Book List - Publisher Code Order
Most of the major publishers of Go books in English include a code number on each book. This page lists books by their publisher/publisher code/type code, title and approximate year of publication / copyright date.
Some books are also published in electronic format, as well as paper. Those only published electronically are not listed. A list is maintained at SmartGo Books. Also pamphlets and leaflets are ot listed.
We also have lists of all the known books that have been published in English, sorted by:
AM | The Theory of Go (Tony Yang/Han Han) | 2024 |
AM | Vital Endgame: The Shape of Things to Come | 2024 |
AM | Trouble Master Vol. 2 (Inseong Hwang) | 2024 |
AM | Trouble Master Vol. 1 (Inseong Hwang) | 2023 |
AM | Buddhist Philosophy and the Game of Go (Cobb) | 2021 |
AM | AlphaGo Opening Research: From Joseki to the Middle Game | 2019 |
AM | Deep Learning and the Game of Go | 2019 |
AM | Go With The Flow (Cho Hunhyun's memoirs) | 2019 |
AM | Using AlphaGo's Enlarged Corner Enclosures (Yuan Zhou) | 2019 |
AM | Ke Jie vs. Park Junghwan: The Battle to be Number One (Yuan Zhou) | 2018 |
AM | Playing AlphaGo's Early 3-3 Invasion (Yuan Zhou) | 2018 |
AM | 50 impressive moves at AlphaGo vs AlphaGo self-play games | 2017 |
AM | 20 impressive moves at AlphaGo Zero vs AlphaGo Master | 2017 |
BEG | Beginning Go (Shotwell & Long) | 2008 |
BEG | Four Great Games (Hoskins) | 1998 |
BEG | Game of Go (Macfadyen) | 1998 |
BEG | Go A Guide to the game (DB Pritchard) | 1973 |
BEG | Go and Go-Moku (Lasker) | 1934 |
BEG | Go Basics (Shotwell) | 2006 |
BEG | Go For Beginners (Penguin) | 1976 |
BEG | Go Fundamentals (Kishikawa) - was Steppingstones to Go | 2009 |
BEG | Go More Than A Game (Shotwell) | 2003 |
BEG | Go! (How to Play GO + Vital Points of Go) (Takagawa) | 1982 |
BEG | Goh or Wei Chi (Horace F. Cheshire) | 1911 |
BEG | How to Play Go (Takagawa) | 1956 |
BEG | How to Play Go. A Concise Introduction (by Bozulich/Davies) | 2016 |
BEG | Invitation to Go Vol 1 (Fairbairn) | 1977 |
BEG | Learn to Play Go (Barrs) | 1962 |
BEG | Steppingstones to Go (Kishikawa) | 1965 |
BEG | Teach Yourself Go by Charles Matthews | 1999 |
BEG | The Book of Go (Cobb) | 2002 |
BEG | The Game of Go (Smith) | 1908 |
BEG | The Game of Wei-Chi (Pecorini and Shu) | 1929 |
BEG | The Vital Points of Go (Takagawa) | 1958 |
BEG | The Way of Go (Anderson) | 2004 |
BEG | Theory and Practice of Go (Korschelt) | 1880 |
BEG | Winning Go (Bozulich & Shotwell) | 2010 |
BIB | BiblioGo | 2004 |
BNS | 180 Tsuemego (Vol. 1 Dan Level) | 2023 |
BNS | 36 Stratagems | 2023 |
BNS | 500 Go Problems: Base level White | 2023 |
BNS | 500 Go Problems: Are You Ready for Yellow? | 2023 |
BNS | 500 Go Problems: Are You Ready for Green? | 2023 |
BNS | 500 Go Problems: Are You Ready for Orange? | 2023 |
BNS | 500 Go Problems: Are You Ready for Blue? | 2023 |
BNS | 500 Go Problems: Are You Ready for Brown? | 2023 |
BNS | A Step a Day to Improve | 2024 |
BNS(CART) | Aji's Quest | 2021 |
BNS | Banri Ikku: Under One Sky | 2024 |
BNS | Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (30Kyu - 25Kyu) | 2013 |
