UK youth team lose to Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia
The UK Youth team had an exciting match today against the combined team of Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. First to finish was Aidan on board 4 who played a solid game and claimed a straight forward win. We then lost on board 1 where Elom had a tough game against a 3 dan opponent. With the score 1-1 we needed a win on one of the two U16 boards. Both Charlotte and Edmund had exciting games which looked to be going their way after the opening. Charlotte had killed a large group and Edmund had mapped out a massive moyo. Unfortunately their opponents fought back strongly and we could not hold onto the advantage in either game leaving us 1-3 down with board 5 to play. Rather oddly neither board 5 managed to turn up online. Wenzhou for the UK had connection problems preventing him joining the match. The other team's player turned up 33 minutes late-technically also a default. Due to both players being missing we have agreed to play the board at a future date, as board count may be important for tie break purposes in the final positions.
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