shall contain:
      1. All BGA Council Minutes books.
      2. All substantive BGA publications, including the British Go Journal, as well as any books and booklets (perhaps excluding the newsletter).
      3. Documents relating to the founding of the BGA and its very early history.
      4. Newspaper and magazine reports on Go in the British Press - similarly in foreign publications if they explicitly relate to the UK.
      5. Substantive published material relating to British Go events, or by British residents - e.g. Trigantius Tournament booklets; John Fairbairn's publications.
      6. A library of all Go books published in the English Language.
      7. A collection of all magazines on Go published in the English language.

      Box "A"

      + Press Cuttings: folder. Approx 30 cuttings; 1968 - 1997; Several cuttings not dated or attributed

      - Blue file: 3cm. odd mixture:

      1. promotional material; not all UK, some commercial
      2. BGA price lists (1973-1978)
      3. "Purchas his pilgrimage" - photocopies of title page and Go content - both the 1625 and 1626 editions.
      4. Some other BGA papers including a book Review of "Invitation to Go" and FMR's "My Life of Go"; some grading committee papers; some Cambridge Go Society stuff (including 2 photos - ? from first Cambridge Go Tournament)

      Box - 1992 The Hitachi 36th European Go Congress, Canterbury 1992

      box is A4 * 8cm

      - 15-page business plan for Congress

      - 3 sets of "arrival handouts"

      - EuroGo News: 1 (*2), 2(*2), 3-6

      + ? Photographs: approx 100, 5" X 3", Approx 30 have some names written on the back

      - Game records: approx 100; mostly manuscript; many incomplete; players strengths accross the spectrum

      - 5 different promotional sheets - some many copies.

      + BGA Minutes books: (Committee meetings and AGMs)

      24 March 1968 - 8 April 1973
      2 May 1973 - 9 April 1976
      11 April 1976 - 8 April 1978
      28 April 1978 - 11 April 1981
      8 May 1981 - March 1986

      + Box "B"

      The American Go Journal

      (See also Box H)
      + Bound as one vol: Volume 1 Number 1 (Fall 1949) - Volume 8, Number 1 (February 1960)

      + Dictionary of Go names. John Fairbairn. Publ John Fairbairn, London; 1998

      Various A5 booklets:

      + European Go Congress 1987, Grenoble; approx 100 pp; no game records; includes Computer Go bibliography and Ing Rules; publ EGF; 1987

      + Interpolis Go tweekamp 1985; 64 pp; Dutch language

      + Asien Title Games; Anton Steininger; 1985; 88 pp; publ EGF; English (40%) and German (60%) languages.

      + Tournament Schedule (1986); Anton Steininger; 1985; 42 pp; publ EGF; 26 page interview with GO Seigen (WU QingYuan) by TAKAGAWA Goro

      + 36th European Go Congress, Canterbury 1992; 80 pp; includes 42 games; 1994; publ BGA

      ? Go - The most fascinating game (Learning Go step by step - a beginners booklet); Frank Janssen; 1996; 36 pp; publ the European Go Centre; 2 copies

      ? Go - Step by Step (An introduction to Go Teaching Methods); Frank Janssen; 1996; 34 pp; A teacher's guide for use with "Go - The most fascinating game"; publ European Go Centre

      + Trigantius XXI, Cambridge 1997; British Women's World Qualifier 1997; 28 pp

      + Trigantius XXII, Cambridge 1998; 34 pp

      + Trigantius XXIII, Cambridge 1999; 32 pp

      + 13th Fujitsu Finals, 1999; 36 pp

      - British Go Congress 1999, Abingdon; 15pp; Game record blanks, problems, etc; 2 copies

      + Go, the most challenging board game in the world; 1999; publ BGA

      + Organisers' Handbook; 31 pp; publ BGA; date unknown; second edition - first edition 1983

      A5 leaflets:

      + Go Facts; 4 pp; undated typescript - ? 1989; publ BGA

      + Go Facts; 4 pp; undated - typeset; ? after 1989; publ BGA

      + How to Play Go; 8pp; 1989; publ BGA

      ? How To Play Go; 7 pp; date ?; publ ?; English style indicates translation from another language by a non-native English speaker - German perhaps.

      + Go, the most fascinating game; 6 pp; ? date; publ BGA

      - Baduk ?? (Korean Language)

      (each 80 pp; single game record; A6 format)

      1997: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
      1998: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

      - Igo (Japanese Language magazine)

      Oct 1963
      Jan 1954

      + Igo te cho (Go notebook/handbook); publ Nihon Kiin; post 1949; 64pp; A6 format; Japanese language

      + Igo Taikan - for beginner to 1 dan; AKIRA Nogami; 1956; A6 format - loose sheets, threaded with string; originally 200 problems, but damaged - missing first 30.

      - Go for Beginners; IWAMOTO Kaoru; publ Penguin; early Galley proofs

      - Toyota European Go Tour - Objectives and Structure and Rules and Regulations; 2000

      + Go Proverbs; David Mitchell; 1980; The Go Press; 62 pages A5, stapled.

