UK Struggled Against South Africa

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 21 May 2024

With the UK already promoted they just had to turn up and avoid a match point penalty. Unfortunately Scott Cobbold tried to arrange his game against Victor Chow on the Sunday before, but failed to make the game and the team occurred a two board point penalty. The others did show up with a win for Des Cann and close losses for Jon Diamond and Alison Bexfield, allowing second placed South Africa a three-one win to finish just one match point behind the UK and earn the play-off place.

So the final C-League ordering was UK, South Africa, Spain, Slovakia, Kyrgyzstan, Denmark, Slovenia and Norway.

League Page with game records

Jon Diamond wrote: It was all going so well against Andrew Davies, despite his problems keeping online connection. However, I contrived to throw away more than 10 points almost at the end and so lost...

Des Cann wrote about his game: I won my game against Rocco Vivier. I was in control most of the game and cut off a group at the beginning that grew large and should have died, but I got move order wrong. I was still ahead but played less than optimally at times. I lost a small group at the top which didn't matter, but tenukied from there later when he could have killed a larger group but he didn't spot it. Won by 17.5 in the end.

Alison Bexfield wrote about her game against Ben Bredenkamp: I lost my game. I was not playing at my best. Both myself and my opponent made mistakes in the middle game giving up stones. I made more mistakes and lost by 2.5 points.

Last updated Wed May 22 2024.
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