8 - Tournaments and Events

Policy Statement

The Association is keen to increase the number and quality of Go tournaments and events in the UK in order to improve the opportunities for Go playing. To this end it will
  • Organise and run a number of events and tournaments, both face-to-face and online
  • Support Go Clubs and other organisations who ask for assistance in doing the same
British Congress
The Association will endeavour to arrange and run a British Go Congress each year.

Tournament Levy
The BGA will charge all face-to-face tournaments a levy in exchange for use of our tournament equipment, public liability and loss/damage insurance, publicity, and submission of results to the EGF rating system.
The Treasurer has discretion to waive all or part of the levy in the event that the Tournament makes a financial loss.

How it is Implemented

The British Congress will be a weekend long event, usually one week away from the Easter weekend, including
  1. The British Open Championship, normally over 6 rounds
  2. The British Lightning Championship, normally on the Friday evening

The Youth Group have roughly monthly online events on the OGS server.
The BGA supports other tournaments through:
  • the loan of sets, clocks, tournament software, and some other equipment
  • the ability to advertise on the Events Calendar on the BGA website, and on social media such as GoTalk
  • the provision of public liability and loss/damage insurance (contact the BGA Treasurer for full details)
  • the possibility of agreeing a profit-sharing arrangement in exchange for underwriting any event losses
  • submission of results to the EGF ratings database

Tournament Levy
We levy an event based charge for players who are not members of the BGA or any other national association, unless this is their first ever tournament in which case no fee would be due. There is no fee for anyone else.

The current rates and submission form are HERE. These charges are reduced by 50% for any tournament not requiring the provision by us of any equipment.

Tournament organisers requesting a waiver of the levy should contact the Treasurer. They should provide brief accounts for the tournament, and a justification for the proposed waiver. This should include an explanation of how any surplus would have been used, and a statement as to how the levy will be financed in the event that a waiver is not granted. A waiver is likely to be granted in cases where the event is new, and where any loss would fall personally on the Organiser. Where the event is of regular standing a waiver is unlikely to be granted, as it is expected that the club organising the tournament would have sufficient reserves to cover the occasional loss.

The tournament levy is not charged for youth events.

Underwriting Losses
By approval of the Board, we may also underwrite the costs of tournaments considered important to us, for example events such as the London Open.
Tournament organisers seeking an underwriting arrangement should contact the Treasurer at least 3 months in advance to discuss it. A draft budget will be required.

Supporting Information

We maintain a calendar of tournaments and help tournament organisers to identify free dates and to avoid clashing tournaments and reduced entries to tournaments in consecutive weeks. However, this help is advisory and the date of a tournament is ultimately at the discretion of the tournament organiser.

We recommend that tournament organisers use the Go rules found in our Rules of Play. This document is inspired by the AGA's Official Statement of Rules and our interpretation of those rules BGA Interpretation.

Tournament organisers can get an easy to digest statement of the rules in the AGA Summary to print out for display. Players can get a crib sheet showing guidance in playing by AGA-style rules from Short Guide.

We strongly recommend that tournament organisers make use of the Tournament Organisers' Handbook and the Organisers' Toolbag to establish their tournament rules.

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Last updated Mon May 27 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.