UK Beat Spain to Stay Top

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 13 Feb 2024

The fourth match of the season was against Spain. Bruno, Scott and Des won, but Toby lost, meaning the team again won 3-1. This cemented their lead at the top of C-League.

League Page with game records

Bruno Poltronieri wrote: I won my game by 17.5 against Ignacio Cernuda. I was slightly ahead after the opening after the result on the bottom side, but started a questionable fight on the left. My opponent played some equally questionable moves and we came out of it roughly even. I then gained my lead gradually in the endgame.

Scott Cobbold wrote of his game against Paco de la Banda: At the start there was quite a complicated fight, however I came out better. In the following part of the game he then overplayed a lot, first dying in my corner and then in his own corner, before continuing on for over 100 moves despite being over 50 points behind.

Des Cann wrote about his game: Bit Rusty. My opponent, Jesus Roldan, started our game with completely the wrong time limit. I spotted komi was wrong, but played for twenty minutes before I twigged it shouldn't be a ten minute game. However he didn't know the crosscut tesuji! So I got a big advantage early and despite a few mistakes (according to AI) nothing actually went seriously wrong. I let him have a couple of stones in the centre, but got a seventy point left side. He then started playing like an old fashioned two dan hacking away in a pointless way when it was far too late. He eventually resigned.

Toby Manning wrote about his game with Enrique Jimenez: Afraid I lost. A large-scale fight developed, but I played a few inaccuracies then misread some aji (losing a few stones, nothing serious), but all the time I was getting behind - I then had to win the fight to have a chance. He then overplayed, started an unnecessary ko but I misread his ko threat - thought I had a good counter, wrong - and it was curtains.

Last updated Wed Feb 14 2024.
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