BNS | Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (25Kyu - 20Kyu) | 2013 |
BNS | Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (20Kyu - 15Kyu) | 2015 |
BNS | Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (15Kyu - 10Kyu) | 2019 |
BNS | Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (10kyu - 5Kyu) | 2019 |
BNS | Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (5kyu - 1kyu) | 2019 |
BNS | Cosmic Go (Takemiya) | 2022 |
BNS | Go As Communication | 2021 |
BNS | Go Stones Never Age | 2023 |
BNS | How Strong is Your Go? | 2021 |
BNS | How to Play Go the AI Way! | 2020 |
BNS | Keep Fit! with the 5x5 board | 2021 |
BNS | Seven: The Go Super Match | 2021 |
BNS | The Elephant in the Paddy - Tsumego in Pictures | 2013 |
BNS | The Most Difficult Problem Ever: Igo Hatsuyoron 120 | 2011 |
BOOR | The Protracted Game: A Wei-Ch'i Interpretation of Maoist Revolutionary Strategy (Boorman) | 1969 |
BT | Commented Games by Lee Sedol Vol. 2 | 2013 |
BT | Commented Games by Lee Sedol Vol. 3 | 2017 |
BT | Commented Games by Lee Sedol Vol. 1 | 2012 |
BTV | Baduk Classic: The Art of Closing Vol. 1 - 6 | 2014 |
BTV | Baduk Classic: The Profound and Mysterious Vol. 1 - 4 | 2014 |
CART | Almost Sente | 2002 |
CART | Stones | 1997 |
CS | Four-Stone Games Pt. 1 | 2014 |
CS | Four-Stone Games Pt. 2 | 2014 |
CS | Games of Wonder | 2014 |
CS | Go Book of Peach Blossom Spring | 2014 |
CS | Go Fundamentals | 2016 |
CS | Path to Go | 2016 |
CS | The Celestial Arsenal | 2015 |
CS | Three-Stone Games | 2013 |
DM | Diabolical: Life and Death Training, Problems Vol. 1 | 2021 |
DM | Diabolical 1-50 Answers & Analysis Edition | 2021 |
EGF | 2nd EGF Ing Cup | 1991 |
EGO1 | Eurogo Vol. 1 (History to 1950) | 2004 |
EGO2 | Eurogo Vol. 2 (History 1949-1968) | 2005 |
EGO3 | Eurogo Vol. 3 (History 1968-1988) | 2006 |
EZGO | Oriental Strategy in a Nutshell (EZ-GO) | 1996 |
G46 | Cho Hun-Hyun: Life and Master Games (Ishi/Nemesis) | 1999 |
GGG | Relentless: Lee Sedol vs Gu Li | 2015 |
H01 | Vital Points & Skilful Finesse for Sabaki (Yoda) | 2006 |
H02 | Pure & Simple Takao's Astute Use of Brute Force | 2007 |
H03 | Perceiving the Direction of Play | 2007 |
H04 | Catching Scent of Victory | 2007 |
H05 | Otake's Secrets of Strategy | 2008 |
H06 | Changing One's Conceptions | 2008 |
H07 | The Way of Creating a Thick and Strong Game | 2008 |
H08 | Zone Press Park | 2008 |
H09 | Breakthrough Attacking Power | 2008 |
H10 | This is Go the Natural Way | 2008 |
H11 | Shuko: the Only Move - Joseki Fuseki Collection | 2008 |
H12 | Shuko: the Only Move - Fighting Middlegame Collection | 2009 |
H13 | The Art of Positional Analysis (The Best of Kido) | 2012 |
H14 | The Ins and Outs of Life and Death (The Best of Kido) | 2012 |
H15 | The Theory and Practice of Tsumego (Shikshin) | 2013 |
H16 | The Theory and Practice of Semeai (Shikshin) | 2013 |
H17 | The Theory and Practice of Shapes (Shikshin) | 2013 |
H18 | The Theory and Practice of Analysis (Shikshin) | 2013 |
H5 | Mathematical Go Endgames (Berlekamp and Wolfe) | 1994 |
HK00 | Hankuk Kiwon Guide Book | 2000 |
HOP | So You Want to Play Go? 1 (Jonathan Hop) | 2008 |
HOP | So You Want to Play Go? 2 (Jonathan Hop) | 2008 |
