Who's Who
Who is the BGA?
The British Go Association is made up of several hundred fans of the game of Go, mostly British or with British connections, of all ages and backgrounds.
As well of players of the game they are team members, champions, tournament organisers and winners, youth players, teachers, organisers and so on, as illustrated above.
You can see some past and present Members Pictures and read the Obituaries of some past players and organisers.
Who Does What?
We are a Company Limited by Guarantee, the normal structure for a Sport's Governing Body. Our organisation is run by a Board of Directors formed of three elected honorary officers (President, Finance Director and Company Secretary) and elected and co-opted members. There are a number of Committees responsible for the various areas of our work, with all appointed officers and job holders (all of whom are volunteers) assigned to one or more Committee as appropriate.
You can see the current Board and Committee Chairs. Click on the name of each BGA Committee to see what it is responsible for and you can look at the Full List of Committee Members. You can also see our Life Members and Honorary Vice-Presidents.
We have a list of the various Official posts which are Vacancies, if you are thinking of helping us.
There are many other ways to help the development and running of Go in Britain, without taking a permanent position. If you have specific skills - or indeed just the inclination and some spare time - there are usually one-off tasks in the area of event organisation, teaching, promotion and so on.
Also you can make a Help Us to promote Go by making a donation or helping in another way.
Many of our members work locally and these can be noted as secretaries and organisers on our Clubs List and Events Calendar.
Winners of our various events are listed in our Hall of Fame and in our British Championship History.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.