      + Graded Go Problems for Beginners Volume 1 (30 kyu to 25 kyu) KANO Yoshinori; 1985; Nihon Ki-in; 226 pp

      + Graded Go Problems for Beginners Volume 3 (20 kyu to 15 kyu) KANO Yoshinori; 1987; Nihon Ki-in; 201 pp

      + "Nihon no Go - Go" (Bilingual Japanese - English); 1970; publ Nihon Ki-in for Expo 70; 47 pp

      + The 1976 European Go Championship (Cambridge), publ Dango Enterprises. - 40 page A5 booklet

      + Trigantius XX (The 1996 Cambridge Go Tournament); 16 pp; A5 format

      ? Asia and the Game of Go ; publ EGF; 16 pp

      ? Asia and the Game of Go - Teachers' guide; publ EGF; 16 pp

      + 1977 Kido Yearbook

      - Prize in presentation box: approx 20 * 25 cm; framed; Silver Go board and plaque on wood; Plaque inscribed "Herr ____ Aus ____ wird hiermit den II preis des V. Europaeischen Go-Kongresses in Oesterreich 1961 ehrenhalber gehabt. Die International Go-Association Tokyo"

      ? Go das 4000 Jahre alte Brettspiel Ostasiens; ? author ; Deutsche Go-Bund; 1969; 12 pp; 3 copies; softcover; 10 cm x 10 cm

      + Reversi & Go Bang; "Berkeley"; George Bell & Sons, London; 1890; 71 pp (of which 9 on Go Bang, based on Go Moku)

      + How to Learn Go with Ease; Masaki KURUMI; Nihon Ki-in; 1962; 83 pp; softcover

      + The SST Laws of Wei-Ch'i (11th edition); ING Chang-Ki; ING Chang-Ki Wei-Ch'i (Go) Educational Foundation, Taipei; 1986; 107 pp; softcover

      + Ars Electronica; Anton Steininger; Publ ?; 1990; 197 pp; softcover

      + Beige Folder

      WeiQi Magazine (Chinese Language, Beijing): 1985: 1, 2, 3

      14th Meijin Sen - game 1, London, 1989/9/13-17; 18 pp; promotional booklet; 3 copies

      14th Meijin Sen - game 1, London, 1989/9/13-17; photocopies of newspaper game record.

      Kisei Sen - game 1, Amsterdam, 1996/1/17-18; 8 pp; promotional booklet

      15th World Amateur Go Championship, Fuloaka, 1993/5/25-28; 21 pp; timetable, contestants, etc; Piers Shepperson represented UK.

      Research Review (House magazine of the Laboratories of The General Electric Company Limited), Vol 5, No 5, Spring 1961; contains 2-page article "What is this Game called Go?"; author David A Fraser, Wembley - member of London Go Club.

      Box "C" (Ranka and Go World)

      + Ranka Yearbook

      - [sell duplicates, keep single]

      1 Jan 1985 2 1986 - 2 copies 3 1987 - 2 copies 4 1988 - 2 copies 5 1989 - 2 copies 6 1990 - 2 copies 7 1991 - 2 copies 8 1992 - 3 copies 9 1993 - 3 copies 10 1994 12 1996 13 1997
      + "Go World" magazine (incomplete)

      [attempt to complete set?]

      1 - 7 (May/June 1977 - May/June 1978)

      19 - 38 (May/June 1980 - Winter 1984-85)

      Box "D" (John Barrs'collection)

      All items are numbered: J001 etc for Japanese material; G001 etc for German material, and E001 etc for English material.

      John Barrs' Books

      +: all E* titles, and all J* or G* with John Barrs' signature or dedication
      ? / -: all other J* titles
      -: all other G* titles

      J001 Hamete Kojiten 1 (Small dictionary of Traps); Kido Supplement; 1963; 157 pp; A6 format

      J002 Fuseki no Yoryo (Essentials of the Opening); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1957; 199 pp

      J003 Suji to Katachi (Style and Good Shape); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1964; 204 pp

      J004 Joseki Kyoshitsu 1, Tagaisen (Joseki classroom, Vol 1, Even Games); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1962; 204 pp

      J005 Joseki Kyoshitsu 2, Okigo (Joseki classroom, Vol 2, Handicap games); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1962; 218 pp

      J006 Naze naze cho (tesuji) (The whys and wherefores of tesuji); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1960; 112 pp; A6 format

      J007 Tsugi no Itte: Uchikomi to Keshi (Next move: Invasion and Erasure); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 112 pp; A6 format

      J008 Tsugi no Itte: Keisei Handan (Next move: Assessment and Prospects); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 112 pp

      J009 Jotatsuho: 50 no hiketsu (How to improve: 50 secrets); Kido Year Book Supplement; no date; 127 pp; A6 format

      J010 Jotatsuho: 32 no Kindate (Sabaki nerai chakuten) (How to Improve: 32 golden rules (moves aiming at sabaki)); Kido Year Book Supplement; 1961; 112 pp; A6 format