HOP | So You Want to Play Go? 3 (Jonathan Hop) | 2008 |
HOP | So You Want to Play Go? 4 (Jonathan Hop) | 2012 |
HV | Gokyo Shumyo | 2022 |
HV | After Joseki and Fuseki | 2022 |
HV | 100 AI Joseki | 2020 |
HV | Rational Endgame by Antti Tormanen | 2019 |
HV | Invisible: The Games of AlphaGo | 2017 |
JF | 100 Games of Chen Zixian: and his place in China's go history | 2023 |
JF | Brush, Ink, Go (1662) | 2023 |
JF | Eminence grise: The Life and Times of SEGOE KENSAKU | 2023 |
JF | Five-star Kita Fumiko | 2023 |
JF | Go in old Okinawa | 2023 |
JF | Great Unexpectations: Go's first media match: Honinbo Shusau versus Nakagawa Senji | 2023 |
JF | The Survivors: Matches between Go Seigen and Iwamoto Kaoru 1948 ~ 1954 | 2022 |
JF | Ogawa Doteki, Go Prodigy | 2022 |
JF | Kamakura (2nd edition) | 2022 |
JF | Go Seigen versus Archers of Yue | 2021 |
JF | Wizadry from the Stone Chamber (1590) | 2021 |
JF | Evergreen Go Records (1682) | 2021 |
JF | Evening Fragrance Pavilion (1754) | 2020 |
JF | The Incident Room: Transgressions on and off the Go board | 2020 |
JF | The First Teenage Meijin | 2020 |
JF | Games of Shuei | 2020 |
JF | Genjo-Chitoku: Friends and Rivals at the Pinnacle of the Go World | 2019 |
JF | Meijin of Meijins: The Life and Times of Honinbo Shuei | 2015 |
K00 | Invincible: the Games of Shusaku (Paperback) | 1996 |
K00H | Invincible: the Games of Shusaku (Hardback) | 1982 |
K01 | Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol 1 | 1968 |
K02 | Basic Techniques of Go | 1969 |
K03 | Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol 2 | 1970 |
K04 | International Handbook | 1970 |
K05 | The Middle Game of Go Vol. 1 | 1971 |
K06 | Strategic Concepts of Go | 1972 |
K07 | The 1971 Honinbo Tournament | 1972 |
K08 | Go for Beginners (Ishi) | 1972 |
K10 | In The Beginning | 1973 |
K11 | 38 Basic Joseki | 1973 |
K12 | Tesuji | 1975 |
K13 | Life and Death | 1975 |
K14 | Attack and Defense | 1980 |
K15 | The Endgame | 1976 |
K16 | Handicap Go | 1982 |
K17 | Kage's Secret Chronicles of Handicap go | 1975 |
K18 | Test Your Go Strength (What's Your Rating?) | 1991 |
K18 (G18) | What's Your Rating? | 1975 |
K19 | The Breakthrough to Shodan | 1976 |
K20 | Essential Go Proverbs | 2023 |
K21 | Dictionary of Basic Joseki by Yoshio Ishida, Vol. 1 | 1977 |
K22 | Dictionary of Basic Joseki by Yoshio Ishida, Vol. 2 | 1977 |
K23 | Dictionary of Basic Joseki by Yoshio Ishida, Vol. 3 | 1977 |
K24 | Enclosure Josekis | 1983 |
K25 | Appreciating Famous Games | 1977 |
K26 | The Direction of Play | 1979 |
K27 | Kato's Attack and Kill | 1978 |
K28 | Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go | 1978 |
K29 | Reducing Territorial Frameworks | 1986 |
K30 | Introduction to Go | 1984 |
K31 | The Second Book of Go (Kiseido) | 1998 |
K31 (G31) | The Second Book of Go (Ishi) | 1982 |
K32 | The Power of the Starpoint | 1988 |
K33 | The Chinese Opening | 1989 |
K34 | All About Thickness | 1990 |
K35 | Great Joseki Debates | 1992 |
K36 | Opening Theory Made Easy | 1992 |
K37 | Beyond Forcing Moves | 1994 |
K40 | Go Player's Almanac (2001 edition) | 2001 |
