6 - Clubs

Policy Statement

The Association promotes opportunities for participation in Go through supporting clubs and other groups playing and promoting Go in the UK.

This includes, but is not limited to, publicity, advice, and loan of equipment.

Additional assistance may be given to specific types of group, such as school clubs or university clubs.

How it is Implemented

A full listing of clubs is included on the Association website, allowing players to easily find their local club. Clubs can also request for a single static page on the Association website, with a size limit of 50kB.

The Association provides promotional materials (such as leaflets and posters) to clubs to assist with purposes such as running events, promoting clubs, teaching learners, and assisting with outreach. The Association may ask for a payment to cover costs, depending on the proposed use.

The Association provides loan equipment to new clubs to help them get started until they can purchase their own equipment, and will also lend equipment for events such as tournaments.

Discounts provided for the use of Association members may be used by members for the benefit of their club. This includes discounts on purchase of equipment.

For clubs organising a teaching event, the Association can try to help find a suitable teacher, and will pay up to 50% of travel costs for the event up to a total of £30.

The Association provides help, advice, and support to club organisers - either via the Club Organisers' Handbook or directly with specific questions.

Groups for under-18s are further supported with reduced rates to join the Association as a Youth Group.

Supporting Information

A full list of club benefits, including how to access each of them, is listed in the Club Organisers' Handbook.

A Club Benefits document is being developed, and will become part of the Club Organisers' Handbook when ready.

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Last updated Fri Mar 10 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.