      J011 Kono Itte: Fuseki kara chuban e (The precise move: from the opening to the middle game); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1960; 112 pp; A6 format

      J012 Naze naze cho: fuseki, joseki (The whys and wherefores: fuseki and joseki); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1960; 112 pp; A6 format

      J013 Kihon Joseki (tagai sen hen) (Basic Joseki: even game part); Kensaku SEGOE, Utaro HASHIMOTO; Kaoru IWAMOTO; 1956; 146 pp; Diagrams are in Japanese too; Dedication to London Go Club (10 May 1957)

      J014 Osorubeki hamete (traps to be wary of); SAKATA Eio; 1959; 171 pp; publ Eishido

      J015 Maeda Shokyu Tsume Go (Maeda's low kyu go problems); N. MAEDA; 1965; 152 pp

      J016 Maeda Jokyu Tsume Go (Maeda's high kyu go problems); N. MAEDA; 1967; 152 pp

      J017 Hoshi no iryoku (The power of the start points); A. HASEGAWA; 1964; 238 pp

      J018 Shinsen Maeda Tsume Go Shu (New collection of Go problems by Maeda); N. MAEDA; 1959; 200 pp

      J019 Tsume Go - Oku no Hosomichi (Tanoshimanagara chikara ga tsuku) (Tsume Go - the journey to the interior: improving while enjoying yourself); Utaro HASHIMOTO; 1961; 180 pp; ? signed by the author

      J020 Shinsen Kihon Tesuji Shu (New collection of basic tesujis); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1958; 207 pp

      J021 Maeda Chukyu Tsume Go (Maeda's middle kyu go problems); N. MAEDA; 1965; 152 pp

      J022 Okigo Fuseki no Shokai (detailed explanation of Handicap game openings); Kensaku SEGOE; 1956; 200 pp

      J023 Yoban no Sakusen (Opening strategies); Y. MURASHIMA; 1958; 206 pp; signed by the author

      J024 Bekarazu cho (A book of dos and dont's); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1960; 112 pp; A6 format

      J025 Hamete (Komoku) (Traps: based on the 3-4 point); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 79 pp

      J026 Anata no Moten (Your blindspots); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 77 pp

      J027 Ikan shite suteruku (sacrifice how?); SHINOHARA; Special issue of "Igo"; 64 pp

      J028 Me no tsukurikata, me no tsubuhikata (How to make eyes, how to destroy eyes); Special issue of "Igo"; 1960; 64 pp

      J033 Yose Tokuhon Vol 1 (Endgame Reader, Vol 1); Igo Kurabu Supplement; No date; 79 pp

      J034 Yose Tokuhon Vol 2 (Endgame Reader, Vol 2); Igo Kurabu Supplement; No date; 79 pp

      J035 Yose Tokuhon Vol 3 (Endgame Reader, Vol 3); Igo Kurabu Supplement; No date; 79 pp

      J036 Tsuyoku naru Ekisu (Ways to become strong); R. MAGARI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1965; 64 pp

      J037 Tsugi no Itte: Tesuji no chishiki (Next move: common sense in tesuji); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1954; 126 pp; A6 format

      J038 Hitokuchi Jiten (Miniature Dictionary); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 158 pp; A6 format

      J039 Kiryoku Tesuto (Go strength test); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 142 pp; A6 format

      J040 Dankyu Tesuto: Yose-Shiniki hen (Grading test: Endgame and life-and-Death part); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 128 pp; A6 format

      J041 Dankyu Tesuto: Chuban hen (Grading test: Middlegame part); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1961; 128 pp; A6 format

      J042 Joseki to Shiniiki Vol 4 (Joseki and Life and Death, Vol 4); MIYASHITA; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 54 pp

      J043 Joseki to Shiniiki Vol 5 (Joseki and Life and Death, Vol 5); MIYASHITA; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 54 pp

      J044 Joseki to Shiniiki Vol 6 (Joseki and Life and Death, Vol 6); MIYASHITA; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 54 pp

      J045 Shitte okitai yasashii tesuji (Easy tesuji that you should know); Y. KANO; Igo Shunju Supplement; 1970; 64 pp; Some manuscript annotations in English

      J046 Yose no Kiso Chishiki (Basic knowledge for the Endgame); Igo Kurabu supplement; 1962; 128 pp; A6 format

      J047 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 1 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 1); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp

      J048 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 2 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 2); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp

      J049 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 3 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 3); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp

      J050 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 4 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 4); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp

      J051 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 5 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 5); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp

      J052 Tesuji: Kihon to oyo 6 (Tesuji; Basics and applications, 6); Igo Kurabu Supplement; no date; 80 pp

      J053 Saishin Igo Zensho Vol 3 Fuseki (Modern Comprehensive Go Books; Vol 3 principles of Fuseki, Even game openings); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1953; 256 pp; The library also has a typescript translation into English of this book - E014; signed by John Barrs; binding badly damaged; heavy annotation; see also J071

