Foreign Tournament Report


Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 7 May 2013

We drew our final match against Italy, which we needed to win to avoid relegation. Both Bei Ge and Jon Diamond lost this time. A poor performance all round!

So we ended up with a really consistent record this season, no wins and 4 draws from the 9 matches. Jon Diamond must be tagged as the main culprit - no wins from 6 games.

Must try harder next year...

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Waiting for relegation...

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 16 Apr 2013

Another poor result leaves us still in last place in the second division. This time we didn't lose, but only drew against Belgium - our third draw this season and still no win.

Andrew Simons played on Monday, but as he said "Forgot to eat beforehand, didn't concentrate, didn't read, didn't win." Really careless...

Bei Ge's opponent didn't turn up or something, so he won by default.

Jon Diamond got into a poor position early in the middle game, creating some outside thickness for his opponent. Struggling to compete he made a reasonable fist of it, then having cut some stones off just failed to kill them (could he have done so?), ending up with a ko for seki and a significant loss. When his opponent cut a few more stones off as compensation the margin was just too much.

Des Cann retrieved some of our pride, capturing many stones (it felt quite easily).

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

We catch a cold against the flying Finns

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 12 Mar 2013

Our poor run of form continues, but this time we have a really tough match against the table-topping Finns.

Vanessa again had problems with connecting to Pandanet-IGS and dropped out at the last minute, leaving Jon Diamond on top board to face Antti Törmänen (7 dan on Pandanet), who's just had a fantastic result in the World Students Oza, coming third.

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Csaba Mero wins in Dublin

Irish Go Congress
Fri, 1 - Sun, 3 Mar 2013

38 players attended the 2013 Irish Go Congress, held in Dublin. Csaba Mero, 6d Hungary, won the main tournament, The Confucius Cup, for the second time with a perfect 5/5 score. In second place was Zebin Du, 4d China, and third was Antoine Fenech, 5d France.

Roger Daniel, 6k UK, and Mikulas Kubita, 15k Czech Republic, won all five of their games, while Thomas Shanahan won four. Results

The Friday evening Rapid tournament was won by Yuanbo Zhang, 4d China, with five straight wins, while Roman Pszonka, 3d Poland, came second and Thomas Shanahan, 7k Cork, came third, both with four. Results

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Match drawn against Poland

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 12 Feb 2013

After our unfortunate forfeit against the Netherlands last month (we forgot to turn up), we were up against Poland this month.

On board 1 Andrew Simons was looking forward to getting his revenge against Marek Kamiński whom he had narrowly lost to at the Polish Go Summer Camp last year (, but Marek didn't show up so he won by forfeit.

Played the night before, Des Cann was in for a tough match against young talent Stanisław Frejlak who won the Polish Championship last year. Fighting soon broke out in the opening, with his groups getting cut in bad shape and some sharp moves from Stanisław brought down too many groups so Des resigned.

Martha McGill's game against Roman Pszonka also had a lot of running fights with weak groups, but unfortunately the dead groups were once again British so she resigned.

Henry Clay scored a good win against Sebastian Pawlaczyk in his debut for the team.

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Vanessa at World Mind Games

SportAccord World Mind Games
Wed, 12 - Wed, 19 Dec 2012

UK's Vanessa Wong was part of the European team at the 2nd SportAccord World Mind Games in Beijing. In the Women's event she lost to Choi Jeong 2p of Korea, beat Rita Pocsai 5d from Hungary and lost to Natalia Kovaleva 5d from Russia. She also played Pair Go with Jan Hora of Czechia. They lost to Joanne Missingham and Lin Chih-han of Chinese Taipei and then to Irene Sha and Bill Lin of Canada.

The Women's was won by Li He of China and the Men's by Choi Chulhan of Korea. Choi also won the Pair Go playing with Choi Jeong.

Full results (off-site)

Read an interview with her

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Norwegians Freeze Us Out

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 4 Dec 2012

Our disappointing start this season continues... so badly that we are now bottom of the League with only one draw from four matches!

We are still seeking our first win of the season after a disappointing 1-3 loss to Norway. However, the match was much closer than the result shows.

This was the first game this season that Jon Diamond took the top board and he was facing a tough opponent in Jie Lin Xia 5d. Despite managing to save his weak group after playing tenuki several times, he didn't have enough points and had to resign after some stones got cut off in the yose.

Andrew Simons had a comfortable lead against Øystein Vestgården after making a decisive cut to capture some stones and was playing to simply seal the win, but then embarked on a crazy adventure which resulted in a bad trade which made the game close again.

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Fondued by the Swiss

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 13 Nov 2012

Despite the first appearance by Vanessa Wong on top board for our team our poor start to the season continues and we're now in the Relegation Zone for the first time.

We had another loss to the Swiss, with Bei Ge managing our solitary win by a substantial margin. Vanessa had much technical trouble starting her game (getting to grips with Pandanet for the first time can be tricky), with her playing White when it should have been Black, and lost by resignation.

A veil should be drawn over the other two games...

Full season results

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Draw with the Danes

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 16 Oct 2012

Our second match of the season was against Denmark and ended in a 2-2 draw.

On board 1 Chong Han's game soon plunged into a fight when he pushed into the centre, presumably expecting his opponent to block before connecting on the edge, but Jannik Rasmussen resisted and disconnected the groups. The ensuing fight spread across the board and although all the groups survived Chong didn't have enough territory and resigned.

Jon Diamond also lost on board 2 against Uffe Rasmussen. He meant to play 131 at 132, but something happened in the client software when he played his move. He thought it was played (with 2 presses), but apparently it didn't take in some fashion and then played at a different point.

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

UK and Ireland players win half at KPMC:

Korea Prime Minister Cup
Sat, 27 - Sun, 28 Oct 2012

Toby Manning was our representative at the Korean Prime Minister's Cup this year. On day the first day he easily defeated the Korean "ghost", followed this with by a narrow loss (9.5 points) to Thailand and managed a close victory (1.5 points) against Denmark. On the second day he lost to New Zealand (by 1 liberty) and to Vietnam (4 1/2 points), and beat Norway, ending up with 3 out of 6.

James Hutchinson of Belfast, but playing for Ireland, also got 3 out of 6, beating Cyprus, Ecuador and Chile, and losing to France, Lithuania and Colombia.

The competition was won by Korea.


Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.