Tokyo Go "Camp" Announced
The Nihon Ki-in have announced the first Summer Go "Camp" in Tokyo. This is similar to the one that runs in Osaka (dates of the 4th Osaka camp and the associated congress below). In Tokyo events are centred round the Nihon Ki-in and the first game in the Meijin match, the Takara Shuzo Tournament for amateurs and a friendship match against students. The lectures will be provided by very well-known Japanese pro players including Kobayashi Koichi 9p, Ishida Yoshio 9p, Michael Redmond 9p and Ichiriki Ryo 7p!
See the flyer or the web page below.
Summer Camps/Congresses in Japan 2016:
26.06.2016 14.07.2016 4th Osaka Go Camp
15.07.2016 18.07.2016 1st Japanese Go Congress Takarazuku
23.08.2016 01.09.2016 1st Japan Go Camp in Tokyo
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.