How to Play Go

Go is a game of simple concepts - alternately placing stones on the board, trying to surround areas, whilst trying to surround you opponent's stones without losing your own stones. However, as with a lot of simple concepts, it can take a little while to grasp them and a long time to master them.

If you want to learn how to play Go, have a look at the resources mentioned below .

Cartoon Introduction

Go An Introduction

If you want to read a quick introduction to the rules and how to play Go, then we recommend the online version of Go An Introduction, a cartoon introduction to Go, drawn by Andreas Fecke. In it the Chess king and queen are taught to play by the Go stones.

This is available as a printed leaflet for children and anyone young at heart interested in learning the rules of Go and is also available here in PDF format (3.67MB).

The first half of this teaches "Capture Go"; you can play this with the Capture Go Java Applet on our Junior pages.

Play Go Booklet

Play Go booklet

If you want a more detailed description of how to play Go, including an example game and four problems, then you should read the online version of our Play Go booklet.

If you do not want to read about the background and history of the game, then jump straight to the How to Play section.

If you have read the rules but are unsure how this works in practice, then jump straight to the Example Game section.

This is also available as a printed booklet for anyone with a more serious interest in learning about Go and is available here in PDF format (3.67MB).

Quick Reference

Also we have a simple Quick Reference Rules, a page of rules, as used by the UK Go Challenge, and a general Quick Reference Rules (PDF) single sheet of rules based on that page.


The "Go Center of Second Life" has produced a three part YouTube introductory video:

The European Go and Cultural Centre has also produced three one minute videos to help you learn about the game:

Last updated Wed Nov 11 2015.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.