      J054 Shiniiki no Kiso Chishiki (Basic knowledge for Life and Death); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1962; 128 pp; A6 format

      J055 Tagaisen no Kiso Chishiki (Basic Knowledge for Even games); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1965; 128 pp; A6 format

      J056 Kore ga dekireba shodan (If you can do this you are shodan); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1964; 60 pp

      J057 Chuban Koza Vol 1 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp

      J058 Chuban Koza Vol 3 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp

      J059 Chuban Koza Vol 4 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp; badly torn

      J060 Chuban Koza Vol 5 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp

      J061 Chuban Koza Vol 6 (Middle Game Lectures); T SUZUKI; Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 79 pp

      J062 Tsuyoku naru shiriizu: Tesuji ni tsuyoku naru (Improve Your Go series: Improve your Tesuji); KUWABARA; 1964; 64 pp; Magazine Supplement

      J063 Anata no ganryoku tesuto (test your reading ability); Reiko MAGARI, et al; no date; 64 pp

      J064 Kimi ga uteba watashi wa ko utsu (If you play there I'll play here); Y. KANO; 1960; 64 pp; Magazine Supplement; *** CHECK TRANSLITERATION

      J065 Kido Yearbook 1963

      J067 Igo Gakko: Tagai sen (Go School: Even games); SHIMAMURA; 1958; 350 pp

      J068 Igo Gakko: Okigo (Go School: Handicap games); Kaoru IWAMOTO; 1964; 289 pp

      J069 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 1. Joseki; Kaoru IWAMOTO; no date; 263 pp

      J070 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 2. Okigo Fuseki (Handicap Go Fuseki); KITANI Minoru; no date; 241 pp

      J071 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 3. Tagaisen Fuseki (Even game Fuseki); Shukaku Honinbo (TAKAGAWA Shukaku); no date; 256 pp; see J053 and E014

      J072 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 4. Fighting Tactics(1); KITANI Minoru; no date; 225 pp

      J073 Anata no kiryoku to kifu no shindanshitsu (Diagnosis of your Go strength and style); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1965; 60 pp

      J074 (Igo) Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Life Consultation Room) 5. Fighting Tactics (2); Kaoru IWAMOTO; no date; 64 pp

      J075 Jinsei Sodanshitsu (Live Consultation Room) 6. Fighting Tactics (3); Shukaku Honinbo (TAKAGAWA Shukaku); no date; 257 pp

      J076 Igo Kingenshu (A collection of Go maxims); Igo Kurabu Supplement; 1958; 117 pp

      J077 Kihon shiriizu 1 : Joseki (Fundamental series 1: Joseki); Eio SAKATA; 1961; 221 pp; cased

      J078 Kihon shiriizu 2 : Fuseki (Fundamental series 2: Fuseki); Eio SAKATA; 1962; 221 pp; cased

      J079 Kihon shiriizu 3 : Tesuji (Fundamental series 3: Tesuji); Eio SAKATA; 1966; 221 pp; cased

      G001 Go-Aufgaben Teil 6 (Go problems part 6); Manfred Venz; no date; ?? pp; 30 diagrammed problems (#151 - #180)

      G002 Wie eroeffnet man eine Gopartie?, Bruno Rueger, Deutsche Go-Bund; 1964; 84 pp; softcover; signed "John Barrs"

      E001 The Game of Go, the national game of Japan; Arthur Smith; Charles E Tuttle Co, Tokyo; 1956; 224 pp; softcover

      E002 The Game of Wei-Chi; Count Daniele Pecorini and Tong SHU (with a preface by H A Giles); Longmans, Green and Co, London; 1929; 155 pp; some annotations; signed "John Barrs"

      E003 Go Proverbs Illustrated; Kensaku SEGOE (Translated J. Bauer); Japanese Go Association; 1960; 262 pp; dedicated by Akio MATSUI to John Barrs; signed "John Barrs".

      E004 The Vital Points of Go; TAKAGAWA Kaku; 248 pp; 1958; Japan; Inscribed gift from Akio MATSUI to John Barrs

      E006 Steppingstones to Go; Shigemi KISHIKAWA; Charles E Tuttle & Co, Tokyo; 1965; 159 pp; hardback

      E007 Go and Go Moku; Edward Lasker; Dover Publications Inc, New York; 1960; dedicated, and inscribed by the author to John Barrs.

      E008 Matsuda Go Letters; Takeo MATSUDA; complete set bound as one volume: Vol I (1963, revised) Nos 1 - 36, Vol II (1963) Nos 1-36, Vol III (1964) Nos 1-36

      E009 The Game of Go; John Barrs; Ariel Productions Ltd, London; ? date; 20 pp; Grey (soft)cover

      E009 - as above, but published later; 19 pp; Blue (soft)cover; 3 copies

      E010 Learn to Play Go; John Barrs and Akio MATSUI; International Go Friends Union; 1962; 48 pp; softcover; 3 copies

      E011 Basic Techniques of Go; HARUYAMA Isamu and NAGAHARA Yoshiaki; 1969; 169 pp; Ishi Press; Berkeley, California.

