Board and Officials

Board and Officials Officials by Commitee Officials by Person Vacancies

We are a Company Limited by Guarantee, the normal structure for a Sport's Governing Body. Our organisation is run by a Board of Directors formed of three elected honorary officers (President, Finance Director and Company Secretary) and elected and co-opted members.

In addition there is appointed an Auditor, and also Life Members and Vice-Presidents.

Contact the BGA.

The historic list shows Officers and Council members (as they were then known) in previous years.


Role Job Descripton Person

The President takes the chair at any official Association General Meeting or Board Meeting, and represents the Association at formal events and in the Association's relations with other organisations.

Colin Williams

The Secretary maintains the day-to-day communications of the Board and keeps minutes of all meetings, General and Board.

Sebastian Pountney
The Finance Director

The Finance Director controls the finances of the Company Limited by Guarantee, preparing annual accounts and a report for approval by members at the AGM. The Finance Director also ensures that all bills and affiliations are promptly paid, and that Board committees are properly funded and submit regular and frequent reports.

He was also responsible for closing down the "old" unincorporated Association.

Phil Beck
Board Member

Elected member of the Board

Andrew Ambrose-Thurman
Board Member

Elected member of the board.

Ai Guan
Board Member

Elected member of the board.

Dan Milne
Board Member

Elected member of the board.

Sam Bithell
Board Member

Elected member of the Board.

Stephen Tweedie
Board Member

Elected member of the Board.

Toby Manning


To assist with the organisation Council has created a number of Committees, with a Council member as Chairman, and appoints members to each (known as Officials). The President is the Chairman of any Committee for whom no Chairman is shown.

Committee Job Descripton Chair
Clubs and Membership

Aims to provide support and advice to new and existing Go clubs including the loan of equipment, and to encourage to formation of new clubs, especially in universities.

The Committee's other main responsibility is to improve services to members wherever possible.

To contact a Clubs and Membership officer, email:

Andrew Ambrose-Thurman
External Relations

The aim of getting Go as well known with the British public as chess is a long way off; however that is the direction in which we are aiming. We do this by talking to the press and radio and TV with the aim of encouraging coverage of Go and Go events, and by lobbying local and national politicians, often in conjunction with other mind sports. The committee is always looking at new ways to get publicity.

We are also represented from time to time at appropriate exhibitions and fairs and we maintain an archive of books, magazines and publicity material for these purposes.

The Committee is also responsible for liason with the EGF, IGF and other international Go organsiations.

To contact an External Relations officer, email:

Toby Manning

Examines possible changes to the BGA Constitution. Responsible for implementing the 2021 AGM motion to convert to a Company Limited by Guarantee.

Toby Manning
London Liaison

Provides the interface between the BGA, the London clubs and the London Go Centre.

To contact the London Liaison officer, email:

Gerry Gavigan
Marketing and Publications

The aim of this committee is to publish a high-quality journal for the benefit of members, the monthly newsletter and any other printed and online publications, such as publicity materials (flyers, leaflets and posters).

To contact a Marketing and Publications officer, email:

Peter Rootham-Smith

Responsible for:

  1. Maintaining the structure and style of the BGA web site, so that it acts as an effective resource for members and as an attractive ‘front door’ to the BGA and the game of Go for both non-members and new players.
  2. Establishing and enhancing the BGA’s presence on mainstream social media, as both a service to members and to aid the recruitment of new members
  3. Administering and publicising the GoTalk e-mail forum, ensuring it meets member’s needs as a communication medium
  4. Understanding and monitoring developments in the world of Online Go, assisting members by informing them of available resources, opportunities, and events, and increasing awareness of the BGA amongst non-members in the Online Go community
  5. Working in conjunction with the Tournaments Committee and others to promote and run periodic BGA online events, either for members only or for a wider audience

To contact an Online officer, email:

Colin Williams
Player Development

This exists to provide teaching and mentoring support to members who are trying to improve their game. The aim to us to raise the level of play of those who want to learn more about Go. This is done by providing game commentaries, mentoring services such as the Online Study Group, teaching interludes at tournaments, teaching events, correspondence courses, game analysis etc. for players at all levels.

This committee also monitors the rating and grading system.

To contact a Player Development officer, email:

Dylan Carter

New for 2022

Stephen Tweedie

Tournaments are an essential part of the UK Go Calendar, but nearly all are organised by autonomous Go clubs rather than by the BGA itself. The various British Championship and other British Championships, UK Go Challenge, British Open and the London Open are the main exceptions; being organised by, or on behalf of, the Association. The Tournaments Committee exists to promote and co-ordinate all tournaments, except those specifically designed for youths, which are covered by the Youth Committee.

Normally, we provide help and advice on the timing of tournaments and will list tournament details on the our web site. Association-owned equipment (boards, stones, clocks, draw program and computer) may be loaned for tournaments and a guide for tournament organisers is provided. See the job descriptions of the Tournament Co-ordinator and the Tournament Equipment Co-ordinator for more details.

To contact a Tournaments officer, email:

Ai Guan

The Youth Committee exists to promote Go amongst young people up to the age of about 18. In this context, youth ends when school ends, so that, for example, the Student Development Co-ordinator, who is responsible for promoting Go in Universities and Colleges, is on the Clubs and Membership Committee rather than the Youth Committee.

An important part of the work of the Youth Committee is the encouragement of the teaching of Go (for instance the residential youth camp) and supporting clubs in schools, such as by the organisation of the UK Go Challenge (13x13 tournament for schools).

The Youth Committee operates under the BGA's Youth Policies with regard to Safeguarding - Children and Young People policy .

Young players are, of course, welcomed and encouraged to attend adult tournaments and other events generally (accompanied by a responsible adult).

To contact a Youth officer, email:

Toby Manning
Role Job Descripton Person

An elected position, but not a member of the Board.

The Examiner examines the accounts produced by the Finance Director and produces a report recommending acceptance or rejection on behalf of the members for an AGM or EGM.

Richard Wheeldon
Life Member

An honorary title given without obligation to BGA members who have been deemed worthy of recognition for services rendered (such as being national trainer for several years). Life Members are exempt from paying membership fees.

Matthew Macfadyen

An honorary title given without obligation to BGA members who have been deemed worthy of recognition for services rendered.

Bob Hitchens

An honorary title given without obligation to BGA members who have been deemed worthy of recognition for services rendered.

Francis Roads

An honorary title given without obligation to BGA members who have been deemed worthy of recognition for services rendered.

Jon Diamond

An honorary title given without obligation to BGA members who have been deemed worthy of recognition for services rendered.

Tony Atkins
Role Job Descripton Person
Life Member

An honorary title given for being Journal editor for many years.

Brian Timmins
Life Member

An honorary title given for being the book and equipment seller for many years.

Gerry Mills

An honorary title given for being treasurer for 20 years.

T Mark Hall