K40 (G40) | Go Player's Almanac (1992 edition) | 1992 |
K41 | 21st Century Dictionary of Basic Joseki 1 | 2011 |
K41 (G41) | The Magic of Go | 1988 |
K42 | 21st Century Dictionary of Basic Joseki 2 | 2012 |
K42 (G42) | All About Life and Death, Vol. 1 | 1993 |
K43 (G43) | All About Life and Death, Vol. 2 | 1993 |
K44 | The 3-3 Point | 1991 |
K45 | Positional Judgment | 1989 |
K46 / GGP1 | Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 1 | 1985 |
K47 / GGP2 | Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 2 | 1985 |
K48 / GGP3 | Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 3 | 1987 |
K49 / GGP4 | Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 4 | 1990 |
K50 | Go: A Complete Introduction to the Game | 1997 |
K51 | Get Strong at the Opening | 1996 |
K52 | Get Strong at Joseki Vol. 1 | 1995 |
K53 | Get Strong at Joseki Vol. 2 | 1996 |
K54 | Get Strong at Joseki Vol. 3 | 1996 |
K55 | Get Strong at Invading | 1995 |
K56 | Get Strong at Tesuji | 1996 |
K57 | Get Strong at the Endgame | 1997 |
K58 | Get Strong at Life and Death | 1997 |
K59 | Get Strong at Handicap Go | 1998 |
K60 | Get Strong at Attacking | 2000 |
K61 | Graded Go Problems for Dan Players, Vol. 1 (300 Life-and-Death problems) | 2010 |
K62 | Graded Go Problems for Dan Players, Vol. 2 (300 Tesuji Problems) | 2010 |
K63 | Graded Go Problems for Dan Players, Vol. 3 (300 Joseki Problems) | 2010 |
K64 | Graded Go Problems for Dan Players, Vol. 4 (300 Life-and-Death Problems) | 2012 |
K65 | Graded Go Problems for Dan Players, Vol. 5 (300 Tesuji Problems) | 2012 |
K66 | Graded Go Problems for Dan Players, Vol. 6 (300 Joseki Problems) | 2016 |
K67 | Graded Go Problems for Dan Players, Vol. 7 (256 Opening and Middle Game Problems) | 2011 |
K69 | Cosmic Go | 1999 |
K70 | The World of Chinese Go by Guo Juan | 2000 |
K71 | Five Hundred and One Opening Problems | 2002 |
K72 | One Thousand and One Life-and-Death Problems | 2002 |
K73 | Making Good Shape | 2002 |
K74 | Five Hundred and One Tesuji Problems | 2005 |
K75 | The Basics of Go Strategy | 2007 |
K76 | All about Ko | 2007 |
K77 | Attacking and Defending Moyos | 2010 |
K78 | Fight Like a Pro: Secrets of Kiai | 2012 |
K79 | An Encyclopedia of Go Principles | 2015 |
K80 | Close Encounters with the Middle Game | 2016 |
K81 | Dictionary of Modern Fuseki—The Korean Style | 2004 |
K82 | The Road Map to Shodan Vol. 1: Handicap-Go Strategy and the Sanrensei Opening | 2014 |
K83 | The Road Map to Shodan Vol. 2: The Basic Principles of the Opening and Middle Game | 2014 |
K84 | The Road Map to Shodan Vol. 3: The Basic Life and Death Positions | 2014 |
K85 | The Road Map to Shodan Vol. 4: A Survey of the Basic Tesujis | 2015 |
K86 | The Road Map to Shodan Vol. 5: Opening and Middle Game Go Problems for Kyu Players | 2019 |
K87 | Sabaki - The Art of Settling Stones | 2018 |
K88 | Attacking and Defending Weak Groups | 2018 |
K89 | Fuseki Revolution How AI Has Changed Go | 2021 |
K90 | Joseki Revolution Overthrowing Conventional Wisdom | 2022 |
K91 | Modern Master Games Vol. 1: The Dawn of Tournament Go | 2012 |
K92 | Modern Master Games Vol. 2: 2014 Ten-Game Match Between Lee Sedol & Gu Li Part 1 | 2014 |