      E012 Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol 1; Eio SAKATA; publ Ishi Press, Berkeley, California; 1968; 175 pp; 2 copies

      E013 Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol 2; Eio SAKATA; publ Ishi Press, Berkeley, California; 1970; 165 pp (pp 183-347)

      E014 Articles on the Game of Go, Book III, "Principles of Fuseki" (Including 10 Master Games played by the Author); Honinbo Shukaku (TAKAGAWA Shukaku); 82 pp; Translator HANEDA Jiro; English preparation Roger A. Newlander ; publ AGA /Roger A Newlander; Typescript - translation only - no diagrams; see also J053 and J071

      Box "E" (mainly Collections of papers)

      - Pink folder "Hampstead Go Club" : 0.5 cm; mainly 1974/75 stuff

      - Beige folder "Covent Garden Move Questionnaire"; 1 cm; London Go Centre

      - Red folder "Japanese Games"; 1 cm; Japanese newspaper cuttings, mainly 1970s - ? from LGC. Also one letter in Japanese (? to Stuart Dowsey)

      + ? Blue-grey folder "Top Pros & their playing styles"; 20 sheets; Stuart Dowsey.

      + ? Blue file "London Go Centre"; various ephemera 1975-77, including photograph of Stuart Dowsey with IWAMOTO Kaoru (and associated caption competition entry forms!)

      - Envelope "Krems Trip"; 1 cm; tickets, van hire info, receipts, ...

      + Yellow file "BGA Committee Minutes 5.6.74 - 9.3.78"; 7 cm; reverse order.

      + Orange file "BGA Committee Meetings 28.4.78 - 30.6.84"; 4 cm; reverse order

      - Beige/Yellow folder "Current Tournament folder London Go Centre"; 7 cm; (mainly 1976/77)

      - Red folder "Completed Diagrams"; 4 cm; 20 cm square, thick paper with pre-printed labels; strong players only - occasion not identified.

      + ? Blue-green folder "Grading Committee, Tournament Results"; 6 cm; mainly 1976-1978?; 55% tournament results; 45% manuscript game records - many sources, mainly Dan players, some vs professionals

      - Blue file "London Ladder"; 2 cm; mainly 1976/77; details of promotion points.

      - Clear Plastic pocket "The 9th World Amateur Go Championship, Beijing 1987"; 1.5 cm; official(?) game records - ? complete; Matthew Macfadyen represented UK.

      ? Black book : "World Record Attempt - Log" - David Mitchell played 152 games - 46 hours "non-stop" to get a world record in March 1977.

      - Beige folder "Translations of English and Japanese games"; 0.7 cm; manuscripts, no game records - not clear which games referred to!

      - Pink folder "Cambridge European Games, 1976"; 1.5 cm; Game records - strong dan players only.

      + Beige folder "Constitutions"; 0.3 cm; several early undated; 2 proposed sets of changes; Apr 1975; Apr 1977; Apr 1978;

      - Beige folder " London Go Club"; 2 cm; Pre London Go Centre and CLGC; 1963-72; partial membership records; game results; annual accounts.

      + Red index book - BGA membership book - ? 1966 - 1968; addresses, strengths, other annotations.

      ? Reading Go Club Newsletter - Editor David Sutton:

      No 10 - June 1975
      No 13 - March 1976
      No 14 - June 1976
      No 15 - October 1976
      No 17 - May 1977
      No 18 - July 1977
      No 19 - November 1977
      No 20 - December 1977
      No 22 - April 1978
      No 23 - June 1978
      No 24 - October 1978
      No 25 - November 1978
      No 26 - April 1979

      ? Go Digest (The Official newsletter of the New York Go Club); Vol 1, No 1; Winter 1972.

      + Box "F" Go Reviews - incomplete - bound)

      Go Reviews, bound as follows:

      (1) Go Review 1961 (1-12)
      (2) Go Review 1962 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (3) Go Review 1962 Vol 2 (7-12)
      (4) Go Review 1963 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (5) Go Review 1963 Vol 2 (7-12)
      (6) Go Review 1964 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (7) Go Review 1964 Vol 2 (7-12)
      (8) Go Review 1965 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (9) Go Review 1965 Vol 2 (7-12)
      (10) Go Review 1966 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (11) Go Review 1966 Vol 2 (7-12)
      (12) Go Review 1967 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (13) Go Review 1967 Vol 2 (7-12)
      (14) Go Review 1968 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (15) Go Review 1968 Vol 2 (7-12)
      (16) Go Review 1969 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (17) Go Review 1969 Vol 2 (7-12)
      (18) Go Review 1970 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (19) Go Review 1970 Vol 2 (7-12)
      (20) Go Review 1971 Vol 1 (1-6)
      (21) Go Review 1971 Vol 2 (7-12)

      Box "G" (BGA - mainly finances, 1965-79)

