BGA Policies - Index

As of June 2024 this index and the policies linked supercede the previous versions. The items on this list are the current policies of the British Go Association (BGA). The policies, and their application, are subject to the provisions of the Company's Articles which can be modified only by a 75% majority of those voting at a General Meeting of the BGA. These policies are not intended to restrict our effective operation. The Board will revise them, or depart from them in specific cases, where it judges it appropriate to do so, subject to the requirement to conform to the Company's Articles and to UK law. Anybody wishing to propose a change to this document should either contact any member of the Board. For these policies, and all documents they refer to, the version on the website here is the official version.
  1. Non-Discrimination

  2. Financial

  3. Safeguarding – Children and Young People

  4. Safeguarding – Adults at Risk of Harm

  5. Safeguarding – Online Abuse

  6. Clubs

  7. Championships and International Events

  8. Tournaments and Events

  9. Player Grading

  10. Outreach and Publicity

  11. Player Development

  12. Data Protection

  13. Communications

  14. Appeals

  15. Youth Go

  16. Health and Safety

  17. Players from Russia and Belarus

Last updated Thu Jun 06 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.