UK Beat Lithuania
The fifth match of the B-League season, on 4th February, was a win against Lithuania. All four players won by resignation. This moved the team up to fifth place. Round 6 will be on 25th February against Belgium.
Michael Cheung wrote about his game: I got a lucky win against Vladas Zaleskas, it was a game determined by my opponent's blunder.
I was white in the game, and in the opening of the game, I decided to use the kick at move 32, following by the invasion at move 36. I think this variation is easier to play as white. And although neither of us played optimal moves suggested by AI, I eventually got a bit of advantage. The fight lasted to move 71 and white got a chance to counter attack at move 72. My opponent seems to be having a fight back mentality throughout the game; he decided to play 3-3 invasion as a counter play at move 73. His decision to live a small corner and ignore the defect of a big weak group was problematic, and I punished his overplay successfully. In move 90, I attacked his weak group while expending my moyo. I also cut off two key stones with serveral points on black's bottom edge, so AI believed I have an advantage of around 15 points. I also understood my advantage clearly and played quite relaxingly.
But since move 112, I became frustrated as white has many options to play despite having an advantage of 20 points. The simpliest choice was to make every group alive and finish the end game, but it was not a cool and interesting way to win the game. So I made up a plan to sarcrifice and attack my opponent's dragon. But my plan was very rough and careless, I gained nothing but lost many stones during my attack, and suddenly I had a disadvantage of 8 points. But luckily, my opponent's end game was not perfect and his fight back mentality caused him a big blunder. I killed a group suddenly and won the game at last.
Jake Game wrote about his game against Simonas Satkus. I was very lucky to get a ko factory double ko in my favour in my game. This led to me taking the right side, despite some errors making the game relatively close. I managed to get lucky.
Bruno Poltronieri wrote: I won my game against Ernestas Romeika by resignation. My opponent started a fight on the bottom side which I thought was overplay. Looking at AI it seems he was right to start the fight but that his mistakes came during the fighting. I gained a solid lead on this side. The rest of the game got a little bit more complicated than I'd hoped in one corner, but I kept my lead and won.
Ryan Zhang won his game against Tomas Sabirovas by resignation after some intense fighting, in a position where it was not clear the fight was over, but actually nothing worked.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.