      ? BGA Membership records: 1972 - 1979

      ? BGA Cash ledgers:

      1967 - 1968
      1969 - 1970
      04/08/69 - 29/04/73 (1969/70 : postbook?)
      01/05/73 - 23/07/74
      22/07/74 - 01/02/76
      02/02/76 - 06/03/78

      ? BGA Accounts Books:

      Oct 68 - Dec 71
      Jan 72 - Dec 73
      Jan 74 - Dec 75

      Beige Folder containing:

      + BGA Cash ledger (Notebook) : 10/2/65 - 17/3/67 (?)
      + BGA Bank statements Feb 65 - Nov 69 - ? complete
      ? Credit Notes 15 Mar 1975 - 11/7/79
      + Bank Paying-in book 10/2/65 - 15/7/66
      ? Bank Paying-in book 15/7/66 - 9/2/68
      ? Bank Paying-in book 16/2/68 - 18/7/69
      ? Bank Paying-in book 31/7/69 - 24/10/69
      ? Bank Paying-in book 4/1/1977 - 2/11/1978
      + BGA Cheque stubs: 19/2/65 - 6/9/67, 12/11/69 - 21/1/70
      + London Go Club Cash/Membership Book 1963 - 1972 (?)

      ? Box "H" (North American magazines)

      ? American Go Newsletter

      Issue Numbers:

      1990: 29 (Feb), 31 (Nov)
      1991: 33 (Oct)
      1994: 42 (Spring)
      1996: 49 (Winter), 50 (Spring - * 2), 51 (Summer), 52 (Autumn)
      1997: 53 (Winter), 54 (Spring), 55 (Summer), 56 (Autumn)
      1998: 57 (Winter)

      ? Voice of American Go Movement

      Issues 2 (June 1976), 3 (July 1976), 6 (October 1976)

      ? American Go Journal

      (see also Box B)

      1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) [ the webmaster assumes that this line is an error ]

      Vol 9 (1974): 1(Jan), 2(Mar), 3(May), 4(Jul), 5(Sep),6 (Nov)
      Vol 10 (1975): 1(Jan), 2(Mar), 3(May), 4(Jul), 5(Sep), 6(Nov)
      Vol 11 (1976): 1 (Jan/Feb), 2 (Mar/Apr)
      Vol 12 (1977): 1 (Jan/Feb), 3/4 (May-Aug), 5/6 (Sep-Dec)
      Vol 13 (1978): 3 (May/Jun)
      Vol 15 (1980): 1 (Jan/Feb), 2/3 (Mar-Jun)
      Vol 19 (1985): 3 (Aug), 4 (Aug [sic!])
      Vol 20 (1986): 1 (Feb), 2 (May), 3 (Aug)
      Vol 23 (1989): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) - each * 2
      Vol 24 (1990): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) - each * 2
      Vol 25 (1991): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) - each * 2
      Vol 26 (1992): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) - each * 2
      Vol 27 (1993): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) - each * 2
      Vol 28 (1994): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) - each * 2
      Index: Vol 9 (1974) - Vol 28 (1994)
      Vol 29 (1995): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 4 (Fall) - each * 2
      Vol 30 (1996): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), 4 (Fall) - each * 2, except #4
      Vol 31 (1997): 1 (Winter), 2 (Spring), 4 (Fall)

      ? Canada Go Gazette

      1985: Fall
      1986: Spring, Summer(* 2), Fall(* 2), Winter
      1987: Spring, Summer(* 2), Winter
      1988: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
      1989: Spring, Summer, Winter
      1990: Summer, Fall
      1991: Fall, Winter

      Box "I" (various non-English magazines)

      - Belgo

      (Federation Belge de Go - Belgische Go Federatie)

      7 (1986?)
      28 (Oct 1992) - 38 (Apr 1995)
      40 (Oct 1995) - 43 (Jul 1996)

      + Computer Go

      Issue 1 (Winter 1986-87)

      - Zurnal Go

      1991 Dec 1991 (God. VI, br. 2)

      - Spilt Melk

      Issue 12 (Jan 1978) - 18 (Jul/Aug 1978)

      - Go Magazin

      Issue 4 (May 1977), 5 (Jul 1977), 8 (Jan/Feb 1978) - 12 (Sep/Oct 1978)

      - Die Treppe

      (Oesterreichische Go Zeitung)

      Issue 11 (Oct 1969) - 19 (1971)

      ? Russian (Go Journal)

      [English Language]

      Issue 1 (Jun 1990) (* 2); 2 (Aug 1990); 3 (? date); 4 (? date)

      - Seki

      (Eine Zeitschrift fuer Go-spieler)

      1971: 2 (Oct), 3 (Dec)
      1972: 4 (Feb)

      - Go (Revue Francaise de Go)

      Issue 8 (Q4 1980) - 16 (Q4 1982)

      ? New Zealand Go Quarterly

      1984: No 4
      1985: No 3
      1986: No 1 (* 2)