K93 | Modern Master Games Vol. 3: 2014 Ten-Game Match Between Lee Sedol & Gu Li Part 2 | 2015 |
K94 | Weird and Wonderful Vol. 1 | 2022 |
K99 | An Asian Paradigm For Business Strategy | 1995 |
KBA | Think Like a Pro, Vol. 1, Haengma (shape) - 2nd edition | 2023 |
KBA | Mastering Basic Corner Shapes - Step-by-step | 2022 |
KPP1 | Tournament Go 1992 | 1996 |
LPG1 | Learn to Play Go, Vol. 1: A Master's Guide to the Ultimate Game | 1994 |
LPG2 | Learn to Play Go, Vol. 2: The Way of the Horse | 1995 |
LPG3 | Learn to Play Go, Vol. 3: The Dragon Style | 1996 |
LPG4 | Learn to Play Go, Vol. 4: Battle Strategies | 1997 |
LPG5 | Learn to Play Go, Vol. 5: The Palace of Memories | 2003 |
MOFF | Games of Go (Moffatt) | 2009 |
MOFF | Learn Go (Moffatt) | 2009 |
MOFF | Go By Example (Moffatt) | 2011 |
MOFF | More Go By Example (Moffatt) | 2012 |
OHP | Outside the Board: Diary of a Professional Go player (Hajin Lee) | 2016 |
ORO | 100 Tips for Amateur Players, Vol. 1 | 2007 |
ORO | 100 Tips for Amateur Players, Vol. 2 | 2008 |
ORO | 100 Tips for Amateur Players, Vol. 3 | 2010 |
ORO | 21st Century Baduk for Beginers | 2009 |
ORO | After Joseki | 2009 |
ORO | Baduk Made Fun and Easy, Vol. 1 | 2007 |
ORO | Baduk Made Fun and Easy, Vol. 2 | 2008 |
ORO | Baduk Made Fun and Easy, Vol. 3 | 2009 |
ORO | Contemporary Go Terms | 2004 |
ORO | Creative Life and Death | 2009 |
ORO | Creative Life and Death, Vol. 2 | 2010 |
ORO | Imagination of a Go Master | 2009 |
ORO | Inspiration of a Pro (Kim) | 2009 |
ORO | Jungsuk in our Time | 2000 |
ORO | Korean Style of Baduk: Vol. 1 | 2007 |
ORO | Level Up 1 | 2008 |
ORO | Level Up 2 | 2009 |
ORO | Level Up 3 | 2009 |
ORO | Level Up 4 | 2009 |
ORO | Level Up 5 | 2009 |
ORO | Level Up Review 1 | 2009 |
ORO | Life of 100 Years Seems like a Game of Baduk | 2008 |
ORO | Master of Haengma | 2010 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Answers (1-3) | 2003 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Answers (4-6) | 2008 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Answers (7-9) | 2009 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Answers (10-12) | 2009 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 1 | 2003 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 2 | 2003 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 3 | 2003 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 4 | 2008 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 5 | 2008 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 6 | 2008 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 7 | 2009 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 8 | 2009 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 9 | 2009 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 10 | 2009 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 11 | 2009 |
ORO/HV | Speed Baduk for Beginners: Vol. 12 | 2009 |
ORO | The Best Game Records of 2009 | 2010 |
ORO | The Road to One Dan: Vol. 1 | 2006 |
ORO | Think Like a Pro, Vol. 1, Haengma (shape) | 2006 |
ORO | Think Like a Pro, Vol. 2, Pae (ko) | 2006 |
ORO | This is Haengma | 2010 |
ORO | Train Like a Pro, Answers | 2005 |
