
When adding a new document that mainly intended to be browsed online, such as this one, the recommended format is as a Book. Drupal generates a table of contents, browsing within the various pages (back, forward, up and down) and also has a user option to produce a printer-friendly version of the whole document, omitting all the website header/footer etc.

In the Administer page go to Create content->Book Page and then create a page for each section:

  • Title
    It's recommended, but not essential to include a section number (if any) followed by period. (See Weight below)
  • Parent
    All pages except the first page have the first page as their parent (first page = )
  • News type is probably irrelevant
  • Body
    If you need a sub-section heading then encase it in <h2>...</h2>
  • Weight
    Probably not needed to be used if you use section numbers and there are less than 10 sections as Drupal will automatically sort the other sections into the correct order and create a menu of subsequent pages on the first one.
    In other conditions use a number between -15 and 15 to sort pages into the order you want (lower numbers are first).
    Note: it may be easier to get it into the correct order by going to the Administer Page->Books and editing the outline screen after all the sections have been entered.
  • Menu settings
    For first page only link into appropriate place in the menu hierarchy if appropriate (not to a disabled item)
  • URL path settings
    Only need to be used when this page is to be linked to explicitly from another page. This is probably necessary only for the first page. In any event you could use /node/NNNN as the reference, rather than having to set up a specific path.
  • Publishing options
    Promoted to front page should be OFF, except for the First Page WHEN you're happy that the whole document is correct and notification of it is to be published via RSS notification.

Our Drupal system is configured so that the Book Navigation Block appears to the right of every book page. It is recommended that when you create the first page of a Book that you configure this block to exclude the first page of the book, as otherwise this will duplicate the automatically generated table of contents at the bottom of the page.

Note: There is a list of all created Books available from the Administration System.

Last updated Mon Jun 10 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.