Trigantius 2024 Info

The tournament is open to all, and players entering for their first ever rated tournament are most welcome. It is a 3 round McMahon tournament run under BGA rules with a Fischer timing system of 45 minutes Basic time with 15 seconds per move Bonus time.

There are prizes for the overall winner and all players on three wins. There is a separate room for game analysis, and there might be stronger players available for teaching in between games.


  1. In order to speed up registration, you can pay by card.

  2. In the event of emergency on the day please phone Phil on 07988 683 586

Junior Side Event  YOUTH GO TRUST

There will be a self-pairing side event for junior players sponsored by the Youth Go Trust. This will take place in the downstairs cafe area of the St Phillip's venue. Prizes will be awarded!

If you are entering the main tournament, then entry to the side event is free, and you can simply join in on the day. If you want to enter the side event only, it costs £5, please contact Paul (paul361smith at gmail dot com) in advance to let him know you are coming.

Tournament schedule

The expected game time for the Fischer time settings is 2 hr 30 min per game, assuming 120 moves per player.
09:30-10:00 Registration
10:15 Round 1
13:30 Round 2
16:15 Round 3
19:00 Prize-giving


Ruleset BGA rules based on AGA. Pass stones apply with White to pass last.
Fischer Basic time 45 minutes
Fischer Bonus time 15 second per move.
Komi 7½ in even games. White wins jigo in handicap games.
Handicap McMahon score difference - 1 where needed.

Entry Fee

Standard £15.00
Student £12.00 full-time
Concession £10.00 in receipt of state benefit
Junior £10.00 under 13
First-rated £6.00 first time for any face-to-face rated tournament
Novice £free first rated tournament for anyone 20k or below
Surcharge £5.00 if not a member of the British or an European country Go association
£5.00 for late entries (received on or after Wednesday 13th March 2022)

Payment is made by card or cash on the day. If needed, there is an ATM outside the nearby Co-op.

How to enter

Please enter preferably using the entry form. Once entered, you will see your name in the entries page. If you need to email, send to the Tournament Director Phil Beck <pbeck173 at yahoo dot co dot uk>. You will need to supply your name, club, country, and grade. We also need your entry category as listed in the Entry Fee section above.

It is important that you enter at a realistic grade. You should visit the BGA rating page (or the European Go Database) to see your rating if you have not played in a tournament for a while. There has been a recent upgrade of all ratings.If you use the entry form, your latest rating is shown, and your previous grade is highlighted in blue if it differs much from your rating. Feel free to modify your grade if appropriate.

For the purposes of pairing and ratings, Country is regarded as the country where your current Go activity is located. So if you are playing in the UK, but not a UK national, consider entering with your country as UK. One reason for this is that your results will appear in the BGA rating list otherwise not. Another reason is that McMahon pairing tries to increase diversity of opponents, so avoids pairing players from the same club/country.


If you are not paying by card, it helps if you can pay the exact amount in cash.

Travel details

Take the Citi 2 bus from the bus station to St Phillip's - bus stop about 1 mile.

The venue is about 1 km (½ mi) south-east of the Cambridge rail station (perhaps 15 minutes by foot). Walk along Devonshire Road to Mill Road. Then along Mill Road to St Philips.

There should be parking in the side streets off Mill Road. Saturday parking is free. Do not park on the North-West (city) side of the bridge, as this is all residents parking or short term pay and display.

Be aware that the Mill Road bridge will be closed to vehicle traffic in the New Year.

Refreshments & lunch

Hot water, tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.

Although the onsite cafe is closed at weekends, Mill Road is a busy shopping street with pubs, cafes, convenience stores and super markets nearby.

Google maps: Mill Road Cambridge

For any queries regarding the tournament, please contact Phil Beck <pbeck173 at yahoo dot co dot uk>
Last updated Thu Dec 14 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.