ORO | Train Like a Pro, Vol. 1 | 2005 |
ORO | Train Like a Pro, Vol. 2 | 2005 |
PAIR | Pair Go | 1996 |
PROV | Go Proverbs (Mitchell) | 1980 |
PROV | Go Proverbs Illustrated | 1960 |
PUZ | BGA Puzzle Book and Answers | 2002 |
RJ | Basic Endgame Problems Vol. 1 Gote | 2023 |
RJ | Basic Endgame Problems Vol. 2 Sente | 2023 |
RJ | Capturing Races 1: Two Basic Groups | 2011 |
RJ | Capturing Races 2: Tactical Problems | 2020 |
RJ | Easy Learning Joseki | 2014 |
RJ | Endgame Vol. 1 Fundamentals | 2014 |
RJ | Endgame Vol. 2 Values | 2018 |
RJ | Endgame Vol. 3 Accurate Local Evaluation | 2019 |
RJ | Endgame Vol. 4 Global Move Order | 2021 |
RJ | Endgame Vol. 5 Mathematics | 2021 |
RJ | Endgame Problems Vol. 1 | 2019 |
RJ | Fighting Fundamentals | 2013 |
RJ | First Fundamentals | 2012 |
RJ | First Life and Death | 2016 |
RJ | Joseki Vol. 1: Fundamentals | 2009 |
RJ | Joseki Vol. 2: Strategy | 2011 |
RJ | Joseki Vol. 3: Dictionary | 2012 |
RJ | Life and Death Problems 1 Basics | 2013 |
RJ | Positional Judgement Vol. 1: Territory | 2013 |
RJ | Positional Judgement Vol. 2: Dynamics | 2015 |
RJ | Psychology | 2020 |
RJ | Tactical Reading | 2015 |
SONG | BGA Song Book | 1989 |
SONG | Go Player's Song Book | 1996 |
SSAD001 | New Moves | 2010 |
SSAG001 | 400 Years of Go in Japan | 2006 |
SSAGA01 | Masterpieces of Handicap Go, Vol. 1 | 2001 |
SSAGA02 | Masterpieces of Handicap Go, Vol. 2 | 2001 |
SSAGA03 | Keshi and Uchikomi | 2002 |
SSAGA06 | Learning From the Masters, Vol. 1 | 1999 |
SSAGA07 | Learning From the Masters, Vol. 2 | 2003 |
SSDM001 | Go Proverbs (Mitchell) | 2001 |
SSFS001 | Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Vol. 1 | 2004 |
SSFS002 | Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Vol. 2 | 2005 |
SSFS003 | Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Vol. 3 | 2006 |
SSFS004 | Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Vol. 4 | 2007 |
SSFY001 | The Best Play | 2004 |
SSGF001 | Simple Tesuji | 2012 |
SSGJ001 | All About Joseki | 2004 |
SSGR001 | Improve Your Intuition, Vol. 1 | 2001 |
SSGR002 | Improve Your Intuition, Vol. 2 | 2001 |
SSGR003 | Improve Your Intuition, Vol. 3 | 2001 |
SSGR004 | Come Up To Shodan | 2001 |
SSGR005 | Life and Death: Intermediate Problems | 2001 |
SSGS101 | A Way to Play for the 21st Century (Whole Board Press) | 1999 |
SSIK001 | Invasions (2nd Ed: Invasion in Common Go Postions) | 2014 |
SSIK002 | Reductions (2nd Ed: Reuction in Common Go Postions) | 2014 |
SSJF001 | The Go Companion (Fairbairn/Hall) | 2009 |
SSJF002 | Kamakura (Fairbairn) | 2009 |
SSJF003 | The Go Consultants (Fairbairn/Hall) | 2009 |
SSJF004 | The Final Summit (Fairbairn) | 2009 |
SSJF005 | 9-Dan Showdown (Fairbairn) | 2010 |
SSJF006 | The Meijin's Retirement Game (Fairbairn) | 2010 |
SSJF007 | Old Fuseki v New Joseki (Fairbairn) | 2011 |
SSJF008/9 | Power / Brilliance (Fairbairn) | 2012 |
SSJR001 | Mastering the Basics of Go | 2004 |
SSLH001 | Liping Huang's Problem Series Volume 1 | 2003 |
SSMJ001 | Punishing and Correction Joseki Mistakes | 2003 |
SSMR001 | The ABC’s of Attack and Defense | 2002 |
SSMR002 | Patterns of the San-Ren-Sei | 2011 |