      ? New Zealand Go Journal

      1986: Nov
      1987: Mar, Aug, Dec
      1988: Mar

      ? Kiwi Go

      (New Zealand Go Journal)

      1990: May
      1991: Jan, April, July, Oct (& Jan 1992)
      1992: July, Oct
      1993: March, August

      ? SAGA Go News

      (South African Go Association)

      1994: Jan (Vol 1, no 4); May (Vol 2, no 2)

      ? The South African Go Journal

      1995 (Vol 3): Winter (1), Spring (2); Summer (3)
      1996 (Vol 4): Winter (1)

      - Stone Age

      (Organo ufficiale della Federazione Italiana Giucco Go)

      1991: 2
      1992: 6 (Primavera)
      1993: 1 (Estate)
      1994: 12 (Primavera)

      ? Newsletter of the Irish Go Association

      1990: #4 : May - 2 sheets
      1993: #10 : Feb - 9 pages
      1994: October
      1995: July, November

      - Go - EM - '88 Hamburg

      booklets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

      ? Praha - The 37th European Go Championship (1993)

      booklets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

      ? The 39th European Go Congress - Tuchola '95 Poland

      booklets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

      - Box "J" (Dutch Go Journal)

      Go (Tijdschrift van de Nederlanse Go Bond)

      1969-70: Vol 7: 4 (Sep 70)
      1970-71: Vol 8: 1, 2, 3
      1971-72: Vol 9: 1, 3(Jun 72), 4 (Sep 72)
      1972-73: Vol 10: 1, 2, 3, 4
      1973-74: Vol 11: 1, 2/3, 4
      1974-75: Vol 12: 1, 3, 4
      1975-76: Vol 13: 5
      1976-77: Vol 14: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
      1977-78: Vol 15: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (* 2)
      1978-79: Vol 16: 1
      1983: Vol 20: 8
      1984: Vol 21: 1-6
      1985: Vol 22: 1-6
      1986: Vol 23: 1, 2, 3, 4 (* 2), 5 (* 2), 6 (* 2)
      1987: Vol 24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 - all 2 copies; 5 (1 copy)
      1988: Vol 25: 1-6
      1989: Vol 26: 1-6
      1990: Vol 27: 1-6 (1 & 2 - 2 copies each)
      1991: Vol 28: 1, 2 - one each; 3-6 - 2 copies each
      1992: Vol 29: 1, 2, 3/4, 5, 6
      1993: Vol 30: 1, 2, 3, 4/5, 6
      1994: Vol 31: 1-6
      1995: Vol 32: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
      1996: Vol 33: 1, 2, 3, 4

      - Box "K" (German Go magazines)

      Deutsche Go Zeitung

      1968: Vol 43: 5/6, 10/11/12
      1969 1, 4, 5, 6
      1970 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
      1971 1-5
      1972 1-6
      1973 1-6
      1974 1-6
      1975 1, 2, 5, 6
      1976 2, 3, 5, 6
      1977 1-6
      1978 1, 3, 5
      1986 4
      1987 1, 2, 3, 5, 6(* 2)
      1988 2(* 2), 3, 4, 5/6
      1989 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/6
      1990 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
      1991 1, 2/3, 4(Oct-Dec)
      1992 1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7/8, 9, 10, 11, 12
      1993 1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7/8, 9, 10, 11, 12
      1994 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12
      1995 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 9/10, 11/12
      1996 1/2, 3/4, 5/6

      Go Mitteilungen (DDR)

      1975: # 27: May/Jun
      1987: # 40: Jul/Aug
      1988: # 43 (Jan/Feb) - # 48 (Nov/Dec)
      1989: # 49 (Jan/Feb) - # 54 (Nov/Dec)
      1990: # 55 (Jan/Feb), # 56 (Mar/Apr)

      + Box "L" (British Go Journals - incomplete)

      British Go Journals:

      No 0, Spring 1967 - Reprinted from the Web 1999(?)
      No 1, Summer 1967 - Reprinted from the Web 1999(?)
      No 8 (Spring 1969) - No 22 (Jan 1974)
      No 23 to be added 
      No 24 (July 1974),
      No 25 (Oct 1974)
      No 26 to be added
      No 27 (April 1975) - No 29 (Oct 1975)
      No 30 to be added
      No 31 (March 1976) - No 118 (Spring 2000)
      BGJ Index No 0 (1967)- No 100 (1995)

      Box "M" (non-English mags; Japanese Go Weekly; BGA newsletter)

      - Go Vjesnik

      (Glasnik Go Igraca Jugoslavije)

      1972: 1, 2, 3

      ? Go (4 MLU12):

      6 pp; A4 format; English Language; Author NR; Publ NR; date NR; beginners' tutorial

      - New Zealand Go Society, newsletter:

      1977: 9 (Apr), 10 (June), 11 (Aug)
      1978: June, October

      - Die Treppe: heft 10, August 1969

      + Games and Puzzles, No 34, March 1975 -

      article on Go; article on "Rosette" (hex Go variant).

