British Go
Journal No. 15. Autumn 1971. Page 12.
The answers to the questions posed on page
BGJ numbered the diagrams differently. Many of the terms
used in this article are linked to the glossary definitions.
1. The opening
- 10 points Black 1 in Dia 1
- There is a bewildering number of places Black would like to play
but black 1, keima,
is the pivot point for both players. Now, after black 1, Black can
devastate the upper side with black 1, white
and black J. On the other hand, if
Black neglects 1 White will play ikkentobi there and swell his moyo on the upper
- 8 points Black 1 in Ref Dia 1a
- Black's shoulder attack 1 is logical, then the sequence up to white
6 is possible. However, this is not quite as good as the correct answer,
so only 8 points.
- 8 points Black 1 in Ref Dia 1b
- Black 1, boshi,
unfortunately encounters white 2. this applies also to black A when
White will again reply at 2. Both black 1 and A score 8 points.
- 7 points A, B, C, D,
- If Black encloses the corner at one of the three points A, B or C,
it is a negative way of playing, so 7 points. Black's uchikomi D looks
good and together with
gets 7 points.
- 6 points E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L
- Black E and F give the impression of being a little loose, allowing
White to enter the corner at the 3-3 point. Like G and H, these moves
get 6 points.
On the upper side Black I, nozoki, and J, uchikomi, allow White I, ikkentobi, so they
are not satisfactory. These plays score 6 points, as do K and L.
- 5 points M, N, O, P, Q, R
- Black plays in the wrong direction by defending the left side with
M & N. Like O, they are unbalanced. 5 points, as for P, Q and R.
- 4 points S
- The numerous S points for Black are all inferior to the previous
moves. Each of them gets 4 points.
- 3 points All other reasonable moves
2. Three-move problem
- 10 points 1 to 3 in Dia 2
- First black 1, the appropriate tesuji to force white 2, then black
3, osae, is the
correct order of moves. After this, if white 4 hane, Black can start a
ko fight with 5. If White plays 5, tsuke, instead of 4, Black destroys White with 4,
sagari. If you gave
black 1 to 3, score 10 points.
- 7 points Black 1 in Ref Dia 2a
- If Black simply plays osae, 1, after white 2 his stones in the corner
are unconditionally captured. This together with any of the tsugi moves, 3, A, B or
C gets 7 points.
- 7 points Black 1 in Ref Dia 2b
- After black 1,
tsuppari, white 2, black 3 is 7 points too.
Black A instead of
3 is also good.
Also 7 points is the variation black B, oki, instead of 1, white
C, black D, white E. Yet another variation for 7 points black D, hane,
white C.
- 6 points Black 1 in Ref Dia 2c
- After black 1,
tsuppari, and white 2, black 3, hane, is a little heavy. If Black
plays tenuki, and
White cuts at A, then black 3 is the point to play. If you answered as
in this diagram 6 points.
- 5 points
- Black B, osae, white 2 then black 3' at A 5 points.
- 4 points Ref Dia 2d
- After black 1, sagari, White's crawling move 2, and black 3, Black
seems to have won the
semeai, but white 4, tsukidashi, prevents this, and after white 6 and
8, Black is captured. 4 points.
- 0 points
- All other moves.
3. Playing inside the opponent's territory
- 10 points Black 1 to 9 in Dia 3
- Black first plays the timely ikken-tobi, 1, then if White answers with tsugi, 2, black 3 is
important. White 4,
tsuke is the utmost he can do and the sequence up to 9 results in
seki, which is the right answer. 10 points.
- 10 points Black 1 to 9 in Ref Dia 3a
- If White plays 2, tsuppari in answer to black 1, black 3 and 5 are
inevitable. Then white 6 to black 9 results in seki with White's sente.
This is also a correct answer with 10 points.
If Black tries 7
instead of his 3, after white 5 he loses through meari-menashi (A semeai
where the opponent has one eye and the other player none.).
- 8 points Black 1 to white 10 in Ref Dia 3b
- After black 1 to black 9, White can only makea seki in gote, so
this answer gets 8 points.
- 5 points
- If White fills in a liberty at A instead of playing 8, Black
creates a ko with
kosumi B, 5 points.
- 7 points Black 1 to 6 in Ref Dia 3c
- In this variation, after black 3, ate, and white 4, black 5 causes a great loss for
White. White has made a mistake involving the capture of 8 of his
stones, so only 7 points.
- 0 points
- Other moves for black 1, e.g. 2, sagari, all fail.
This article is from the
British Go Journal
Issue 15
which is one of a series of back issues now available on the web.
Last updated Thu May 04 2017.
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