SSMR003 | Modern Masters Vol. 1 | 2015 |
SSNN001 | Treasure Chest Enigma - Ed2 | 2005 |
SSRH001 | Cross Cut Workshop | 2001 |
SSRH002 | Monkey Jump Workshop | 2002 |
SSRH003 | Counting Liberties | 2003 |
SSRH004 | Key Concepts in Life and Death | 2007 |
SSRM001 | Magic on the First Line | 2010 |
SSSH001 | 200 Endgame Problems | 2003 |
SSSH002 | 200 Tesuji Problems | 2004 |
SSTW001 | Mastering Ladders | 2008 |
SSWC001 | Go Problems for Kyu Level Players, Vol. 1 | 2003 |
SSWC002 | Go Problems for Kyu Level Players, Vol. 2 | 2003 |
SSWC003 | Go Problems for Kyu Level Players, Vol. 3 | 2003 |
SSWC005 | Go Problems for Kyu Level Players, Vol. 4 | 2002 |
SSWC006 | Go Problems for Kyu Level Players, Vol. 5 | 2004 |
SSWC007 | Go Problems for Kyu Level Players, Vol. 6 | 2005 |
SSWC008 | Reflections on the Game of Go | 2004 |
SSWC010 | 4-4 Point Joeski - A brief introduction | 2006 |
SSWC011 | Playing the Endgame a brief Introduction | 2007 |
SSYY001 | Yilun Yang's Go Puzzles, Vol. 1 | 2001 |
SSYY002 | Whole Board Thinking in Joseki (Vol. 1) (Fourth Line Press) | 1996 |
SSYY003 | Whole Board Thinking in Joseki (Vol. 2) (Fourth Line Press) | 1997 |
SSYY004 | Yilun Yang's Go Puzzles, Vol. 2 | 2002 |
SSYY006 | Fundamental Principles of Go | 2004 |
SSYY007 | The Workshop Lectures Vol. 1 | 2006 |
SSYY008 | The Workshop Lectures Vol. 2 | 2006 |
SSYY009 | The Workshop Lectures Vol. 3 | 2007 |
SSYY010 | The Workshop Lectures Vol. 4 | 2008 |
SSYY011 | The Workshop Lectures Vol. 5 | 2008 |
SSYY012 | The Workshop Lectures Vol. 6 | 2009 |
SSYY101 | Go as Communication | 2002 |
SSYY102 | Let’s Play Go | 2004 |
SSYZ001 | Understanding How to Play Go | 2001 |
SSYZ004 | How to Play Handicap Go | 2002 |
SSYZ005 | Master Play: The Style of Lee Changho | 2007 |
SSYZ006 | Master Play: The Style of Go Seigen | 2008 |
SSYZ007 | Master Play: The Style of Takemiya | 2008 |
SSYZ008 | Master Play: The Fighting Styles of Kato Masao and Seo Bong Soo | 2009 |
SSYZ009 | Master Play: The Territorial Styles of Kitani Minoru and Cho Chikun | 2009 |
SSYZ011 | How Not to Play Go | 2009 |
SSYZ012 | Understanding Dan Level Play | 2010 |
SSYZ014 | Master Play: The Playing Styles of Seven Top Pros | 2010 |
SSYZ015 | Learning From Pro Games (Yuan Zhou) | 2012 |
SSYZ016 | Single Digit Kyu Commentaries | 2013 |
SSYZ017 | Deep Thought | 2013 |
SSYZ018 | The Chinese Opening | 2013 |
SSYZ019 | Whole Board Opening Problems (2nd Ed: Lessons in Opening Strategy) | 2014 |
SSYZ020 | Master Play: The Style of Lee Sedol | 2015 |
SSYZ021 | The Young Chinese Go Masters | 2015 |
SSYZ022 | Deep Thought Vol. 2 | 2015 |
SSYZ023 | Master Play: The Style of Iyama Yuta | 2016 |
SSYZ024 | AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol | 2017 |
SSYZ025 | The New Territorial Style | 2017 |
SSYZ026 | AlphaGo vs Ke Jie | 2017 |
SSYZ027 | Rethinking Opening Strategy: AlphaGo's Impact on Pro Play | 2018 |
Surma | You Won't Get Dumber While Thinking Vols. 1-6 | 2018 |
WAGC | 12th WAGC | 1990 |
Y01 | Killer of Go | 1994 |
Y02 | Trick Plays | 1995 |
Y03 | Nie Weiping on Go | 1995 |
Y04 | Fighting Ko | 1995 |
Y05 | 100 Challenging Go Problems | 1995 |