      - Go Weekly (Japanese newspaper)

      (10 cm pile)
      1978: 53/03/21 - 53/10/24 (32 issues)
      1987: 62/04/21
      1989: 1989/08/29
      1991: 1991/01/15, 1991/01/29

      + Go Tutor (complete)

      (published by BGA)
      1 - 12 (Oct 1978 - Nov 1981)

      ? BGA Newsletter

      1 (Feb 1982) - 109 (April 2000)
      (N.B. Missing: # 5 (? Oct 1982), # 9 (?May 1983))

      Box "N" (Korean Go Monthly; LOGC; CLGC; How to Play Go)

      - Korean Go Monthly

      1997: 5-12
      1998: 1-6

      - "London Go Centre" T-Shirt -

      size "S" - VERY Small

      - Cotton Square (35cm * 35 cm) Calligraphy -

      ? on occasion of first round of Meijin Sen in London Sept 13-17, 1989.

      - London Go Centre Newsletters (complete ?):

      Oct 1975 - Nov 1978 : #1 - #19

      - CLGC newsletters:

      No 1 (Jan 79), No 2 (Feb 1979), No 3 (July 1979), Jul 1980, Oct 1980, Feb 1981, Sep 1981, Sep 1984, Mar 1985, Feb 1986, Jun 1986, Nov 1986, Apr 1987, Oct 1987 (2 copies), Apr 1989

      + ? How To Play Go (1983) Pack

      Booklet (8 pp); pre-printed paper boards: 11*11, and 13*13; Set of counters (Black and White)

      Box "O"

      (There is no Box "O")

      Box "P" (Annual Agglomerations 1971 —>)

      These vary over time. Early ones are generally less complete than later ones.

      They all contain a mixture of:

      • Flyers advertising tournaments, + maybe with results and some scoresheets - these are not all in UK
      • + Occasional newspaper cuttings;
      From 1977 onwards, many have an attempt at a checklist.

      I just show the thickness of the file, and mention special items separately.

      1971 (Envelope)

      1 cm: EGC 1971, Bristol: EGF Admin; Finance; score blanks, etc Wessex 1971 summary results

      1972 (folder)

      0.5 cm: BGC stuff; BGA Constitution

      + 1973

      0.2 cm: BGC; EGC; newspaper cutting; Wessex; Takagawa in London.


      + 3 cm: 6 newspaper cuttings (including Oxford Times 27 Dec 1973 whole page article - 2 copies; Oxford Times 20 Dec 1973 - why kept?); BGC, Reading - much admin stuff and displayed results sheets!


      + 3 cm: Plessey Telecommunications Research (PTR) News April 1975 (Vol 26, No 2) - 9-page article by Peter Sarreti; BGC; Southern League; various tournament results sheets - Cambridge, Challengers


      3 cm: Flyers and results for/of tournaments - various, both home and abroad. Envelope with 1/2 page details on all entrants to London Open!


      + 3 cm: "The 1st Seminar in Instruction Methods for Overseas Teachers of Go - Program", Nihon Ki-in, 1977.


      + 6 cm: Telex record of Japan - UK Telex match; Draw cards from London Open!

      + 1978 (London Leningrad Telephone Go Match)

      Some game records; photographs, etc;


      1.5 cm


      1 cm


      1 cm


      2 cm


      1 cm


      1 cm


      0.5 cm




      0.5 cm


      0.5 cm


      0.5 cm: 14th Meijin Sen, London 1989/09/13-17


      0.5 cm: Tournament Rules, EGF, August 1990


      0.5 cm


      1 cm


      1 cm
      ? Swingoclep #2, and #3


      0.5 cm


      1 cm


      0.5 cm


      1 cm


      4 cm

      Missing Items

      There is clear documentary evidence for the past existence of the following items, which I cannot now find in the Archive:


      Tom Widdicombe video


      J029 Waga Honinbo-sen no Bunseki (Analysis of my games in the Honinbo tournament); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1959; 344 pp

      J030 Igo Daijiten, Vol 1 (Large Go Dictionary, Vol 1); T SUZUKI; ?? date; ?? pp; large boxed

      J031 Igo Daijiten, Vol 2 (Large Go Dictionary, Vol 2); T SUZUKI; ?? date; ?? pp; large boxed

      J032 Igo Daijiten, Vol 3 (Large Go Dictionary, Vol 3); T SUZUKI; ?? date; ?? pp; large boxed

      J066 Fuseki to Joseki no Sogo Kenkyu (Comprehensive study of Fuseki and Joseki); Kaku TAKAGAWA; 1957; 280 pp

      E005 How to Play Go; Kaku TAKAGAWA; Publ Nihon Ki-in; date ??; ?? pp

      Unlabelled: Goh or Wei Chi; HF Cheshire; 1911; ex-Cambridge!


      American Go Newsletter Vol 6 l,2, Vol 7

      Canadian Go Journal S86, F86, S87, W87, W89, S90, F90, F91, W91

Last updated Sun Aug 01 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.