Y06 | Tesuji and Anti-Suji | 1995 |
Y07 | Utilising Outward Influence | 1995 |
Y08 | The Thirty-six Stratagems Applied to Go | 1996 |
Y09 | The Art of Connecting Stones | 1996 |
Y10 | Dramatic Moments on the Go Board | 1996 |
Y11 | Master Go in Ten Days | 1996 |
Y12 | Golden Opportunities | 1996 |
Y13 | Pro-Pro Handicap Go | 1997 |
Y14 | Ingenious Life and Death Puzzles Vol. 1 | 1996 |
Y15 | Ingenious Life and Death Puzzles Vol. 2 | 1997 |
Y16 | Igo Hatsuyo-ron, Vol. 1 | 1996 |
Y17 | Beauty and the Beast | 1996 |
Y18 | Rescue and Capture | 1997 |
Y19 | Power Builder, Vol. 1 | 1997 |
Y20 | Cho Hun-hyeon's Lectures on Go Techniques Vol. 1 | 1996 |
Y21 | Winning a Won Game | 1998 |
Y22 | Essential Joseki | 1998 |
Y23 | Proverbs—NK Handbook Vol. 1 | 1998 |
Y24 | Strategic Fundamentals in Go | 1999 |
Y25 | The Art of Go: Capturing Stones | 1996 |
Y26 | Lee Changho's Novel Plays and Shapes | 2000 |
Y27 | Galactic Go | 2000 |
Y28 | Fuseki—NK Handbook Vol. 2 | 2000 |
Y29 | Tricks in Joseki | 2001 |
Y30 | Star Point Joseki—NK Handbook Vol. 3 | 2001 |
Y31 | Go for Kids | 2001 |
Y32 | Galactic Go Vol. 2 | 2002 |
Y33 | Handicap Go—NK Handbook Vol. 4 | 2001 |
Y34 | A Scientific Introduction to Go | 2002 |
Y35 | Power Builder, Vol. 2 | 1997 |
Y36 | Even Game Joseki—NK Handbook Vol. 5 | 2003 |
Y37 | Step up to a Higher Level | 2004 |
Y38 | Whole Board Living Tesujis | 2004 |
Y39 | Dictionary of Basic Fuseki, Vol. 1 | 2004 |
Y40 | Dictionary of Basic Fuseki, Vol. 2 | 2005 |
Y41 | Weichi in Culture | 2006 |
Y42 | New Go Proverbs Illustrated | 2006 |
Y43 | A Journey in Search of the Origins of Go | 2005 |
Y44 | Cho Hun-Hyun's Lectures on the Opening V1 | 2005 |
Y45 | 21st Century New Openings | 2007 |
Y46 | Dictionary of Basic Fuseki, Vol. 3 | 2008 |
Y47 | Magic of Placements | 2009 |
Y48 | Cho Hun-hyeon's Lectures on Go Techniques Vol. 2 | 2009 |
Y49 | 21st Century New Openings Vol. 2 | 2010 |
Y50 | Dictionary of Basic Fuseki, Vol. 4 | 2010 |
Y51 | Cho Hun-hyeon's Lectures on Go Techniques Vol. 3 | 2010 |
YGS | Go Shapes Resolve | 2006 |
YPW | Go: An Application of the Principles of War | 2002 |
ZEPT | Top European Players Training | 2008 |
Codes shown are the publishers code if available or the publisher.
Beginners books from general publishers are shown BEG. Cartoon books are shown CART.
- Books published by Hinoki Press are Hnn
- Books published by Kiseido start K (Ishi code G)
- Books published by Slate and Shell start SS
- Books published by Yutopian start Y
- Books published by Oromedia shown ORO
- Books published by Robert Jasiek are shown RJ
- Books published by Baduktopia shown BT
- Books published by CreateSpace shown CS
- Books published by Amazon shown AM
- Books by John Fairbairn published by Amazon shown JF
- Books published by Hebsacker Verlag shown HV
- Books published by Board N'Stones shown BNS
- Books published by Neil Moffatt shown MOFF
- Books published by Old Hickory Press shown OHP
- Books by David Mitchell shown DM
- Books by Korean Baduk Association etc shown KBA
Last updated Fri Feb 07 2025.
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If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.